I am working on my certification right now and I have a assignment that is due tomorrow night for my assessment class. I was kinda pondering the answer for these questions anyways. 1. What information does the teacher have about pupils before the first day of class? 2. What are the sources of that information? 3. How much does the teacher rely upon the comments of other teachers when getting to know a new class? 4. If the teacher could know only two specific characteristics of each pupil at the end of the first day of class, what would those be? Why? 5. What information is most useful for managing pupils in the classroom? Thank you in advance!:thanks: (pp. 49 Activities in Classroom Assessment-Airasian)
I know this is on the elementary board, but since you are working on a paper, I thought you might want the perspective of a secondary teacher.... That and I'm bored... 1. In a typical, large high school, we probably have no information about our students. The only way we would have it is if we had taught the kid already or had one of the siblings in class before. 2. N/A 3. I don't listen to comments about behavior, like "that kid is such a ...." but I do listen to comments about learning styles and such, like "X really works best if you give him a highlighter..." or something to that affect. 4. Learning style and test scores on the most recent standardized tests. (We usually get test information, but I've never received that by day one. It usually doesn't come until a couple of weeks into class). 5. I want to know who the student lives with, if they work after school, stuff like that. I have found the best way to manage my class is to develop a relationship with the students.
I'm a new teacher, so not a pro by any means. 1. We fill out forms for each student's next year teacher. On it we write the student's name & nickname; health information; siblings; if the student has been retained, has had an SST, or has an IEP; fluency; how the student performs both academically and behaviorally; and there is a place to write comments about learning styles, behavior, etc. Also, we hopefully have cum files for each student that contains all of their information. 2. I guess I just answered that. 3. I would take previous teachers' comments with a grain of salt. If I believe every word, then I'm going to be meeting that student for the first time with an already-established set of judgements. I like to get to know my students a bit first, then go read through their cum files. 4. Learning Style and Motivators. I teach 6th grade. If I don't know how to get my students motivated, I'm sunk. And learning style is important for every student. 5. My school is on a track system, so the students are basically with each other from kindergarten until 6th grade (unless they switch tracks.) I would like to know who they work well with or don't. Of course this will always change, but it's a good idea to know. HOpe this helps!
It really don't matter who's perspective i'm working on...i'm going into elementary education. Thanks for the help!
1. We can get our students' addresses, phone numbers, and DOB b4 school starts. 2. Our information comes from the principal or the secretary. 3. I only use other teachers to tell me who should not be near one another. I don't want to know all previous problems because each student should start with a clean slate when he/she enters my room. 4. This is a hard one for me. At the end of the first day, I definitely want to know that my students are prepared to learn. I also want to know that they are willing to follow the Classroom Behavior plan. In our school during the first week, we come up with a Positive Social Contract. We come up with the plan together and everyone signs it including our principal. 5. I want to know if students are on any medication, and do they have a previous behavior plan.