VCLA Raw Scores???

Discussion in 'Basic Skills Tests' started by englteacher, May 22, 2011.

  1. webpouya

    webpouya Guest

    Nov 5, 2020

    I got an 81% with a scaled score.
  2. Abcteach77

    Abcteach77 Guest

    Nov 7, 2020

    Hi there, I got a raw score of 77% for my reading subtest. Is that a passing score? Thank you!
  3. Abcteach77

    Abcteach77 Guest

    Nov 7, 2020

    Hi there - I received a raw score of 77% on the reading subtest. Can you please tell me if that is passing, so I’m not stressing for the next 10 days. Thank you :)
  4. Abcteach77

    Abcteach77 Guest

    Nov 7, 2020

    Hi there - did you pass? My raw score for the reading was 77% and I’m still waiting to see whether or not I passed. Thank you!
  5. VAMath

    VAMath Guest

    Nov 8, 2020

    Hello Abcteach77
    For me 77% is a score more than 235. I got 82% and 261 final on reading. You may do a little research on other posts in this blog and have a better idea. But, only PEARSON will give your exact score !
    Abcteach77 likes this.
  6. Abcteach77

    Abcteach77 Guest

    Nov 9, 2020

    Thank you for responding! Yes, I did a little reading and it seems for some it was passing and others, it wasn’t. I have a feeling it will take exactly 10 days for me to get my score :(
  7. teacher1234

    teacher1234 Guest

    Nov 10, 2020

    Hi guys! I am trying to figure out if there's a chance I passed the VCLA. I took it yesterday morning and received an 85% on reading comprehension and a 62% on writing. I was able to finish my essay and short answer. How is it scored? Is reading comprehension half and writing multiple choice, essay, and short answer the other half?
  8. nieves

    nieves Guest

    Nov 19, 2020

    I need 10 points to pass. I just took the writing test again and feel at this point giving up on the whole thing! I did worse on the multi-choice portion (60%) and took my time on the essay's. Are each test weighed differently? I have bought the books that are mentioned throughout this blog and it hasnt help! I have also done the practice test. Can anyone give me some good websites to go on?
  9. wendy123

    wendy123 Guest

    Dec 2, 2020

    I took the reading and writing VCLA November 25th. I got a 82% on reading and a 65% on writing multiple choice. I was able to finish the summary and essay. I’m not a strong writer so I’m concerned. Do I have a chance of passing? I’m assuming the 10 business days started on November 30th since last week was Thanksgiving. It doesn’t say anything about holidays on the website. I’m eager to get my scores. I passed the RVE so this is my last praxis. Any advice is appreciated :)

    Thank you!!
  10. wendy123

    wendy123 Guest

    Dec 2, 2020

    I received similar scores. I just took mine on November 25th. Did you receive your scores in 10 days? What did your percentages equal out to in scores?
  11. wendy123

    wendy123 Guest

    Dec 2, 2020

    A moment ago

    I received similar scores. I just took mine on November 25th. Did you receive your scores in 10 days? What did your percentages equal out to in scores?
  12. Abcteach77

    Abcteach77 Guest

    Dec 20, 2020

    Hi @TeacherGroupie - I took the vcla writing and my unofficial score for the multiple choice was 68%. I did finish both essays, but barely.
    I got a 77% on the reading subtest and my official score for that was 235.
    Is there any possible chance that I passed the writing with a 68%? I’m feeling incredibly defeated and so upset.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 20, 2020
  13. Abcteach77

    Abcteach77 Guest

    Dec 20, 2020

    Hi @wendy123 Wendy - did you pass?
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 20, 2020
  14. SPED-Teacher

    SPED-Teacher Guest

    Dec 30, 2020

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 30, 2020
  15. SPED-Teacher

    SPED-Teacher Guest

    Dec 30, 2020

    I would like to say that this test is not easy for English language learners. Khan Academy is really helpful to practice besides the free sample tests. If English is not your first language, don't wait till last minute to take this test.

