Hi Rain, Do you still have that unit. I would love to take a look at it. I am teaching states of matter after Thanksgiving and need a little guidance. Thanks so much for your help! Erica
I would love to see this material. I don't know how to do PM but you mentioned you could see the email address anyway even if it's hidden... Jennyblue17@yahoo.com THANKS!! I would greatly appreciate it.
States of Matter material (rainstorm) I WOULD LOVE TO SEE THIS!! Please email it to me at jennyblue17@yahoo.com. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!
I recently found a website with whole units preplanned. We are doing solids and liquids this week, so I am using some of it. Check it out and see if there is something you could use. It might save you some time. http://www.einsteinproject.org/einstein/for+educators/unit+offerings/default.asp
You pm by going up to where the person id name is so griers for example and left click and there will be an option to send a private message
Rainstorm: I would like these materials as well. My email address is nikioz0630 at suddenlink . net. Thanks so much!!!