When do you go back to school? I got my classroom mostly finished today, so I’m back to summer vacation mode until open house on July 30. I did my PD already, so the rest of that week is free. (I will still have some things to do in my room, like rosters/labels/etc.) August 6-Opening Day August 7-Kids Return My DH doesn’t start back until August 22 this year. That’s late for them. They are usually only about a week behind us.
We go back July 30th for inservice. Kids start August 6th. There is no mandated PD over the summer but I’m going to a session next week. We can’t get her to the building until a week before inservice, so no working in the classroom til then. I’ll only go in a couple of days. I hate using the last week of break working in the room.
Aug 6 for teachers, students come back Aug 13. I'm going part time this year and resigning at Christmas so I guess I'm ok with my summer ending
This is our first week off, so the return to school is far away! The students' first day is September 4th. We have no mandatory days before then and set up our rooms at a pace that is comfortable for us.
Teachers go back August 8th and students come back the 13th. Our last day of school was May 18th, so it's been a pretty nice little break!
Teachers go back Aug 9th, students back Aug 15. But the 9th/10th is optional to get classrooms set up and stuff. I'll probably go in that Friday afternoon for a couple hours.
I work at a year-round school....we got two weeks off at the "end" of the school year and will get two weeks off before the "beginning" of the school year.
Wow, your school starts really early! I just couldn’t do that because I’m used to starting in the third week of August and so it would throw off my whole routine. I also say this because I *need* my summer break and am happy that I have roughly 1.5 months left. It’s when I can catch up on my sleep, haha! School officially starts for me on August 22nd.
The first official day for teachers is August 7th, but we can voluntarily come in on the 6th for extra PD and get paid extra for it, so I'll do that. Kids come back the 13th. In the past, teachers have always started on a Friday and kids have always started on the following Wednesday. I liked that schedule a lot better. You'd be a little bummed to be getting up early and going back to work, but surprise, it's already Friday! Then the 3 day school week for kids the first week was good for building routines and such. IDK why they changed it. I'm getting to the point where I'm missing the structure of the school year, but on the other hand I don't really want to go back yet either! I know it'll be stressful once it starts!
Teachers go back August 7, then the kids arrive August 13. I taught summer school this year which was the entire month of June, so I’m just now settling in to summer mode.
We got our online training mail today, so that means we are winding down. We have several online quizzes to take every year. We used to have to do them in a meeting. It is much better just having to do them online.
First day of school is Aug.15th for my kiddos....wait, kid not kiddos...I only have one left in school (6th grade)! That's so weird to say! I have a mandatory student teacher orientation on Aug. 21st. I will then report to the high school on Aug. 27th when college classes start.
Last week of August is our "teacher week"; we start after Labor Day (with a meet and greet during the teacher week). I'll probably start making more frequent trips to the classroom in the week before teacher week; right now, I go in about once a week or so just to stay busy (Wife works like normal over the summer)
August 27 for teachers, August 30 for students. I'll go in earlier though to make sure everything is ready.
August 13th for teachers and August 16th for students. I will be going in though to get my room ready in the next week or so. I am hoping they are finished with shampooing and waxing in my room. I heard that they are ahead of schedule on getting rooms cleaned this summer The last three years we have had maybe a week or two to get our rooms ready before school started. Thankfully a little before school let out for summer they hired a new guy and the other one (who was extremely lazy!) resigned.
I THINK we go back on August 6th and kids start sometime that week. I kept asking and principal and secretary kept saying " you will get an email". Umm ok, but I'd like to schedule my summer fun all the way through the end, I don't sit around at home every day. I had to press them for a vague answer saying that it's the 6th, for 2-3 days of meeting / setting up classroom, etc. Luckily I will be teaching independent study, so I do not have a care in the world. I don't have to plan what I'll be teaching, thinking about 3 different classes with all new curriculum (of course designed and carried out by me). Nope. I'll just show up, and everything is in the system. I can't tell you all how good that feels after a year I've had.
First contract day for teachers is August 2nd. An optional PD day is a day before. Kids return on the 7th. I'll be back a few times to get my room ready. And greet the new P also!
You all make me jealous. I go back 2 weeks from Monday. Meet the teacher night is two weeks from Tuesday. School starts that Wednesday. And summer school just ended today. I need to sleep, but my room is not ready. I set too many lofty goals and bought too much new decor. No rest for the weary.
So funny how different timings are. I start summer school next week, and don't go back to regular school for more than 2 months.
New teachers start Aug 1. Returning teachers start August 8. Students start August 14. I usually start myself back up with a few hours for a few days about a week or two before I’m due to report back. I like to relieve myself of the stress and pressure that I feel to have my room quickly put together by going back early to work at my own relaxed pace. It’s nice to be working on lesson plans or other paperwork in a put together room while my colleagues are scrambling to organize and put together their rooms. As much as I like my summer break, I also like to preserve my mental health. I know that I get high anxiety when I wait to set up my room at the least minute, so I willingly give up some of my own time to preserve my mental health.
I get anxiety if my room isn't set up before teachers' official return date. I normally start working in my room a couple of weeks before we're scheduled to start back. I do a little at a time and enjoy working without other teachers coming to my room to chitchat (although I do enjoy the fellowship).