So in my search for that Thanksgiving poem, I came across this on another forum....I missed doing the halloween one this year, so I'm going to do this! Thought I would pass on the fun here in case people want to start their own! Gobble! Gobble! You’ve Been Turkey-feathered! The air is cool, the season fall, Soon Thanksgiving will come to all. Turkeys and pumpkins, pies galore Friends and family arrive at your door. But turkeys are hiding, feathers are flying, In fact, one plump gobbler on you is spying! Quick! Copy this note, no, make it two, Then pass on the fun, but leave no clue. Two more friends with smiles on their faces, All for the gift you left at their places. Please join the fun no matter the weather, Spread the cheer with a new turkey-feather! Enjoy your treat! Place the sign in a window or door. Within two days, make two copies of this note, get two treats, then secretly deliver both to neighbors or friends. Watch how fast this spreads!
This is exactly what my hallway needs this week! I put 2 together to get things started. Thanks so much for the idea.
Tell me more about getting jingled. I'm starting the turkey thing tomorrow and I don't know how well it'll go over. I picked 2 people to start it and I think they'll keep it going. So, if it works I should have a Christmas one ready. This is where I print out my stuff from. I make a bag of goodies. (Nothing too expensive, candy, candles, socks, etc.) and hang it on a door knob of a co-worker. The past couple of years I've gotten the kids involved. They love the secrecy of hanging the bag without getting caught! lol Once you get the bag, you pick out a treat, replace it with another, then "jingle" another teacher. You put the small elf in your window so they know you've been jingled. It's simple, but a lot of fun. buy ALL the gifts? That's very generous of you, it is set up so that each person gets their own treat to leave for the next person- whether it be a fun post-it pad, hershey bar, etc.
I buy the starter gifts. I have some things that I have gotten at clearance sales, etc. I spend about $15 to start it, then from there it's on the teachers with what they want to spend. We only have about 18 days between Thanksgiving and Christmas. If you do just the one person at a time, only a few get jingled. This way, almost everyone gets to take part.
I love this idea. Unfortunately, we do not have enough time before Thanksgiving. However, I will be getting things ready over the break to do this for Christmas. Thanks for sharing!
That's a great idea! I'd like to do this with my neighbors but I think they'd see my car (we live out of town). Still a fun thing to do!
Most people probably aren't looking out their windows but I know what you mean...I went to drop it at a friends and did a drive by twice-home both times so I just dropped it the 2nd, she didn't see me. If it's something light, you can always mail it, but that of course takes more time.