Hi, I am uncertain how to form this sentence correctly, it may appear I am mixing tenses. But, the sentence seems to read well. What do you think? Doesn't that read better than: Oh, and by the way, hi, I am new here but have been reading quite a while.
The second one reads better. The main part of the first one that bothers me is "yelling." Change that to "yells" and it could be okay.
I agree that the 2nd one flows better. I'm sure it's just a typo but is it spelled grammar. Hope this helps.
Second one is better. The "yelling" in the first one isn't correct - like MissCeliaB said. Change it to yells and it is fine.
You either need 'ing' for all or none - don't mix them. I’m going start my story like a man who kicks open the door to a pub, runs in, knocking over chairs and leaping on the pool table, rips off his shirt and yelling, “Listen!” kicks runs knocking leaping rips yelling I suggest getting rid of all of the ings.
I’m going start my story like a man kicking open the door to a pub, running in, knocking over chairs, leaping on the pool table, ripping off his shirt and yelling, “Listen!” ? I think I like it better without any -ings as well. Also common mistake, but grammar is spelled with an 'a' at the end.
I’m going TO start my story like a man who kicks open the door OF a pub and runs in, knocking over chairs and leaping on the pool table, while ripping off his shirt and yelling, “Listen!”