If you tutor privately (i.e. not through a company/center) what do you do to limit your liability? Have you ever had any incidents that would have been a liability issue? If you are insured, about how much does it cost?
No, I don't carry any insurance for tutoring. I have never had any problems. When I tutor students at their home, it is in the living room or kitchen with one of their parents present. If I tutor at school it is with a group of students never with just one student. If there are students absent and only one shows for tutoring at school, I cancel tutoring. My P also knows on which days and times that I tutor at school. If I tutor my own students at school it is free during the school year. Other students or if it is done in the summer, I charge an hourly rate.
I don't have any. For about 10 years, I tutored at my own school, so it really wasn't an issue. For the last four years, I've tutored on my own. Usually the parent is home, though I have had kids that are home alone. Now I'm employed as an independent contractor through an agency, but I don't know how I would ever afford insurance.
I don't either know how I would afford insurance, I don't get many tutoring clients so it probably wouldn't pay for itself. Until now I've tutored mainly for friends, but I wanted to branch out to strangers and I'm worried that if a kid gets hurt or something they might hold me liable. So you would only tutor in a school or student's home? What about your materials, you take everything back and forth each time? I have a whole lot of things and sometimes you don't know what you'll need...
I'm not. But I'm fairly picky about who I tutor. If you cause drama during the year, I'm probably not going to tutor your kid in the summer. Summer is my time, and I don't want drama! I always end up turning kids away because I don't have enough time slots, so I'm picky and pick kids and families that I get along well with, trust to know where my family lives (I tutor out of a family member's home, since it is close to school), etc. For example, one kid at my school could have used the help, and he's a nice child, but several family members have restraining orders and can't come near him. I'm not comfortable taking the risk that something could happen when he's with me, that an angry family member shows up, etc.