who's who americas teachers

Discussion in 'General Education Archives' started by love2teach, Apr 11, 2005.

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  1. love2teach

    love2teach Enthusiast

    Aug 13, 2003
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    Apr 11, 2005

    I recieved a nomination letter in the mail today....I have never heard of this before.....is it for real or a joke? How did I get my name, do parents, admin, other teachers nominate you??
    very interesting!
  3. Elizabeth

    Elizabeth Guest

    Apr 11, 2005

    It's for real. You're referring to Who’s Who Among American Teachers® in which teachers are indeed nominated by students who have been listed in Who's Who Among American High School Students®, The National Dean's List® and Who’s Who Among American High School Students - Sports Edition® because they are given the opportunity to nominate a teacher who has been most influential during their academic career. So, apparently, one of your students was a Who Whoer and nominated you. You should be honored. Evidentally, he or she thinks this highly of you and wants you to be recognized for influencing their life in a positive way.
  4. love2teach

    love2teach Enthusiast

    Aug 13, 2003
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    Apr 11, 2005

    Yes, that was the name i was referring to! I was not sure of the exact name!
    wow! I dont know how i got nominated...i have not been teaching long enough to have any former students who are old enough to have been in any of the above publications...is it possibe that a parent can nominate?
    I want to thank the person who nominated me...what an honnor!
  5. love2teach

    love2teach Enthusiast

    Aug 13, 2003
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    Apr 11, 2005

    lol i just checked the site...peers, parents and board members can nomiate you...ummmm now finding out who it was......
  6. Elizabeth

    Elizabeth Guest

    Apr 11, 2005

    Ah, okay, so perhaps it was a parent or a co-worker then who nominated you. That would explain that. Good luck figuring it out! Whoever did it really thinks you're an influential teacher who deserves some kind of recognition otherwise they wouldn't have nominated you like that.
  7. SpecialPreskoo

    SpecialPreskoo Moderator

    Jul 19, 2002
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    Apr 11, 2005

    I got one of those in the mail today, too! First time I think I've gotten one, too, now I think about it.

    I got one in HS and thought it was really cool until I found out someone else got a letter too and I thought... HOW IN THE WORLD DID THEY GET ONE?! LOL

    Sooooooooooooooooooooooo what will this do for us professionally if we go along with this and fill it out?

  8. Elizabeth

    Elizabeth Guest

    Apr 11, 2005

    What's in it for you? Well, you'll get listed in the Who’s Who Among American Teachers® book. The volume is published annually and the next volume, the 9th Edition, is due out in September of 2005. In addition, they profile you on the website. They actually consider the 134,000 teachers featured in the current edition of Who's Who Among America 's Teachers are among our nation's best and most respected teachers. Other than that, I'm not sure what other prestige comes of it.
  9. jeepgirl121

    jeepgirl121 New Member

    Apr 11, 2005
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    Apr 11, 2005

    I received a letter today too. I also got one when I was in school, and I never replied. I really feel there's more in it for the company than for me. They get a good amount of money from anyone who wishes to buy the book (and let's face it...aren't we going to want to see our name in print?) When I got the "Student letter", one of my teachers told me that many times they get names from general "lists" that you end up on (talk about bursting my bubble!) Anway...I'm still trying to decide if I'm going to return the letter or not. Seems like an awful lot of personal information to be sharing!
  10. Elizabeth

    Elizabeth Guest

    Apr 11, 2005

    Yes, the book does money! .. But, it's a HUGE book with 134,000 teachers in it and printing costs. I can only imagine how that'd hurt them to send 134,000 FREE books out. Basically, the money from the books goes right back into it and keeps them afloat to be able to recognize outstanding educators.
  11. jeepgirl121

    jeepgirl121 New Member

    Apr 11, 2005
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    Apr 11, 2005

    Thanks for your feedback. I'll probably end up doing it because it does seem like it would be an honor. It would feel more legitimate it they told you WHO nominated you, though.
  12. Elizabeth

    Elizabeth Guest

    Apr 11, 2005

    I'm not sure why they don't relase that information to the nominee. In either case, it still doesn't take away the feeling that someone considers you that worthy of such an honor.
  13. clarnet73

    clarnet73 Moderator

    Apr 4, 2002
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    Apr 11, 2005

    I was in it in high school, twice, I believe?

