**whiny post ahead** I am exhausted. I haven't been sleeping well because I am so stressed. I'm tired all day long but when it comes time to sleep, I'm wide awake thinking. I found out that teacher orientation is next week for the district I have been waiting over a month to call me back from an interview. Looks like I didn't get that position. I've called HR and emailed/called the school and P and have heard nothing. I'm really bummed because I KNOW that I would have been a good fit for that school. And it was kind of my fallback school, ya know. I always figured it would be easy to get a job there (inner city, high teacher turnover, etc) - I was wrong. And, I feel horrible saying this, but coming here and seeing everyone else getting jobs is making me very sad. I am very happy for all of you that have jobs and I know that is the point of this board but I just want to know when my turn is going to be?? I'm sorry for all the negativity but I can't help it. I'm just done with everything.
It took me over a year to get my position and it was very discouraging last year to see all the people getting positions. Your in the right place Jlyn. Come here and vent away.
Jlyn- Many people have been waiting not just months, but years for that all important call. Keep putting yourself out there. I know it is discouraging and feel free to vent anytime you want. But know that in the end, you are meant to teach. It just takes that one interview and that one call. Look at MATgrad. She was ready to throw in the towel... how many times? Just keep on trying something will happen for you. It has to. Good things happen to good people. It is just the law of nature!
Well I got back from two substitute orientations, the two school districts I subbed at last year, although I did tell them I will probably be student teaching for the first semester. Although the morning substitute orientation was fine, I was a little horrified at the afternoon sub orientation since it's a rather large school district. About 400 people showed up in total for the sub orientation (there was an morning orientation as well as the afternoon orientation and I went to the afternoon orientation) and the people running both orientations said there was a combined total of 100 teachers ( maybe a little more or a little less) who were certified to teach but didn't get a job for this year who were applying to be substitutes. I do have to vent when I hear people all the time stress the need for more educated people. But that means nothing when people can't find jobs and have a degree in something. These people want to do the teaching biz but there aren't enough teaching positions in that school district or in any other school districts around the Dallas/FT Worth area. Makes me want to go into politics and run the entire show and wash away all the lies people/politicians say all the time and tell everyone the truth even if they don't want to hear it.
Yep, A to Z forums is THE place for support. I have been on other teacher forums and everyone is soo discouraged. We all believe in each other here and I think it really works!
MATgrad! I love reading your posts here the last two days, and then reading the happy ending!! Congratulations again!!
Congratulations MATgrad! It is awesome that you are a new teacher! I had an interview today but it wasn't for teaching and got a call while I was gone to interview for another company. I talked to HR at one of the districts I applied to and all he ever says is "keep checking back". I told him I feel like I am harrassing him and he just said not to worry. I will go to my interview tomorrow and I am sad to report that if they offer me a full time position and good money I will be forced to take it. I want to be a teacher so bad! But I just can't wait around for a teaching job forever! I have been looking since November and am to the point where I just want to use my education. I feel like I have wasted the money if I don't.
Congrats MAT - I am so happy for you - you deserve it! Excuse my ignorance, but what is an ESE inclusion teacher?
MAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's SOOO awesome!! I'm thrilled for you! Also, like I told smalltowngal when she got her job: "It's about friggin' time!!" Anyway, yay for you--- you totally deserve this! Maybe you can give your fat orange kitty (orange kitties are the best :wub a tiny tasty treat to celebrate. Jlyn, trust me when I say that I know exactly how you feel. I finished my M.A. and obtained my teaching licenses in '06 and lived in two states that had ridiculously high unemployed teacher populations. I relocated, but I still didn't find a job until this year... 3 years later. Hang in there! The perfect job WILL come along. Is relocating an option for you?
I haven't once used my college education for anything since I graduated in May of 2005. Most of the places I was hired at during the last four years paid 10 dollars or below and all the workers who worked at the same places as me kept on wondering why I wasn't trying hard enough to find a better job with more money.
Special Ed students are mainstreamed into a general education setting. I provide them with extra support, modify teacher instruction for them and do small group work. It's a sweet gig!
Jlyn I feel your pain! I have been looking for a "real" teaching gig for 3 years now (I've done the long-term subbing, tutoring, and building subbing but really want my *own* thing!) I am very happy for everyone who is finally getting a teaching job - but part of me is still very envious. Oh how I wish things were different!!! I can only hope that one of the para jobs I went for happens - if not, I will have to sub until I can get more permanent income (which I desperately need!) Relocating is not an option, since my dh is tenured in his school district and only has another 9 years until he is eligible for retirment. In the meantime, I can only trudge along....hoping...
It's like co-teaching Flute, I know what it's like to be stuck in an area. My hubby is a tenured music teacher and there is no way that I would let him give that up. I'm recommending a nice crisp chardonnary tonight.
