teaching another teacher's child

Discussion in 'Elementary Education' started by Pencil Monkey, Aug 1, 2007.

  1. Pencil Monkey

    Pencil Monkey Devotee

    Aug 12, 2004
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    Aug 1, 2007

    I can't help but be nervous. One of the other lead teachers requested her child be placed in my class. She is senior to me, so this makes me worry in a way.


    I'm probably just being silly. But can anyone tell me what its like teaching another teacher's child?
  3. Beth2004

    Beth2004 Maven

    Jun 1, 2004
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    Aug 1, 2007

    I've never taught another teacher's child, but my principal's nephew was in my third grade class this past school year. It was actually pretty great. She kept on top of what we were doing in class and it was a HUGE help because he needed extra help in some areas. I found it to be a very positive experience.
  4. teacherlissa

    teacherlissa Comrade

    Jul 17, 2005
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    Aug 1, 2007

    I have had several teacher's children and I was nervous as well but they are super supportive and were great to work with! Just do your best and you should have nothing to worry about! Good Luck!
  5. Aliceacc

    Aliceacc Multitudinous

    Apr 12, 2006
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    Aug 1, 2007

    If anything, they tend to bend over backwards not to be intrusive.
  6. giraffe326

    giraffe326 Virtuoso

    Jan 2, 2006
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    Aug 1, 2007

    I student taught in a school with only 7 teachers, and I had one teachers daughter in my class. The biggest thing is not to favor them! You will likely get to know this child more (she was always around before and after school), but it is important not to show any partiality. Other than that, I found it no different!!
  7. teachingmomof4

    teachingmomof4 Groupie

    Aug 25, 2006
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    Aug 1, 2007

    We have a lot of teacher's kids in our school. I think it just depends on the teacher/parent. They are a parent too and no different than any other parent. Some will bend over backwards to stay out of your way and not intrude others won't; just like parents.
  8. Ms.Jasztal

    Ms.Jasztal Maven

    Jul 21, 2005
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    Aug 1, 2007

    Don't be frightened. I've done it numerous times. Let me think... a teacher's nephew my 2nd year, the assistant principal's daughter my 2nd year, a 4th grade teacher's daughter for reading my 3rd year, two substitutes' kids my 3rd year, and then my fourth year... all in advanced reading- the principal's son, the assistant principal's son, two teacher's daughters, and other employees' kids. Yet in homeroom my 4th year, I don't have any employee's kids, and I think that'll work well. It was the same my first year. :)

    -Don't let them slide by with other kids cannot. Especially homework.
    -I wish you could do something if they come in late, but it depends on who the child's parent is.
    -Let them help you before and after school if they are willing and you need it.
    -Don't think about it too much, and things will really go well. I am not worried about this coming year and advanced reading. I think it'll be a fun time.
  9. Ms.Jasztal

    Ms.Jasztal Maven

    Jul 21, 2005
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    Aug 1, 2007

    And HA HA HA.. all those parents were seniors to me, no doubt. :) They know my age just fine. :rofl: Things were fine.
  10. Rabbitt

    Rabbitt Connoisseur

    Jun 18, 2007
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    Aug 1, 2007

    She may be just as nervous as you!
    Remember how well you get to know parents throughout the year.
    She may worry about forgetting to sign something, send in supplies promptly, or stories her child will tell about home. :D It'll be fine!
  11. kinder4me

    kinder4me Comrade

    Jun 9, 2005
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    Aug 1, 2007

    I will be teaching another teacher's child this year per her request. I think it will be fine, and that she will be a good parent. My children go to the school where I teach, and I do what I can to help out and be a good parent. We all know how it feels to have those that cause problems, and that is the last thing we want for our colleagues.:D
  12. Annie227

    Annie227 Companion

    Jul 31, 2007
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    Aug 1, 2007

    I had a co-worker's daughter last year - it was horrible. The student was one of my biggest behavior problems and the parent (who was only several doors down) would never return any papers that needed to be signed. Work was rarely turned in and the parent always came running over right before report cards were due asking for make-up work. I have since moved schools (and states), but was told today that I'll have a teacher's kid in my class - let's hope this is a better experience!
  13. Grammy Teacher

    Grammy Teacher Virtuoso

    Aug 12, 2004
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    Aug 1, 2007

