I had these questions for a special ed job and struggled with answers. How would you answer them? Any help would be great. 1. If you were holding an IEP meeting and the LEA had to leave to attend to a problem in classroom, what would you do? 2. What would you do if a regular ed teacher sent one of your students to your special ed room for behavioral reasons (interview was for an academic support)? 3. What are the steps to making an FBA? 4. How do you plan lessons for special ed students?
1. Reconvene when LEA comes back 2. I would send the student back. I only serve SPED students -- sometimes I do host gen ed make up test takers from one of my neighboring teachers, but the students just come and do their test w/o any assistance from me or my staff. 3. Psych should be involved, I presume. I only develop BIPs and normally is based on data from teacher observations and office referrals. Sigh, I work at a comprehensive HS. 4. Grade level, direct explicit instruction with slow release. Lots of scaffolding. Must be grade elevel - my students are diploma bound. Goals are grade level so that covers us for the "teach to the goals and to the standards" predicament