I got a job offer today and I accepted the position! It is a special education resource class, mostly math! I am happy to say I am so glad I got an offer. I am an acp student with little experience. Now please pray with me that HR approves me. The NCLB act has thrown me for a loop with the "highly qualified" status. My new boss is hoping that the status will be a null point this year since I am an acp student and not fully licensed, but still acquiring my permanent license. She says she hopes that if anything to retain the position for next year I may have to take an EXCET exam in math. I told her I was totally fine with that. This was the first interview I scheduled and the last one I went on (this morning). I had 5 interviews in 3 days and none were the right fit for me. I could tell. I went in today and met with the Sp. Ed. coordinator for 45 minutes and then with her and the principal for another 30 minutes! 1.5 hours is the longest interview I have ever been on! So if everything is okay with HR when she checks tomorrow she will put in the request for hire form!! Yippee!! I am so thrilled! Now I can't wait to hear how many others have had offers extended.
Thanks, I am just so thrilled! It's an Alternative Learning Center for middle school and high school age children. I am working this summer with elementary and knew for sure I wanted to work with the older kids. I am not used to the crying. lol. I've spent most of my career working with youth.
Congratulations! Last year was my first year of teaching and I was hired as a special education teacher. I can understand the excitement! You'll really enoy it.
Congratulations! I just got my HQ status and it wasn't too bad... mostly just more hoops to jump through.