Aside from truly important issues, what do you hate? I'd have to say, "Prolly," "pizz," and "anyways." Also: "ideal" for "idea," and "loose" for "lose." Also, sauerkraut, garlic, onions, tomatoes, and people who put an apostrophe at the end of every word that ends in "s."
Your post made me think of one of my favorite songs. I'm Against It Well I'm against it I'm against it I'm against it I'm against it I don't like politics I don't like communists I don't like games and fun I don't like anyone Well I'm against it I'm against it I don't like Jesus freaks I don't like circus geeks I don't like summer and spring I don't like anything I don't like sex and drugs I don't like waterbugs I don't care about poverty All I care about is me I'm against it I'm against it I'm against it I'm against it I don't like playing ping pong I don't like the Viet Cong I don't like Burger King I don't like anything AnI'm against it I'm against it Well I'm against it I'm against it
I hate when you can hear people's noses whistling. It drives me nuts. I hate that I can't lose weight just by willing it to be that way. I hate when there is no parking. I LOOOOOVE so many more things... that would be a lengthy thread post if I were to tell you all what I love.
That's at or near the very top of my list!!!! Let's see: oysters, brussel sprouts, violent movies... It's 5:23 a.m. That's all I can come up with at the moment, though I'm sure there's more!
In no particular order: Silverware banging on teeth, the sound of beverages or soup being slurped, birds flying around my head, the smell of lamb cooking, crumbs on the counter, teachers who don't like kids, matching socks, the fact that my dear friend can't have a second baby, staying up late, the fact that my son will be moving out (again) at the beginning of May, the fact that I'm having a really hard time losing weight, getting to work and finding out that the take-out place put sugar in my coffee, teachers who look down on our wonderful caretaking staff and treat them like second-class citizens. Wow...that's a long list without having to think very hard!
The first thing that comes to my mind is when people walk so close that they "pull" the heel of your shoe off.... I HATE that!!!
I hate when people LOUDLY talk on the phone in a public place. So rude. I also hate when people spell lose as loose.
Let's see I can't stand the sound of people filing their nails. When teachers spell principal wrong. Parents that act like children. Worrying about losing my job. Rain in the winter. Foods: tomatoes, olives, PEAS, ahhhh well lots of veggies. Would be easier to list what I like for food.
HATE that!!! If I ever see a kid do that, I take the opportunity to explain that a plural does NOT need an apostrophe! I hate idiot drivers who are reckless on the road because they're using a cell phone! That needs to be against the law.
I won't use these words, the words I use instead are in parentheses: purse(handbag), couch(sofa), pop(soda), kleenex(tissue), washrag(washcloth). "Bolth" instead of "Both" also makes me cringe. I hate when people complain and complain and complain and never make the change happen for themselves. Do something about it or get over it!
I hate stupid petition emails...who sees them??? I hate when I go out and the waitress or waiter thinks that they are my friend and they sit down at the table to take my order. I want service, not a friend to be with me. I hate it when people that won't talk to me in "real" life want to be my friend on facebook. I hate it when I say, "Write your name on your paper!" a million times and they still don't do it. I hate it when I am the only adult that will attempt to get a group of children under control. I hate it when I have to wait for someone to help me because they are on a cell phone. This was easier than I thought.
Those are two of my biggest work related "hates". I also am not a fan of being considered the "strict" teacher by my collegues simply because I have the expectation that my students will act appropriately in the halls, bathroom, assembly, etc. People who talk as loudly as humanly possible in hopes that everyone around them will be interested in and/or ask them about their conversation. People who don't wave "thank you" when you let them in to merge or turn in front of you or some other kind driving favor. Some people actually look like they feel like they're entitled to be let out in front of everyone else. Men at the gym who grunt loudly, flex in the mirror, hit on every female that makes the mistake of walking within 10 feet of them, and lots of other obnoxious gym behaviors. Those are the main ones that come to mind. I am also terrified that my students this year will be the ones that put 's at the end of every word that has s. I know they're only 2nd graders but I've never had a class that is so convinced that every word with s gets an apostrophe no matter how many times I've gone over it.
OMG!!! I HATE THAT TOO!!!! I went to the YMCA one day and THAT was happening AND there was a woman jogging on the treadmill in an over-the-top cleavage baring shirt with pink matching everything and her hair styled perfectly. I thought I had joined the Gold's Gym down the street instead of the Y!!!! I hate it when I yell (discuss) at one student about something and then another student does the EXACT SAME THING not a full second later! I hate when you see a child under the age of 5 roaming around a store by themselves. I hate the stress of 1st year teaching but LOVE the fact that I'm teaching.
