There isn't just one "Scott Foresman Social Studies" -- there are editions for different grades, and different states, and subjects (US/World), and you'd probably also need to make sure you've got the TOC for the right year's edition. Unfortunately, I've tried a variety of different Google searches, and I just end up at "dead ends," with no table of contents for ANY of these titles.
My curriculum does just center around this text. It's my 1st year in 4th grade teaching SS (came from 6 yrs in 2nd grade). I don't like this text much. Any suggestions on websites or anything else to perk up lessons? I can't wait until next school year when I am more familiar with the grad elevel to change things around.
What do you study in 4th grade social studies in LA? Let us know and we will be glad to help you with additional lessons
Regions of the United States and their resources, mainly, but I also want to find a way to make the lessons interesting when we learn about government, economics, voting, and the influence of our forefathers on our history.
I know what you mean. This was my first year teaching 4th, having moved from k. It really is dull . I did find that some of the Storytown stories can be related to the subjects in SS. Like when we read the story about the Grand Canyon, I intergrated that region, when we read Dragons and Dinosaurs, I intergrated that region and also in science about fossils and rocks. Being new to a grade level is tough to plan, you are just trying to keep up or at least I was .
I get to teach Texas history so I love teaching social studies for the first time. Second grade was just community workers, etc.
Have you looked at the Louisiana Comprehensive Curriculum? There are some great activities in the curriculum. Not all of them are great, but I have found it is a great starting place. Just realized the original poster was from Ohio. What is the base of your curriculum in SS? Is it state, national, history, etc?
THE UNIT TITLES ARE: Unit 1 Living in the United States- this is an overview of the US Unit 2 The Northeast Unit 3 The Southeast Unit 4 The Midwest Unit 5 The Southwest Unit 6 The West This will be my first year @ 4th grade, but my teaching partner says she supplements with a lot of her own things. The students need to know the states, capitals, abbreviations, location and those type things. A former co-worker enlarged a map and drew EACH state in the different regions the same color (SW- blue, NW- red, etc). As they were studying each region, the kids had to research the states in that particular region and give information. I am thinking of doing that, and having them give, along with the capitals of each state, the main industry in the state, population etc. ANYTHING that you can do to have them take ownership in the activity will help. Having taught 5th grade last year, I KNOW they will be tested on the states and capitals and abbreviations again so.... I will make sure they know it. Good luck.