I hate waiting in general-it's just such a waste of time -but in particular when you are waiting for that call from your doctor's office about test results. It's been 4 days (said it would take 2). I know they have hundreds of patients but I don't think they realize how important it is to each one that they find out ASAP otherwise your mind just keeps thinking the worst-I know that report is on someone's desk somewhere. And it really makes me mad that the imaging center won't send me the report of results (hello, I can read)-"We sent it to the doctor's office, they'll contact you".--she left off the...eventually. :| Luckily I got a call to help interview candidates this morning, so at least my mind will be off it for a few hours. :thumb:
I also dislike waiting!! The clock seems to move soooo slowly. I hope all is well with you and that you get the test results that are good!
They said the radiologist finishes his/her report usually within 2 days and then forwards it to the doctor. I had it done on Friday-so that's 4 business days. Called the doctor's office today and left a message for her nurse-haven't heard back yet. Ugh! Thanks for the well-wishes guys!
I'm so sorry; I know this is incredibly frustrating. But it makes sense. All the radiologist can typciallly tell you is what's there. If it's nothing of importance, great. But on the occasions when it's something, the next question is inevitably "Where do we go from here?" And your doctor is the one best able to answer that question. I'll keep you guys in my prayers, hoping that you get the answers you want.
I'd call the dr. office today. I once had a sonogram done on my leg and the said, "you'll hear from your dr within a week." One week went by, then two. I called...and the report had not gotten sent like it should have, so I probably would have never heard, because my dr. did not know the exact date that the sonogram was scheduled for...so he could have thought I was still waiting for an appt. Call.