
Discussion in 'Prayer Request Forum' started by Guest, Mar 3, 2002.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Mar 3, 2002


    My name is Tameika Porter and I have recently registered on this site. When I first saw that this site had a place where teachers can post their prayer requests I was estatic. I am currently going through the education program at GSU so I am not a teacher yet, but as a future teacher I would like you to pray that God makes me an effective teacher. I also ask that you pray with me for direction because I need the Lord to show me what school he wants me to work for.
    My heart goes out to all of you all because it takes a special person to become a teacher. I know that dealing with parents, meetings, administrators, and even your own families can get discouraging, but I pray that God will give every teacher the strengh to endure it all.

    With Love,

    Tameika Porter
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Mar 22, 2002

    Our prayers are definately with you :) I'm so glad that you're answering the tug on your heart to become a teacher. Your desire to follow the Lord will help you to be the best you can be, whether you are teaching or not. You'll end up working in the place He needs you :)
  4. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Jul 18, 2002

    I'm a training teacher too! I'll be praying for you, that God will bless your time of study and make you the best teacher that you can possibly be. I'll be praying that you will be sensitive to his leading so that you know where he is sending you.
  5. Kristen

    Kristen Guest

    Oct 13, 2002

    Finding this website and message board has been a true blessing to me! I am a student teacher and am also dealing with the future decision of applying to school districts. I am trying not to stress about it, but please pray for me that God will show me which direction he wants me to go.

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