    I took both subtests multiple times, some tests are harder than others. I had a tough time in the writing essay and summary sections. Luckily, on page 4 of this forum, a post from a member "CiscoKid88" gave me a tip on writing an essay. I followed that format and received +++ on the essay. Use (TEEL) to stay on topic in body paragraphs. (Topic Sentence, Explain, Example, Link). Also, for the summary section, do not mix the concept of paraphrasing with summarizing.

    I would admit that for the first two writing test attempts, I did not put any effort into the summary and essay section, and received a score of less than 200. I am posting my scores for others to estimate their raw scores. Do not get discouraged, you will pass eventually. Best of luck to everyone!

    Reading 82% = 251
    Reading 82% = 257

    Writing 82% = 194
    Summary +
    Essay +

    Writing 76% = 186
    Summary +
    Essay +

    Writing 71% = 212
    Summary ++
    Essay +

    Writing 77% = 211
    Summary +
    Essay +

    Writing 80% = 229
    Summary +
    Essay +++
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 31, 2020
  16. SPED-Teacher

    SPED-Teacher Guest

    Dec 30, 2020

    Thank you, Your post is very helpful, I followed this essay format and passed the writing test.
  17. Abcteach77

    Abcteach77 Guest

    Jan 5, 2021

    Hi all -
    I just found out that I didn't pass the VCLA writing. To say that I am crushed is an understatement. I did extremely well on the essays, but did not do so well with finding errors in sentences. I am not sure if I should retake the reading portion or the writing..... I welcome any suggestions or ideas. Please only kind words, I already feel defeated. Thank you!
  18. LovePreK

    LovePreK Guest

    Jan 31, 2021

    I'm getting similar if not identical scores on writing. I'm so frustrated I've taken this test 8 times. I can't imagine my writing is this bad.
    My last writing score was 77% summary * essay*
    Today ( yesterday) I took the reading though I would switch it up because I've been taking the writing over each time. I got a 74%. My highest writing score was 227 and my highest reading score was 242 ONE POINT AWAY! I don't think that 74% will take me over that 242 ☹️
  19. TWH

    TWH Guest

    Feb 19, 2021

    Raw score
    74 writing and 72 reading
    Do you think I passed?
  20. Mrs.Noor

    Mrs.Noor Guest

    Mar 28, 2021

    Hi, I just took the VCLA and scored 97% on the writing multiple choice questions. However, I paced myself poorly, rushed through the summary and was only able to finish the intro paragraph of the final essay. Do you think I have enough cushion to pass?
  21. chantal

    chantal Guest

    Apr 22, 2021

    Reading VCLA- raw score 74% official 235
    Writing VCLA - raw score 74% official 235
    I got a +++ on both summary and composition
    passed with exactly 470!!
    vickilyn likes this.
  22. vickilyn

    vickilyn Multitudinous

    Jul 19, 2014
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    Apr 22, 2021

    Job well done! It's a wonderful feeling to be done with that test, or at least that's what my son tells me.
  23. estreechon

    estreechon Guest

    Jun 9, 2021

    hi i am new to this thread. how did you find your raw scores after you took the test? also, where did you find them? i took the test yesterday.
  24. chantal

    chantal Guest

    Jun 9, 2021

    They gave me a paper with my raw scores when I was done taking the test, if you call the place where you took the test they should be able to get it printed out for you.
  25. chantal

    chantal Guest

    Jun 9, 2021

    They gave me a paper with my raw scores when I was done taking the test, if you call the place where you took the test they should be able to get it printed out for you.
  26. estreechon

    estreechon Guest

    Jun 9, 2021

    i took the test from home.. will i have to wait?
  27. Amigojmh

    Amigojmh Guest

    Jul 7, 2021

    Good afternoon. I took my writing part of the VCLA and I got a raw score of 68% I had a lot of time to correct my mistakes on the summary and persuasive essay I hope it would be enough to pass. Does someone know how much a 68% converts to the actual score? Thank you y queue tengan un buen dia.
  28. MThomas

    MThomas Guest

    Jul 10, 2021

    Greetings everyone!
    Received my scores today:
    229 for reading (68%)
    222 for writing (82% without writing evaluation)
    451 total score