    Done it(taught teacher's kids,) and one experience was good. THe other was a nightmare. I HATE IT.
  14. silver rain

    silver rain Comrade

    Mar 5, 2006
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    Aug 1, 2007

    :eek: This past school year I had 3 teachers' children, 1 TA's child and 1 custodian's child....
    they were all requests!!!!!!!:woot:
    Over all it was pretty good.... only one had a hard time returning papers and homework. The other 4 were great!
  15. Eliza

    Eliza Companion

    Jun 25, 2007
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    Aug 1, 2007

    It's not silly at all to be nervous about it. Just remember that she chose you for a reason and obviously has faith in you to do a good job with her child. :) Just treat her the same as the rest of your kids.

    I know when I've had teacher's kids in the past they really just want you to do your job and treat their child fairly. I'm sure that you'll do a great job! I've only had one time over the years that I had a teacher parent try to bend the rules and it was resolved after sitting down with her and discussing it.
  16. michelb366

    michelb366 Comrade

    Dec 7, 2005
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    Aug 1, 2007

    I think it totally depends on the parent. My first year I had a boy whose parents BOTH taught at our school! Mom was great and on top of things, but was very much a hovering mom. Dad was very hard on the boy (he had some learning difficulties). I agree with the other posters, just be fair and make sure the parents are in the loop.
    Oh, and you're not alone! This year I will have the suprintendent's daughter, another teacher's son, and my son in my class!!
  17. TripleJ

    TripleJ Rookie

    Jul 24, 2007
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    Aug 1, 2007

    I've yet to experience this. I can't imagine teaching my own child. That would be hard! I'm sure it's not as bad as I think it would be, but still...
  18. patti2

    patti2 Cohort

    Jun 24, 2006
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    Aug 1, 2007

    Last year I had my own son in my class. It was fun! I think I will really miss seeing his cute little face out there this year! My other son was in the fifth grade and I tried to be supportive of the teacher and not intrude too much! I also told the other teachers that I didn't want to hear anything about my kids that they wouldn't normally tell the other kids' parents. I wanted my kids to have SOME privacy!;)
  19. MissFroggy

    MissFroggy Aficionado

    Aug 26, 2006
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    Aug 2, 2007

    I had a teacher's child in my class two years ago. It was a teacher I respected greatly and has been teaching for a long time. It was always extra nerve wracking at conferences, but in the end, we had a great year. The child was fantastic. If there had been problems, it may have been different. I also was quite happy that he (the teacher) felt I was a very good match for his child, and had great things to say about me... I had only taught for a year at this school at the time.
  20. loves2teach

    loves2teach Enthusiast

    Aug 1, 2005
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    Aug 2, 2007

    Most of the teachers at my school have older or younger children, but at my previous school, I had an aides child. It was nervewracking at first- but I realized how supportive the parent was. It was smooth sailing from then on.

    I agree that conferences could probably be a bear too. I am usually worried about saying something wrong.
  21. MrsMikesell

    MrsMikesell Cohort

    Jan 12, 2006
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    Aug 2, 2007

    I have 3 teacher's children in my room this year. All requests.

    I guess my feeling is, if they reguested me, I must be doing something right.

    Kelly :)
  22. divey

    divey Companion

    Jul 8, 2004
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    Aug 2, 2007

    I've always felt honored by any parent requests, but especially people that work in the district. I feel really validated when they work with me, and choose to pick me as their child's teacher. One thing I have found is that, at first, the parents may expect preferential treatment b/c they work with you, but I am always pretty clear that EVERY child in my class is my favorite, and once they realize that I strive to make every child feel special, they seem pretty content to let me do my thing....not interfere, in other words. Of course, there are those that will push a bit harder, but be fair and consistent with ALL the kids, and it'll be a good experience!
  23. shortee

    shortee Companion

    Jul 27, 2006
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    Aug 2, 2007

    Definitely depends on the parent/teacher. I had this one year and the parent was a real pain...another year I had another teacher's child and no problems. I wouldn't worry.
  24. cactusfive

    cactusfive Rookie

    Jul 12, 2006
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    Aug 2, 2007

    You will just have to wait and see. My first year teaching I had two teacher's children, one was great and the second was not. It did make things uncomfortable for awhile.There are a couple coming up next year and I am keeping my fingers crossed I will not get either of them-both parents (teachers) are very hard to work with.
  25. Mrs. Mom

