Hey guys and gals! We've had professional development all week to go over the new curriculum at the charter school I teach at. Our ELA curriculum however does not really address spelling, or what to do for it. However, our administrators do want us to teach spelling...we just have to come up with lists and how we want to do it. I was wondering if anyone knew of any good resource books or websites I could use for spelling? I will be teaching third grade this year, and have learned about the leveled spelling lists concept from a colleague of mine (different lists for kids at different levels), so I'm kind of wanting to do something along those lines. Any input would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
I use Words Their Way. I give the assessment at the beginning of the year, determine groups, and meet with them for small mini-lessons and activities. For homework, I also use something called "Creative Spelling Homework" or TicTacToe spelling that I've found on blogs. Students have some choices on their spelling homework and then it's due every Thursday.