    I did terrible with the writing portion because of time and would like to retake a test. My question is do I retake the writing again since I have more time with composition? And if so, will that new score be used to compute with reading score to pass? Or do I need to retake both since each test did not have a 235 passing standard score? You’re help is truly appreciated! Thank you all in advance!
  29. Dec 5, 2021

    Hi guys I am new here! I have a question. I have taken this test so many times and low key freaking out. I get my results on Friday the 10. Previously I passed the reading with a 74% I believe which got me a 248. My writing is a different story. After practicing I retook it again recently I got a 68% and feel pretty good about my summary and persuasive writing. Any idea what that 68% can get me? My highest score was a 205 last time. I just want that composite score of a 470.
  30. EJD17

    EJD17 Guest

    Feb 24, 2022

    How long did you have to wait to get your results?
  31. vickilyn

    vickilyn Multitudinous

    Jul 19, 2014
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    Feb 25, 2022

    10 days. Virginia seems to be remarkably and admirably good at grading and getting the grades out on day 10. Can't say the same for some other exams that I have taken over the years, so I'm impressed with their consistency regarding getting the tests graded and those scores out by day 10. Let me wish you the best of luck!
  32. EJD17

    EJD17 Guest

    Feb 25, 2022

    Thank You. Today is day 10 so I’m anxiously waiting for the score report.
  33. vickilyn

    vickilyn Multitudinous

    Jul 19, 2014
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    Feb 28, 2022

    You have been on my mind. Did you get your scores? I remember that my son was on pins and needles waiting for his scores when he had to take the VCLA. I was in contact with several testers who had taken the test many times, and my heart went out to them. Just holding good thoughts for your success. :hugs:
  34. EJD17

    EJD17 Guest

    Feb 28, 2022

    I did pass. Thank you! It was on my mind non stop for the entire 10 days. Having taken it remotely, I didn’t receive an unofficial score. So I had no clue whatsoever on how I might of done. But like you said, on day 10 my scores were released.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 28, 2022
  35. vickilyn

    vickilyn Multitudinous

    Jul 19, 2014
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    Mar 1, 2022

    Best news I've had today !;)
  36. Losi5

    Losi5 Guest

    May 14, 2022

    I recently took both VCLA subtests in one online session. I got through the writing portion of the exam with no problem; however, the reading subtest suddenly vanished from my monitor about midway through and I was unable to retrieve it. I followed the keyboard command prompts from my proctor, which resulted in losing video/audio connection.

    I got an email from the test administrators confirming that they were ‘unable to identify any technical issues’ and that as a one-time courtesy they would grant me a voucher for whatever test that I did not pass (I’m still awaiting the results of my test). Unless I was on psychedelics (I wasn’t) and fabricated the entire problem in an altered state, I most assuredly did experience technical issues, despite passing the systems check several times before taking the test; that administrators were unable to identify the problem is hardly reassuring. I should probably wait for my results before going on a rant, but I can’t help myself. It’s bad enough that college graduates are required to take a literacy test riddled with ambiguous, intentionally misleading questions (yes, it’s important to discern subtle differences in multiple answer choices, but let’s get real, some split hairs so opaquely as to render the entire exercise practically invalid, nearly comical), we must also accommodate technological ineptitude and (possibly) have to retake the test through no fault of our own. As best as I can tell from reading this forum, the test does a good job of weeding out ESL test takers and otherwise frustrating a wide swath of aspiring (or currently practicing) but obviously capable (or at the very least passionate, committed) teachers with poorly worded questions and passages. It would be akin to administering to medical school students a college freshman anatomy exam as a prerequisite for a residency program; at that point, a rudimentary understanding of material should be implied by a candidate’s academic credentials. The literacy test is an insult to the teaching profession.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2022
  37. vickilyn

    vickilyn Multitudinous

    Jul 19, 2014
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    May 14, 2022

    I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest that you let them know when you can reschedule the test, pending your test results, which you will get 10 days after taking the tests. Personally, I have taken the practice tests for the VCLA, because I was curious what people were writing about, and our son was hired to teach in VA and I knew that this test would be in his future. I'm going to suggest that you just accept that machines fail, sometimes at the most inopportune moment - I know for a fact that it has happened to me and others that I know. Shoot, just yesterday I couldn't use my computer due to some vague, unforeseen problem using my mouse. Even using a different connection and different mouse couldn't fix the problem. Today, I have no problem at all, and no real understanding of what happened yesterday.