Bidnez instead of business; nucular instead of nuclear; baby-daddy instead of amoral sack of s hit; baby-momma ditto; caint instead of can't; businesses with own names misspelled in advertisement/signs; children in pageants .... Maury Povich (sp?); Real Housewives of any county in any state; shoe straps that wrap around the ankle; those cabby-type caps when worn by females; cucumbers; Bill Clinton; no problem when said by store clerks when you say thank you .....
Asparagus, bureaucracy, finding rust on my guns, riding in a saddle that squeaks......... just to name a few....
Oh yes, in addition to those I hate hearing loud rap music coming from a car next to me at a red light... especially if the driver has those little gold ringy things attached to his lips and nose...:lol:
eggplant, people who stand too close to me in a line at the store - I like personal space, people who whine
:lol: I almost peed my pants, I laughed so much! How about aks instead of ask. Pushy salepeople of any kind. Walmart parking lot.
I hate when people say "warsh" instead of "wash." When people pronounce the s on Illinois,when kids say grammar rules are stupid, and when people use the words irregardless and utilize. They "utilize" everything on HGTV. Just say use people!
Oh and those cool (not) alternate spellings of words in business names and when parents get needlessly creative with the spelling of their child's name. And it's a library not a liberry.
egocentrism that apostrophe s thing you mentioned professional educators who misspell words on bulletin boards, parent letters, forums... teachers who talk disparagingly about kids bad service in restaurants men who think that women in bars with their friends want to be picked up back-stabbing (ok, a few might have been more serious than sauerkraut, sorry. :unsure Love both of these.
I hate when someone stands too close to you when you are talking with him/her. Uggs (is that how you spell it...those ugly boot-shoes) how TV shows try to "top" their former scripts constantly, and they end up with a show that is too unrealistic to watch (hope that makes sense) people who wear their phones on their ear...seriously, unless you are part of the CIA then you are not so important that you can't take five seconds to pull your cell phone out of your pocket and answer it people who text while you are trying to have a conversation with them
I made a list of 100 things I love and 100 things I hate when I was in college (probably should have been studying). I still have it and it's so funny to go back and look at how my answers both stayed the same and changed with age. I hate standardized tests (given them more than taking them). I hate how it takes 10 minutes to open anything because of all the packaging. I hate speaking in public. I really hate people who are mean to animals. I hate Injustice, Intolerance and Ignorance.
~Parents who push their students too hard. ~People who are mean to animals. ~Like Major, those cars that have music blaring so loud that it rattles MY car windows. ~Educators who cannot spell principal correctly. ~The misuse of ' as previously mentioned. ~Teachers who do not care for children and it shows. ~People who are quick to get in front of your car, but then do not speed up. Wow, this WAS easy! lol
I hate..... grounds in my coffee picking out hair in my shower drain people that tailgate me laugh tracks on sitcoms teachers that are burnt out and are just plain mean to the kids...
I agree with all of these--particularly when the hair is my daughter's and it's about 15 inches long!
-"people who put an apostrophe at the end of every word that ends in "s." - people who work in retail who complain about their jobs to you while checking you out at the register -adults who are bullies -clothing that can't go in the dryer -spilling my coffee - I hate that when I smell like coffee all day! -paper jams in the copy machine -running into the store to pick up something quickly for dinner, and running into several of my students' parents who want to visit! (love them, love their kids, but just want to be annonymous!) -when McDonald's gets my drive through order wrong! ---biggest one - when my meal at a restaurant is served lukewarm . . . bummer -
-When people use a decimal with a cent makes me want to ask if they really want to charge less than a penny for that -Too many different kinds of food to name here -Being stuck in an airport overnight -Having a nose that won't stop running and an eye that won't stop watering due to a cold I currently have -When one of my favorite television shows starts having bad storylines
Feeling the need to sometimes "toot" when I walk. That one hair on my jawline that keeps coming back. That "pull my finger" gag that men think is so funny. Or the one where they toot in bed and then pull the covers over your head.
-chilli -my toenails -my hair being so thin -the traffic lights near my house that take AGES to turn green -being late for anything -meetings that drag on and on for no good reason -that darn apostrophe before every 's' again
Did you know that I've seen some of my colleagues (yes...teachers!) do the same thing. For example: "On behalf of the second grade teacher's, we have voted to extend recess by five minutes." I truly hope this teacher isn't making this same mistake on parent newsletters, report cards, & other home correspondence. The same teacher wrote (in another email): "Are any of your students having trouble counting by three's?" I'm waiting for someone to say something to her!