Turned down interview

Discussion in 'Job Seekers' started by burgandy01, Sep 5, 2015.

  1. burgandy01

    burgandy01 Rookie

    Aug 4, 2014
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    Sep 5, 2015

    I'm looking to fill a PE job which is hard to land in the 1st place.
    A couple days ago I was asked to interview for a Middle school position.
    I have subbed in Middle schools before and really had a tough time with behaviors/class clowns. My past experiences makes me nervous about working with these ages of kids.

    I'd really prefer an elementary gig but am feeling guilty for turning it down. If I get called for another Middle school should I just bite the bullet and try it out???
  3. giraffe326

    giraffe326 Virtuoso

    Jan 2, 2006
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    Sep 5, 2015

    If you really want a job.

    Very few of us are fortunate to have our ideal jobs right away. I specialized in early childhood, but spent 6.5 of my 8 years teaching 5th and 6th grade.
  4. waterfall

    waterfall Virtuoso

    Feb 5, 2011
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    Sep 6, 2015

    Usually I would recommend going just for the interview practice. I have turned down interview offers twice though. Both were jobs I absolutely did not want and would not be willing to take even if they were my only hope. In the first case, I lived about 3 hours away from where the interview was, so it wasn't worth a 6 hour trip just for interview practice. In the 2nd case, I was interviewing in the spring while teaching at my old school, and had very little leave time left since I'd taken so much time off school for interviews already.
  5. MrsC

    MrsC Multitudinous

    Aug 8, 2005
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    Sep 6, 2015

    When I was still a long-term sub, I was called to interview for a permanent, contract position. When I went to the interview, I had no idea what the position was and it turned out to be primarily grade 7 and 8 math, with some grade 6 science thrown in. At least 4 times during the interview I said, "I don't teach Grade 7 and 8." The interviewing principal didn't listen and hired me. I've never looked back--I adore this age group. Take opportunities you are offered.
  6. MissPapa

    MissPapa Comrade

    May 21, 2012
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    Sep 7, 2015

    I'd still go on the interview if you really want a job. I went on 5 interviews during my job hunt where I interviewed at middle schools, and a decent chunk of schools I got interviewed at were Pre-K to 8 (including where I work now), where they COULD'VE placed me in a middle school setting. Sometimes people end up liking what they got that was out of their ideal job.

    I really wanted lower grades and I got Kindergarten. After feeling it out for a year, I realized it is really difficult teaching Kinders. I got switched to third grade anyway, another grade I liked (I just wanted to avoid testing grades!)

    So go for it! You may end up in a school with great staff and a supportive administration. Every grade has its challenges.
  7. smalltowngal

    smalltowngal Multitudinous

    Jan 2, 2007
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    Sep 8, 2015

    During my undergrad I said I would never teach above 4th grade. During my student teaching (K and 3rd) I said I would never teach above 4th grade. My first job was in kinder. I then taught 2nd grade. When we moved, I subbed for elementary and middle school. I then got a full time job as an aide in middle school. And that led to a full time teaching job in......high school. The 3 years I taught at that high school was the best 3 years of my teaching career. In fact, after having taught below 4th grade and above, I would never go back to teaching below 4th grade.
  8. andstuff

    andstuff Rookie

    Nov 22, 2013
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    Sep 9, 2015

    I wouldn't let how the kids acted towards you and in class while you subbed as how they normally act. Will you have a few of those characters in class in middle school... yes. But most middle school kids are decently behaved with their everyday teacher.
  9. miatorres

    miatorres Comrade

    Aug 2, 2005
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    Sep 9, 2015

    Another thing to keep in mind is that just because many students at one or even a few middle schools were difficult and uncooperative doesn't mean that students somewhere else will be that way. Some schools just have a high population of students with behavior issues, apathy, and little to no home structure.

    With that being said, there are other middle schools that have many students and parents who are a joy to work with and make teaching enjoyable.

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