Hey y'all! I was wondering if anyone has found any zipper pencil pouches (the type for three ring binders/folders) on sale? What's the cheapest price you've seen?
I have been looking and looking. I want some that come in bulk. I have been seeing them for the cheapest at $1.00. Some supposed to have been at Rite Aid for .50 cents this week, but the one in my town did not have any.
Cool tip I got at a training: If your students lose or damage the ones you buy them, you can make them backup pouches. Use a gallon-sized Ziplock bag. Reenforce the non-zipper end with heavy-duty tape. Punch holes through the tape. Voila!
TampaTeacher, I'm all about saving money. Thanks for that suggestion. I might just try the gallon ziplock bags.
Cool! I haven't actually tried this yet, but I don't foresee any problems. They may not be super durable, but they'd be cheap enough to replace as needed.
We bought 200 of them in bulk from Classroom Direct for about 40 cents each. They were the clear plastic kind.
Why is it that the plastic boxes are about $.50 at their cheapest yet the zippered bags don't seem to get very cheap?! I'm looking for them too so I can to a S.A.F.A.R.I. book (like a B.E.E. book) and also so they can keep things in their desk (they didn't bring any last year).
I like the idea of taping ziplock bags. Is duct tape too strong to hole punch? What kind of tape do you use? It is frustrating that you can find pencil boxes for a penny, but all the pouches are about a dollar
Oh they still had the .01 boxes at Staples the other day. They had a limit of 2 at a time. But I'd just keep putting them in my car and going back in!
Iteach2 at Staples disregard the limits that they have in their ads. Teachers at my Staples can get a limit of 25 if they show their school id. Ask the people at your Staples. That can save you trips.
With the 1 cent pencil boxes the sale ends today, so get there!! I was able to get enough for all my students, inserted a pencil from the 1 cent pencil sale, a Homework pass from Vista Business Card, and slapped on a Happy Birthday label made through Vista! Bingo! the perfect Birthday gift for my students and maybe cost 10-15 cents a piece ( I split with 3 other teachers, too) Just an idea to help others out!!! dbelmo