I have been asking my school for a big classroom rug for the past 2 years now... but still no rug. Ideas of where to get one for FREE?
Check freecycle! I've gotten quite a few classroom supplies (although nothing as big as a rug!) One woman donated 10 tissue boxes when I said I was a teacher and needed supplies. I've also gotten a ton of pencils and binders. You can post a wanted ad and people might respond!
I've had luck posting in my local buy, sell, trade group. Lots of people seem to be willing to donate things to teachers!
I want to know why you’re not getting your rug from admin! Does everyone else in your grade-level have one? I can’t stand when people don’t follow through. One thing I always do is keep my word. If I say I’m going to do something for someone (especially one of my teachers), I get it done ASAP.
I had been asking my admin for the past two years. Since I teach departmentalized science, reading classrooms always get priority. They usually say its not in the budget. Update! I was able to secure 20 carpet squares from a local flooring company so at least my students won't have to sit on the floor! We're going to write thank you letters next week.