I teach 2nd grade and we've had a spelling test every week that goes along with the story we read as a part of our Language Arts curriculum. I'm not doing a story from the LA curriculum this week as to teach "A Christmas Carol" (as part of our Core Knowledge Curriculum) and to teach about Hanukkah and Kwanzaa. Do I come up with a list anyway? I was thinking either high frequency words or something more fun... any suggestions? Or do I bother giving a test this week? I'm trying to maintain some sense of structure as I'm sure the kids will be bonkers... Oh, and we got 4 inches of snow today which is a rarity in this area and I'm sure all the kids are praying for a snow day tomorrow....
I think it would be fun if you were to choose some words from the text/stories that you are reading. I would do a few high frequency too. The kids will get a kick out of it I think, seeing the spelling tests words in actual books. Sidebar: I am SO jealous of the snow! I want a snow day or even a two hour delay so badly! Our kids are bonkers.
You could give a review test. We don't teach any new reading or language arts that week. We will continue with science, math, and religion, though.
Thanks for the ideas! It's my first year and I don't think I'm ready for the week ahead! I just know it will be bananas!
I'm keeping everything the same and on routine except for the extra fun stuff that will be happening this week = )
I like the idea of using words from the stories you're reading this week. I wish we got a full two-week break. We have to go three days on Christmas week.
Maybe some holiday type words such as: snow snowflakes christmas Hanukkah Kwanza sledding snowboarding freezing Angel Dreidel Latkes Missletoe Stocking gifts presents Santa lights eve chiminey fireplace dinner family break winter snowday
Our spelling tests are based on a different pattern or sound each week. This week it's /s/ and/k/. So, I'm adding some Christmas/winter words to each group's lists.
On behalf of all the moms out there, NOT having a spelling test would be the ultimate Christmas gift!!! One less thing that has to get done a week before Christmas!
Okay, I've decided to go with a list. (Sorry moms!) This week, I'll only do 10 words instead of 15 so it will be less awful. We also do a lot of practice during the week so they have to do less studying at home. Thanks for all of the suggestions! teacher12345, I'll be using some of your ideas!
I teach children who need structure and stability. Any changes throw them for a loop so I will be giving a spelling test and sticking to my schedule as much as possible.
I don't think I am going to do a spelling list this week, but I am finishing up the the southern colonies with a test in social studies, a vocabulary quiz in reading, and science test. The students are also working on Christmas Readers Theater scripts that they will be performing on Friday. It will be a busy week as we try to finish up before Christmas break. Of course with our weather, it could be an interesting week.
Because of the way I teach spelling, I either give no spelling, or a shorter list on short weeks. I probably will not give spelling the week of the 20th as many families take off early for the holidays.
We have a short week this week and aren't doing our story. We are reading Polar Express and doing activities along with it.
I'm not doing a spelling test but I am having Christmas related spelling words which I'm going to use as a word wall for my students.
Holiday Lists Spelling City has lists for winter, Christmas, and Hannakah already created for you. http://www.spellingcity.com/monthly-holiday-lists.html
Well I am still giving a spelling test and comprehension exam this week. It's the last week before the bimester ends (actually it ends in January, but we close out grades this week), so I need to give the tests. I don't see anything wrong with keeping your spelling test during this time.
fun spelling test or bee Give a fun spelling test or even have a spelling bee (great time filler) with candy cane prizes or ... Let children and parents know up front it won't be graded and their loved ones will still get into Harvard or Yale if they don't do well.
I will be doing a list, bu only 8 words- we usually have 10. Our weekly test will be next thursday instead of Fri. Sorry moms
We have to do a final spelling test before the break so I can give them their spelling grade of the semester. We don't do many tests. The math and spelling assesments we do take are only once a month, and our weekly spelling tests are what I call "spelling practices", and they don't count as much as the tests do. They have 10 words, each having a theme such as a new season, school, games, holidays, etc. The kids enjoy spelling because we do thinngs like: theme: school words: teacher pencil lesson student board school classroom eraser crayon textbook Then I would pick a well-behaved kid to be the main part, in this case the teacher, and have the teacher say the words and then spell them in a made-up speech, like Hello, students. s-t-u-d-e-n-t-s. I am your teacher. t-e-a-c-h-e-r. Please take out your pencils, p-e-n-c-i-l-s, textbooks, t-e-x-t-b-o-o-k-s, and crayons, c-r-a-y-o-n-s, to do the coloring page. We will now do our lesson, l-e-s-s-o-n, which is on the board. b-o-a-r-d. I want the classroom, c-l-a-s-s-r-o-o-m, to be quiet while we work. After we are done with work, school, s-c-h-o-o-l, will be over. while the teacher speaks, the kids would do what he/she said. The kids like it, and sometimes we preform our spelling skits to the parents after our class play. Sorry if the explaination was hard to understand. I will post a video of a spelling skit so you can understand it better. Anyway, I like to make spelling fun, so the test doesen't make kids hate spelling.
Super2ndGrade What a cool idea! Thanks for sharing, and thanks everyone else for their input! I gave a spelling test with 9 words and extra credit. All but 2 did well, and those 2 CLEARLY didn't even look at their spelling list for the week. Ah well, hope everyone had a great holiday!