    My freshman year, we moved before the book made it ot my house, and it didn't get forwarded, so I never got a copy. :( But I have the one from my senior year! :)
  14. ChristyF

    ChristyF Moderator

    Jun 27, 2003
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    Apr 11, 2005

    I got one in Jr. High, my science teacher said he sent my name in. I got another in high school for math. (I can't imagine Mrs. Peters sending anyone's name in! :eek: ) I got one last year, but I didn't send it in. I planned to, I figured it wouldn't hurt anything, but I missed the deadline. I say go for it!
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2005
  15. Lovelabs

    Lovelabs Comrade

    Feb 28, 2005
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    Apr 12, 2005

    When I was nominated, it came with the name of the student(s) who nominated me. I was pleased. I received one recently that looked different, and there was no student name on it. I'm not sure what's up with that.
  16. Lanie

    Lanie Cohort

    Mar 21, 2003
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    Apr 12, 2005

    I am so glad others got these too. I just got one yesterday, as well. I thought it was odd since I quit teaching last year to stay home with my son. I'm not even teaching right now. I will be teaching Kindergarten again in the fall. I was also in it two times in high school. So, are you all mailing yours back in?
  17. Jaime99

    Jaime99 Rookie

    Apr 8, 2005
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    Apr 12, 2005

    Those things remind me of the 'honor societies' from college (or, to think of it, the "Who's Who of College Students") that ask only for a 'small' membership fee to be returned with the acceptance form.

    Didn't 'The Simpsons' cover this (both Bart and Lisa got in the Who's Who of Elementary Students, I think...)

    I believe the only honors that matter are those that come from one's day-to-day life, not some flimsy acknowledgement from a company trying to sell books. :)
  18. love2teach

    love2teach Enthusiast

    Aug 13, 2003
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    Apr 12, 2005

    I am going to send mine in....I figure it will look great on my resume, and I do have an interview later this week......
    and the honor is free, if you fill out the form, they will publish you even if you dont buy the book! But how can I resist seeing my name published!!
    congrats to all the others who were nominated!
  19. ViolaSwamp

    ViolaSwamp Habitué

    Oct 26, 2004
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    Apr 12, 2005

    I agree with Jaime, one shouldn't have to pay to be acknowledged.

    I got those nearly every year in HS. Not to burst bubbles, but I really thought it was more about making money for the company. I don't know how I got "nominated", I always figured I'd gotten on a mailing list because I was in honors society. Your name gets published, but I've never heard about anyone actually using the books for hiring purposes or anything. I think the only people who actually own the books are the people in them--meaning unless you show people, no one will know.
  20. Miss W

    Miss W Phenom

    Apr 7, 2005
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    Apr 12, 2005

    I also got them every year in Jr. High and High School, but I was not in the Honor's Society. I don't know how I was nominated. It could have been a generic list. I didn't spend any money though. The school bought one copy of each book every year.
  21. love2teach

    love2teach Enthusiast

    Aug 13, 2003
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    Apr 12, 2005

    the letter states that you DO NOT have to pay for the book to be honored.....and the book is distributed to all sate superintendents as well as public libraries around the nation. It also states that college presidents and principals will be notified of the teachers in thier schools who recieve this honor.
    Newspapers accross the country are also notifed of local teachers being honored
    I see part of it as a money making business, but.....I guess that is just the way things go!
  22. Amanda

    Amanda Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 28, 2001
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    Apr 12, 2005

    I got a "Who's Who" in something about business this week. :) I know they got my name from a mailing list though.
  23. clarnet73

    clarnet73 Moderator

    Apr 4, 2002
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    Apr 12, 2005

    Gee, Amanda... I never really thought of you as the business type. ;)
  24. Margo

    Margo Devotee

    Apr 20, 2001
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    Apr 12, 2005

    I got a letter today. I thought it was interesting after reading these posts. I will have to give it some thought if I will return the form or not. I agree that it would make it feel more legit if they told you who nominated you. I feel like it could just be a form letter sent out to a certain number of people. I could be wrong. I am often cynical of things like this.
  25. Grammy Teacher

    Grammy Teacher Virtuoso

    Aug 12, 2004
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    Apr 12, 2005

    I do not share personal information(such as they ask on these forms) with anyone.
  26. repete8

    repete8 Companion

    Feb 17, 2004
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    Apr 12, 2005

    I am glad to see that others got this recognition as I got one in the mail yesterday.

