SO saturday's obstacle course run got cancelled due to the hurricane We were bummed we didn't get to do it! I've been trying to run more but I still can't get past 6 miles! I'm going for 8 on Friday so we will see!
So, just got back into the gym today after a long hiatus but I'm happy to say that I haven't lost much of it! My hubs and I want to do the Tough Mudder challenge. I think it will definitely test my limits! But we shall see!
Tough Mudder looks like fun...we did Spartan Race last year! and I did Beach Palooza in June in Colorado. When is it?
I'll start working out again this weekend, after the drama club performance and first pep rally/football game has happened. These 15 hour days I've been pulling don't leave much energy or time for a workout! I've still lost a pound or two, and I'm only trying to maintain my weight and tone now, so I guess that's good!
I have decided to lose 10 lbs. by Christmas. I am cutting down on the junk food and going to the gym 3x a week. Right now I am motivated because I am at the starting line.
Well, I think I've decided to go to the doctor and have some blood work done, just to rule out any underlying health issues. Working out 5xs a week and eating like I do, I should have lost weight. I haven't even lost an ounce. I'm the exact weight I was in April. And no, no inches either. Same pant sizes and everything.
Are you gaining muscle while losing fat. Muscle weighs more and may be replacing the fat loss in pounds. Also, are you making sure your workout is the right one to achieve your goals? Pounds are funny things and aren't always a matter of working out equaling weight loss. I hope there's nothing medically wrong. Keep us posted!
I wish that were the case. If I were gaining muscle and losing fat, I'd be losing inches. I work out at a gym owned by a celebrity trainer. He's trained Arnold (yes, the Arnold) Oprah, and the like. They get results. Just not me apparently. I'd be totally fine staying the same weight and losing inches, but sadly, that's not the case. I'm getting stronger in my weight lifting, but that's the only change I see.
PC~I don't when the event is. I'll be looking at websites and events to when would be best for us. lnm~I feel ya!
For those runners out there check out It's awesome! You can map your route and it gives you the exact miles.
Love mapmyrun! They have a free app, too--I have it on my phone, and carry it when I run (Which I unfortunately haven't done in two weeks now--like MissCelia, the long days have left me exhausted. And I know I would have more energy if I were exercising, but I haven't been able to get it worked into my routine.). I am going to spend Monday going on a long hike with a friend. I won't be able to get a run in until it cools off, though...
I love this too! Today was so cloudy that my phone GPS wouldn't work on the app though. How is everyone doing??? My first half marathon is just 8 days away and I am starting to get really excited!
Love mapmyrun too, but sometimes it stops tracking me when I'm on my run (lousy cell service). PC, can I ask what your pace is?
I've been running a lot. My goal is to lose a lot of weight before my husband gets back. I've set a weekly goal of 24 miles. I usually run 6 days a week, so an average of 4 miles a day. I'm hoping to find a half marathon I can sign up for. So far I've lost 7.5 pounds in 2 weeks!
Awesome, Far!!! I've just gotten back into my running schedule again so I'm hoping to drop some pounds! Has your hubby been deployed somewhere? When is he expected back? My goal is to lose about 10 lbs by Halloween. My hubs wants us to do a Tough Mudder together. If you've never checked it out, you should! I have until March I think for one in my state.
He's deployed until March! I've gained a lot since we've been married, so I think this is a good chance for me to lose it. It's so much easier for me to eat healthier right now when I don't have to worry about anyone bringing home unhealthy food. I'm hoping to lose at least 45 pounds in the 6 months he's gone. I just got back from running 7 miles today!
My pace is slow! It took me 2 hrs. 10 mins to do the 11 that is almost 12 mins a mile....I'm just happy I was able to do that, right now (8 hours later) my hip is hurting though! One of my friends posted this on FB today....I don't believe you have to be better than everybody else. I believe you have to be better than you ever thought you could be. - Ken Venturi
I'm always in awe when people say they just ran 4 or more miles. I'm not a natural runner. Running is hard for me, and I'm in a good healthy shape. But for some reason I've always had issues with stamina and long distance running. I'm FINALLY up to running 3.6 miles without wanting to hyperventilate or die. And PC, my pace is around 11:00 and that's only running 3 or so miles. Congrats to you for running 11 miles!!