Need to vent....a little long Today, I looked at the district site for the app I sent in last week. Job filled. The P said she'd consider me when scheduling interviews. I guess she didn't want to see me when she found out I didn't ST. Shoot....the only reason I didn't was I couldn't afford to quit my job for 3 months to do it. I'm a single parent with bills to pay, gosh darn it! And....(a little off the job topic).... I have been a little upset this afternoon because of a desk. I was told they're taking mine because a teacher at another campus needs one (and I was told that it'll make more room in the classroom, anyway.....I was only taking up a space about 5x3.....it doesn't make that much of a difference in that room), and it just upset me because they're taking away my little tiny corner that I call home in the school. Other teachers are getting new desks, so why can't that teacher use one of those?? They're still in good shape. My mom was wondering why aides even need desks. I understand that all I would need is a little time to check my email, and I could do that on a computer in the library, but I need a space of my own. Three aides based from another room are sharing a desk, and it takes up more room than mine. And, they have stuff plastered all over the walls by the desk. THEY have a spot to call their own. Who knows...maybe it'll be only a matter of time before theirs gets taken, too. I know I shouldn't be so upset about a desk. Part of me is thinking I got so upset about it because I have been feeling so upset about the job hunt not going as well as I thought it would. I was hoping at least I could have gotten some interviews. I guess what this all boils down to is that I am feeling so down on myself. People see that I didn't ST, and it seems to me that they don't consider my TA experience as classroom experience. My level of certification is EC-4, and I work at a HS. But.....I have experience, AND I did observations in 4 different grade levels. I'm not going into this blindly. I know what it takes. Vent over.
This isn't my first year looking; I graduated in 2007 with my bachelor's degree. The past two summers I haven't had much luck with interviews but this summer I've had 7 so I am really grateful for that. I'm just sick of applying and getting interviews and then either never hearing back or getting rejections. I do have a maternity leave position for the beginning of the year and I'm excited for that but it's at a Catholic school so the pay is not going to be the greatest - I'm pretty sure it won't be enough to cover my bills. I've just been really bummed lately and don't know how to get out of it. I sent an email to HR of a district yesterday right after posting here and I immediately got a response saying all of their positions I was applying for (teacher assistant) were already filled. I seriously lost it - I cried, freaked out and went to bed at 7:30 last night. I'm just so tired of it. I am feeling a little better today. I know things will start getting better soon and once school starts I'll be busier so I won't have so much time to think. About relocating: I am a huge chicken. I was looking at NC and had a phone interview there but didn't get the job. I have family there so I would have been comfortable moving (I think) there but I really don't know anyone anywhere else. My family is really close and I really don't want to move but I would if I could have a job. Now though I think its too late. Seriously, enough rambling from me, lol.
I really don't want to sub this year. I don't mind it so much once I'm there, but I hate not knowing where you are going to be, who the kids are (I try to get the names down as quick as I can, but that usually takes until the afternoon, etc.). I know that staying in education and making connections are good, but I also know that I could be subbing for years and waiting. I really want to move back on my own again and though I could make it now with what I make it would be too close to make me comfortable. I need to talk myself into subbing and to giving it until next Labor Day to get a job, but it's hard.
So...today they took away my desk. I had gone in earlier and asked the AP if they found a desk for that teacher, and he said yes, but I just had a feeling my desk was still going to be gone. I wasn't as upset when I found out they did that as I was last night. Then, another aide who got moved to supervise a computer lab told me I could move the computer in there, and I can chill in there! So....I have a different place to call home this year, but the admin don't know it....
I'll be student teaching but did attend two different substitute orientations yesterday. I'm also like you where I got tired going from school to school, class to class, meeting new students who I might not see again, looking at lesson plans several times before everything clicked, dealing with some crazy classes, dealing students who didn't feel like doing their assigned work, etc.
What are these schools waiting for?? I just saw a job posting on Monday so I applied online. This is the e-mail I got today: Dear Applicant: The xxxxx Central School District has received your application and supporting materials expressing interest in a position with our District. During the next few weeks, all materials will be processed as per our selection procedures. As the process continues, you will be kept informed as to your candidate status. Thank you for your interest in our District. Sincerely, slow Superintendent for Human Resources. UMM, school starts after labor day. Seriously, the next few weeks??? GET YOUR BUTT IN GEAR Mr. SUPERINTEDENT
My guess would be that the person quit at the last minute, hence the last minute posting of the job. They also want the job up for a while, so they can get the best qualified pool of applicants. And, as incredibly important as this is to anyone looking for a job, it's probably NOT the most important thing on the Superintendent's mind. He can get a sub for the class if he needs to. But fire inspections, busses, all those other issues on his desk-- they NEED to be taken care of before Labor Day! I hope this one comes through for you!
Well, something else I thought of. It's probably one of those automated e-mails that they send everyone. Even sent in June when they DID have a few weeks to spare! Hopefully it will be sooner rather than later I guess i'm in a better position than most, though. I do have a JOB but I just want a different one.