    I would join your rant except for the part where they are comping you to retake the test you had trouble with. Since you will wait to reschedule your exam, you will have also gained some insight into the exam, as a whole, which could be a benefit. Since there is no magic wand that gives you a complete do-over, this is the best they can do, and it is exactly what they should do and have done. As far as whether or not the VCLA has merit, or discriminates against ESL test takers, you are free to think what you want. After taking the practice tests, I started to understand the nuances to many of the questions, and I can understand why these may be on the test. These tests are very focused in their design of what they are testing, but not greatly more than things that I have encountered in other achievement/credential tests. Let me wish you the best of luck in your testing going forward.
    Last edited: May 16, 2022
  38. Losi5

    Losi5 Guest

    May 15, 2022

    Thank you vickilyn, I appreciate the response. Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful for the voucher and will take advantage of it. I do wish they could perform a diagnostic test to see what happened so as to prevent something similar happening in the future. When I took the Praxis exam through ETS, techs were able to navigate my screen to setup the exam—perhaps Pearson could employ a similar strategy when folks have problems.

    My undergraduate transcript says that I (along with everyone else) passed Introduction to Reading and Writing, but whatever, I’ll jump through the hoops.

    Good luck to everyone taking the test.
  39. Jun 10, 2022

    Hi friends, I am a new elem. teacher and I am a VA transplant so I did not go to school in VA. The VCLA - so I've been told is based on the 11th grade SOL. The VDOE website has released tests that you can practice with.

    I initially took the entire thing (online) and didn't pass by 12 points. I then retook the writing section because I passed the reading section with a 235. I got the same score and was below the passing score by 12 points. I then retook the entire thing again (online, once more) and I was STILL below by 12 points. Now, at this point I was getting frustrated because nothing I was doing seemed to be helping.

    When you take the VCLA online, they don't give you your raw scores so I don't have those numbers to share. However, I finally scheduled it for an in-person testing center and I got raw scores of 77% for both reading and writing and passed with my highest score of a 486. I got a 248 on the reading and a 238 on the writing.

    Tutor Phil was a lifesaver when it came to the summary part. (I can't post links?)
    Sentence skill quizzes found online also helped me too.

    This test was THE WORST. And I give the best of luck to everyone who takes it or retakes it. This test was seriously making me think if I chose the right profession to pursue considering I couldn't even pass it, but here I am. Persistence is key! Knocked down seven times, stand up eight!!! :) I hope this helped!
  40. msb282

    msb282 Guest

    Aug 4, 2022

    I've been following this forum for a while now since the beginning of taking my VCLA. I've taken this exam several times now. When taking these exams, I take each section at a time because I'm a slow reader and I have major test anxiety. I need some insight on what I need to do because I'm struggling and I need this for my student teaching in the fall of 2023. I know I have a little bit, but I'm trying to go ahead and pass this for Liberty ahead of time.

    First attempt:
    62%-218 (Reading)

    Second attempt:
    71 %-228 (Reading)
    71%-233 (Writing)

    I decided that I would go ahead and redo my reading because I dreaded the writing section. I felt like I did well, but when I gotmy print-out I felt defeated and I broke down in the car. I need just 9 points to have this exam behind me. I'm struggling and I feel like I ain't studying the right thing. I noticed I'm having vocabulary issues, I know and I feel like the answer I pick may be right, but it may be something throwing me off to picking the correct one.

    Third attempt:

    I felt like this exam today was a little bit more difficult compared to my last two exams. Maybe, I'm just overanalyzing it and it wasn't. With that said, do I need to prepare on retaking the test? I need help! At this point, I'm willing to listen and need someone to help guide me. I can purchase materials. I didn't like the monthly provided it didn't seel to help me! I can narrow my selection down to two answers, and I feel like one is correct, but it may not be and just messing with my head. I would greatly appreciate it!
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 5, 2022

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