Believe me....a year ago, I couldn't run 2 miles without stopping to walk! I joined a boot camp at my gym which required us to do 2 miles and then we got up to 7 (and a lot of people walked too). I saw a bunch of people at my school do the NYC marathon to raise money for another teachers child who has a tumor and I was in awe that they could do that. They convinced me to sign up for my first half and being it is the DIVA Half, I figured I would do it even if I had to walk a lot. I've been running 3 times a week and it is seeming to get easier.
Don't feel bad! Some people are not able to run for whatever reason. My doctor told me it is way too high impact for me to do it without hurting my feet and ankles, so I should alternate walking and exercise bike, occasionally doing some type of dance or swimming for fun. He told me that running would be really bad for me! Also, my asthma acts up more when I work out outside, so running is just not a good choice for me!
OOOOH! I'm going to sign up for my first 5K that I found last night, but it's in two weeks. I looked up the results from last years race and man, those people in the top had a pace of around 6:00. That means, I REALLY need to speed it up! I'm also going to sign up for this 5K/obstacle course on Oct. 30 (so you are encouraged to wear a costume). I just need to come up with a creative costume for this race, but one that won't hinder me as I am on the path for victory.
I think it also doesn't help that I have very high arches and it hurts my feet and knees to run. I really need to go to this one well known running shoe store here in town to buy shoes that'll actually fit my feet.
High arches are exactly why my orthopedic doctor told me not to run, even with the good running shoes. It would just cause too much damage, and we're trying to delay surgery as much as possible.
I have really high arches too....but never asked doc about running....I did go to the RUnners SHop to get sneakers made for my feet- I had to stand on this thing, run on a treadmill, etc. Honestly though, I don't know that it makes that much of a difference. The sneakers were like $110- and usually I hit up a sale and get $60- sneakers at a normal store or online.
Peachy~I was never much of a runner either, but I've gotten to where I look forward to my days running in the gym..waiting for it to cool down a bit before I run outside. You're doing good with a pace of 11!!!! My current pace is about 13:00.
I just finished my first half marathon! It took me 2:33:50 and I had to stop and walk/run around mile 10. I feel great mentally, physically- I think I need a hip and knee replacement at the age of 27!
Thanks! I really didn't know if I would able to finish when I signed up back in May! It was fun....and since it was the DIVA half marathon, we got a boa and tiara at mile 12! Jem, Did you do the Tri last weekend?
Oh yea, for anyone who does races, check out it has the stats from any race you've ever done! Pretty neat!
I've been really excited lately about my weight loss and workout progress, so I wanted to share with someone! I've been running 6 days a week. Since my husand is deployed, it's my goal to run 25 miles a week, or 100 miles a month. I ran 105 the first month. But I noticed I was running a lot slower than I could be. I usually run more for distance, instead of speed. I ran on the treadmill earlier this week and was inspired to push myself faster outside. The next day I ran my 6 miles in 57 minutes (cutting 10-11 minutes off my time)! And I've been running under 10 minute miles the rest of the week. This is major for me-cause I've never been able to push myself outside. But what I'm most excited about is that I've lost 15.6 pounds since my husband deployed (5 weeks ago). Controlling how much I eat is a lot easier without him tempting me. I'm hoping to lose at least 45 pounds before he gets back.
WOOOOOOooo! Farfromhome! That is awesome!!! I set a goal with my running buddy to do 150 miles by the new year- so only 50 a month! You are quite ambitious! Congrats!!!!
Thanks PC! It was easier at first because I don't know a lot of people here yet, so it was something to fill my time. Now I'm getting to know more people, but I am in the habit of keeping up with running now. MAT-I'm hoping he will be happy! We're able to talk on FaceTime on our phones, and he's already been saying that my face looks thinner. It's pushing him to workout more too!
Oh boy, yes we are. Hubby and I went for a run this morning. I'm still getting over a cold and my lungs were burning and aching five minutes into the run (the first half of our run was all uphill!!). But I kept it up and never stopped. We ran to the park and did some chin ups, pull ups, dips, and stomach exercises. I'm also still doing my pole fitness class. My legs are actually aching right now. I haven't done much exercising in the last week due to my cold.