    Also glad to see that there is no obligation to buy the book.
  27. love2teach

    love2teach Enthusiast

    Aug 13, 2003
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    Apr 12, 2005

    Grammy Teacher....the same thought also crossed my mind...but then I remembed that with credit cards and other things....most of the info they are aksing for is already out there!
  28. Elizabeth

    Elizabeth Guest

    Apr 12, 2005

    Good thing you pointed that out love2teach. That thought was just crossing my mind too.
  29. ViolaSwamp

    ViolaSwamp Habitué

    Oct 26, 2004
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    Apr 12, 2005

    I apologize, :eek: I was wrong. I didn't remember all of the details. I just remembered I had to pay to receive a book. I got cynical when I kept getting a nomination every year. That is why I felt that it was more about the money for the company.
  30. sdhudgins

    sdhudgins Comrade

    Dec 28, 2004
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    Apr 12, 2005

    well you can only be nominated by a student who made the list for all of their high school career. Also, it's legit. Last year who nominated me was on the form, this year it wasn't.
  31. Elizabeth

    Elizabeth Guest

    Apr 12, 2005

    So, maybe they're trying something new then by not listing the person who did the noomination.
  32. flowerfreak

    flowerfreak Rookie

    Jan 14, 2004
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    Apr 12, 2005

    I recieved a letter yesterday and stuck it in my drawer to think about. I assumed everyone else in my school got one too! Now I wonder who in the world nominated me. I'll have to dig it out tomorrow and maybe I'll send mine in too. I guess I too thought it was just a gimmick to sell their books.
  33. Amanda

    Amanda Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 28, 2001
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    Apr 12, 2005

    I find it odd that so many people receive them...
  34. Elizabeth

    Elizabeth Guest

    Apr 12, 2005

    Well, 134,000 teachers get honored annually and put in the book. I don't know how many teachers total are in the United States, but 134,000 could be a signaificant portion of them.
  35. Amanda

    Amanda Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 28, 2001
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    Apr 12, 2005

    There are 6.2 million teachers in the U.S. according to census.gov:

    So, 2% of teachers are included in the Who's Who book. Apparently, well over 2% get the forms... Perhaps only 2% actually send them back in.

    I feel like it would have more meaning if they based inclusion in the book on something other than whoever returns the form. Sorry for being skeptical...
  36. sdhudgins

    sdhudgins Comrade

    Dec 28, 2004
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    Apr 12, 2005

    regardless, at least it means those of us who get the letters...
    means we have a student we touched enough that they think we deserve the honor...
    isn't that at least sweet to think of :D
  37. Amanda

    Amanda Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 28, 2001
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    Apr 12, 2005

    I'm sorry if it sounds like I'm trying to lessen the honor -- That's certainly wonderful if a student nominated you. :) The part I am skeptical about is if everyone is truly nominated, or if they send these out to mailing lists they have purchased.
  38. mommaruthie

    mommaruthie Aficionado

    May 2, 2002
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    Apr 13, 2005

    amanda, I have to share in your skepticism. I think everyone in teaching deserves honors and recognition. The book is a real book, my mother in law has quite a few of them, no doubt its great to be recognized in print. I am leaning more towards something you all have in common other then the obvious of being great professionals, maybe like purchasing from the internet, or subscribers to a teacher magazine? or the PTA member.... Sounds like your all part of a 'list' and may it not be as personally meant for you and your talents
  39. gigi

    gigi Groupie

    Feb 16, 2005
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    Apr 13, 2005

    I got a letter this January! I feel humbled and honored that someone would recognize how much time and energy I put into my class. I am also thrilled! Go to the website, they have a area where you input friends and relatives name and addresses and they will send notification of your award to them. The notification also goes to area SAU's etc., and is in the paper. I have heard that many wonderful opportunities come from this.
  40. Lovelabs

    Lovelabs Comrade

    Feb 28, 2005
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    Apr 13, 2005

    One of our teachers got a nomination form with the person's name who nominated him. Another teacher's form had no name. As I said before, my form included the name. I'm curious to know how the forms are issued. Our local newspapers were given names of nominees, but all of them knew who had nominated them. None of us purchased the book, but we saw a copy with our names.
  41. Mamacita

    Mamacita Aficionado

    Sep 28, 2004
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    Apr 13, 2005

    After you've taught a while you'll discover that all of those official "Who's Who" books are basically money-making projects for the company. There are all levels of the books: for teachers in general, for teachers in a specific category, for students in general, for students in a specific category; for student poetry, etc. They are harmless, but the editors sometimes get your name from the internet, from a newspaper, from public rosters, etc, as well as from 'nomination' forms sent out in bulk. I do not mean to downgrade anyone's euphoria or burst any bubbles, but most businesess know this and don't give any importance to it. (My old school investigated "Who's Who" and this is what we found.) You can score a newspaper article about yourself from it, and the letters are very official-looking, but it's just a scheme. Not a scam; you don't have to buy the book and your name will be in there, but so will thousands of other names. It's just a business that sells books. That's it.
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