I looking for effective rotation schedules for an elementary schools. Any Ideas would be appreciated. Thanks
We rotate for science-I teach three rotations of chemistry, and my team teachers do oceanography and human body/plan cells. I end with my own class and then we all do Astronomy on our own. Pro: I only have to gather resources for one science topic. I have a LOT of good chemistry resources. Bad: The kids are SUPER awful at getting their homework or classwork back to us because it's just once a week, they don't think to bring it to our rooms before the next science class and then they forget it the next week. Lining the kids up and walking them down (our rooms are very spread out) eats up a lot of time. My kids always complain about things missing from their desks when they get back. I know one teacher really wants to end rotations next year, while the other teacher really likes them. I guess I'd stick with it because I've spent so much money on my chemistry stuff and I need another year before I think about adding the other science stuff onto my plate.
Jem, why don't the teachers rotate classes and get rid of most of those problems. K12, we need more details.
We switch once in the middle of the day. One teacher does literacy and social studies, the other does math and science. Both 4th and 5th grades switch.
An attempt to improve math instruction NCTM recently published an article that basically said the best math teachers in our elementary schools should be teaching all the math. I am finding that many of our teachers, thought well meaning, don't have the concept understanding and thus our student's foundations are lacking. I'm looking for the logistics of how create a rotation among all of the required elementary subjects so our best math teachers are teaching all the math. We're looking at doing a few classes next year as pilot programs.... so next year no more than 1 grade per school. Thanks for your help
agdamity, This is perhaps what I'm looking for. How could I get a look at what your daily schedule looks like?
8-9: pull out classes (music, art, etc.) 9-11:35: first block. (I spend 90 minutes on math and the rest on science) 11:35-12:45: lunch and recess 12:45-3:10: second block 3:10-3:20: switch back to home rooms and prepare for dismissal
We switch out twice a week at my school. Second grade. There are three of us: 1. Science 2. Social Studies 3. Art We level the students based on ELL level and academics as well and then structure our lessons around vocabulary and concepts.