    Mrs. Mom Cohort

    Jul 14, 2006
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    Aug 2, 2007

    I agree with this wholeheartedly! Although its fine to share good stuff, don't tell about every little thing the kid does. Unless you would call any other parent and let them know, keep quiet!! I taught the principal's son last year, a principal from another school's daughter, and my niece! Just do your best, you'll be fine. I have my best friend's daughter coming up this year, and am looking forward to it!
  26. Grammy Teacher

    Grammy Teacher Virtuoso

    Aug 12, 2004
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    Aug 2, 2007

    The kids are not the problem. It's the parents. We have one this year who can't seem to stay out of her child's classroom and even came up to nap with her on her break. When she leaves her, the child cries and wakes everyone up. It's so irritating.
  27. MrsPatten

    MrsPatten Comrade

    Jul 7, 2006
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    Aug 2, 2007

    Julie, thank you SO much for starting this thread! I've been worrying about the same thing. There are several faculty member's kids coming up to 1st grade this year and they all told me they requested for their kids to be in my class. It makes me feel honored but I'm very nervous.
  28. ancientcivteach

    ancientcivteach Habitué

    Jul 20, 2006
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    Aug 2, 2007

    I have taught many teacher's children and it has been fine. One, due to professional courtesy, if you are teaching the child the parent more than likely wanted them to be with you. It is a great compliment.

    Two, remember that it is tough for them to where two hats - teacher and mom. Respect both. As a rule, I don't contact teacher moms for anything I wouldn't contact a "regular" parent for - and never, never during class.

    Just my two cents :)
  29. Sagette

    Sagette Companion

    Jun 4, 2007
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    Aug 2, 2007

    I think it will be fine as long as you set the tone right from day one. Meaning no partial treatment, not favoring the student, etc.

    I subbed in a classroom where a student's mom taught in the next room. Mom felt the need to come into the classroom with her child and proceed to tell all about the "bad" kids :rolleyes: Of course I realized by the end of the morning that her child was the one the kids didn't like because she knew confidential info about them and threw it in their faces. I did wonder how the classroom teacher felt about this, but I never got to ask her.
  30. shouldbeasleep

    shouldbeasleep Enthusiast

    Jul 28, 2007
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    Aug 4, 2007

    It's a big honor to be asked to teach another teacher's child. Consider yourself complimented. My only problem has been the kids want to run down to their moms to get something they forgot and I never know if I should let them go or if it bothers the parent. This year, I plan on being specific about asking them what they want me to do since there are a lot of teacher's kids here. I've had many of them since I've been teaching a long time. They're just like regular parents. And they chose me, so live with it. :)
  31. kiraj

    kiraj Companion

    Aug 3, 2007
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    Aug 4, 2007

    I had this last year (I did high school LRC), so it was very stressful! I had to conduct IEP meetings, and these parents knew all the inner workings and political issues in the district. Anyways, it turned out fine. They were all very upset to find out I wouldn't be back next year.

    My number one tip is to respect the parent's work time. It's really easy to shoot an email or discuss something in the lunch room, but think first. Is it something you would call another parent for? If not, it's probably best not to bring it up. The kid and parent could end up resenting it. Ask them how they prefer you to contact them if there are issues. Is it ok to pop in after school for a conference, or do they want you to call home like you would another parent? Is email ok? You might not have the same issues I did with this since I was in special ed and had constant parent contact, but it's nice to check with them. The parents I worked with were fine with me using their work email and chatting with them in the copy room to set up meetings and discuss grades instead of me calling home. Good luck! I'm sure you'll do just fine!
  32. divey

    divey Companion

    Jul 8, 2004
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    Aug 6, 2007

    My issue was (at times) the opposite. I have had teacher parents come to me at all times of the day....in the morning as i was preparing for the day, after school, during lunch, as i was walking back from taking my kids to a special, etc... At times it could be frustrating, but i just tried to remember that they were talking to me as a parent right then, so i tried to listen, answer their questions, and then get back on the track i was on as quickly as i could. Of course, again, it all depends on the parent.
  33. Grammy Teacher

    Grammy Teacher Virtuoso

    Aug 12, 2004
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    Aug 6, 2007

    That's the problem I've encountered and it about drove me nuts.

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