You took the words right out of my mouth!!! I just literally cried for a good hour this morning over not having a teaching job. I just feel like I worked hard in college, graduated Magna Cum Laude, have great references (the school I student taught at even said good things about me)...and yet, none of the school districts I have applied to has interviewed me! NONE!!! I had an HR interview at my dream district and was placed on a call-back list...but none of the principals did (mind you, I was told yesterday when I called the HR department that very few teachers resigned or retired and that there just weren't many openings this year). I did have one interview at a charter school, but didn't get the job. I also was in the running for an interview at a school my boyfriend's mom is at--only to lose it TWICE to people with more teaching experience. I had principals wanting to interview me, but just didn't have a single opening. It's SO frustrating! It makes me feel like I'm not liked or something. I have emailed about a hundred cover letters and resumes. I did hand in packets yesterday to 3 schools, so hopefully they'll see that I really want this. I was told one of the districts I applied to is expecting a lot of openings once school starts. I just want this SO badly! I hate seeing my friends talking about how happy/excited they are about teaching. That could have been ME! I think it's great that they were hired this year, but I can't help but be jealous and slightly irritated. I really don't want to sub, but I know it will help me get my foot in the door. I heard from 3 principals that they're excited I'm subbing (I've known them since I was a kid). What in the world am I doing wrong? I feel I'm personable, friendly, mature, polite, and know a good bit about children and their development. All I'm asking for is an interview/a chance!! I'm tired of being depressed every single day, and so is my boyfriend. :unsure:
I think that's why I don't really want to sub. I'd much rather have a permanent class where I can get to know the kids. I'm just going to do the absolute best I can and show principals I'm worthy of teaching and that I'll take any long term sub job that comes!! My good friends Jennifer and Christina are subbing with me, and we're pulling for each other to get jobs by the end of the school year. If anyone is wondering, I live in Houston, TX and applied to one of the biggest districts in the state (Cy-Fair ISD) and another district (Katy ISD) that's become high demand.
Cy-Fair ISD is very "exclusive". You have to be screened by HR and if you're approved, you get on a call-back list for the principals to call from. I was very fortunate to get a screening interview and be placed on the call-back list there, but that was only because my university supervisor had once been a principal in the district and helped out in HR with hiring. That was last year anyhow and I didn't go on any interviews I was called for because I had already accepted a position in the central Texas area. Katy ISD is the same.
My heart is crying for you guys. I was in HR to do my paperwork yesterday and there were three others there. One was a sub, the other a para and the third a long-term sub. All three had applied for my position. They were talking about it. It was an awkward day. Now I'm just waiting for my paperwork to clear then I can actually start working. It took me a year. It took lilmisses three years and it STG some time too. Your time will come. My new AP told me that she was extremely impressed that I had subbed while I was in school and that I subbed in a variety of schools. 84 people had applied for my job. It's a terrible time to be a job seeker. Use this time to try lots of different places. Be willing to try something new. You never know where it will lead.
ok so yes I have a job but its not in a public school and isnt quite what id like but i am sooo grateful i have at least this BUT all my old friends including the girl who beat me out of my old job have been talking about starting up again on facebook and stuff and it ois making me SO sad. and then i just feel guilty because i know there are people with NO job and i should feel jealous/sad etc but i cant help it. i really wanted that job at my old school =( i thought i was over it but hearing about it and thinking about it so soon has made me so upset again.
MAT~you are right. For some they don't have to wait long..they're the lucky ones. This was my third summer to look for a position.
I'm in the same position as you are. My current job is really driving me nuts but I guess I'll just keep it until something better comes along. It's not public school either and that's where I really want to work.
Subbing is not something I can see myself doing. I'm already an anxious person and not knowing what I'm walking into every day would literally drive me crazy. I would never sleep. I know that if I'm meant to be a teacher something will come up for me; if not, maybe I need to look into other options.
have you ever subbed? what is your experience so far in terms of teaching? i dont like subbing although i liked it more before i had a job and then had to go back to it.
I subbed for three years and while at times it was miserable it was still great experience. Once you get yourself established, you'll start getting calls in advance and then you'll have an idea. It's not fun but you're getting experience with kids.
I'm a teaching assistant. I just wonder if subbing is better than being a TA? I don't know! I'ved been a TA for the past 4 years, and it doesn't seem to help out on interviews, although I do a lot of whole group teaching!
I'm not sure subbing is better than being a TA and I don't know that being a TA is better than being a sub. But I'm also saying this as a person who has never been a TA. I think experience with students is the key, though. Subbing isn't that bad, Jlyn. Personally, it is definitely something that I talk about during interviews because it shows that I am flexible and adaptable. Also, I can bring up about my classroom management skills because everyone knows that students try to "play" the sub and see how far they can push. I'm a new teacher so beyond my ST and practicums I don't have any experience except subbing.