That's funny, Jame. They need a geometry lesson! It looks great. They have identified 9 instructional strategies (which cross subject areas) which are provem to improve student achievement. They are: identifying similarities and differences summarizing and note taking reinforcing effort and providing recognition homework and practice representing knowledge learning groups setting objectives and providing feedback generating and testing hypotheses cues, questions, and advance organizers There are plenty of tables, diagrams, organizers throughout the book, too. Today was a great day for ebay orders. This is what I got in addition to the above: Morning Message and Other Shared Writing Lessons, Living Between the Lines, The Reading/Writing Workshop: Getting Started. Now I better get to work on them!
Thanks, Daisy!! I, too, have been getting things from e-bay. It's almost like Christmas!! Mostly, I have been getting book sets to use in my Lit Circles...brand new copies that come out to $.90 to $1.10 a copy, even figuring in the shipping. It is amazing! I almost feel guilty taking them at such a price!! I have been trying and trying to get The Morning Meeting Book. There have been quite a few put up for auction, but they keep going for way too much. These are mostly used, and they are going for more than a new one would cost even with shipping added in. One today that I had been tracking for a week went for something like $28-a new one on Amazon sells for $19 with around $3 shipping. It's crazy!!
Yeah, you can really get hooked in. I just rebid on about 4 pocket charts today! Between ebay and Vistaprint, I'm going to have to tutor zillions of hours this summer. I read the whole book about reading/writing workshop last night and it really inspired me.
I've been out of touch for a few days. I've started looking through mine too. I think it looks like a pretty good book. I was excited to see the section about summerizing and notetaking! I decided to start teaching note taking skills about four or five years ago when it became apparent my 5th graders had no idea how to do it. I had the hardest time finding anything about teaching note taking skills-only a couple pages in a resource about study skills in general. I kind of had to make my own format from there.
I FINALLY got my book in the mail yesterday! Woo-de-hoo-hoo! I read module 1 on Comparing and realized that even with the simple things (like that) there's room for improvement! Since everyone seems to be experiencing delays in getting the book, are we going to wait a while before officially beginning?
MINE IS HERE!! Divey, I'll second that "Woo-de-hoo-hoo!"-talk about finally, mine took forever! I did a quick check-back to see who all has joined up with us, and what their status is, as to if they have their book,yet. I counted 9 of us-that is exciting!! Hope I didn't overlook anyone. Have book: Divey, Upsadaisy, Mrs. C. Runs, and me Other members: MissFrizzle, Miss W, 2nd Grade Teacher (Cathy), and Becca K Guess, we just need to hear from everyone, and then decide when we are starting...? Miss Frizzle, we'll let you have the final say, since it was your great idea that got us all started!
I am ready...I say let's start with the first chapter and we can leave enough time for the others to get the book before proceeding. Sound good?
I'm going to make an executive decision here and start another thread for our actual discussion. Hope that is okay with you, Miss Frizzle. Let's call it simply Book Discussion Group. We'll leave this thread open for comments about availability, receipt of the book, etc. Let the wild discussions begin!
I've been going crazy with my grad classes, but after next week I'll catch up with wherever you guys are. Don't wait on me to start.