Breathe, please, people - and find something else to do with your good brains over the weekend, okay?
Did you end up getting your scores? I have checked over and over again but am counting on tomorrow. SO nervous!!
ugh i hope so!! If i didn't pass they're saying i can't graduate in May.. so so so stressed. Hopefully within 24 hours we will know. Any idea what time they post? I'm in Alaska so I'm curious what time zone.. I think its eastern.
Hey Emily, When I called, I was told that scores will be released on the 28th, which is Monday. I'm nervous too! Lol. Hopefully things have change and our scores are considered passing. If your friend received a passing score with a 73, then things have definitely changed. I'm hoping for the best. I want to go into Christmas break stress free and not worried about retaking this test again.
I ONLY passed Reading and Language Arts.... I failed Social Studies by 6 points,.. Math by 25 pts, and Science by 43 pts........... I will be retaking Social Studies on Dec 5th, and Math and Science on Dec 7th.............. If I don't pass, I will not graduate in May.... I'm PISSED!!!... with myself, but I feel like I can't really study for this test, due to
Wow!!! Have you purchased the learning express book? You should look into it. I literally was a question or two from passing. We just have to keep studying and know that this is for us. This too shall pass......literally! Lol
I have the Praxis Elementary Education Multiple Subjects book from Barnes & Nobles.. This stupid test is more of how much can u answer in the time allowed.. Than really what you know.. Plus the wide range in grade levels is crazy... I'm sick of this test... Ugh!!!
I took the Praxis 2 test 5018 today. Break down of my scores was: Reading/Language Arts: 20 Math: 25 Social Studies: 7 Science: 14 Then it said my raw score was 142. I need a 157 to pass. Is there any hope?
20+25+7+14 = 66. That's your raw score, one point per question correct. 142 would then be your scaled score. Hugs, ksantas. Looks like you need to work on English/language arts and on social studies.
I used a lot!!! The Content 5018 book by learning express Quizlet I purchased the interactive test from ETS and printed it off. A math book by Lynn Gardner I also went to our teacher store (Knowledge Tree) and our shades books on US history and The American Revolution!!!!!
EKlass17, CONGRATS! You DID blow it out of the water! How many times did you take it? Hope you have now had a relaxing weekend!
Hi, I'm new to the forum. I'm one of those upset aspiring teachers. I finished my MEd in Elementary ed last year, took 5018 in 2016 and made 127 (needed 163), took it again today and the screen showed 158. I don't recall if the first time I took it the unofficial score was the same as official. Do you all think it would be unfortunate, yet safe to say my actual score is 158? I've never been good with standardized tests! I hate them. I must pass this test to get a position and provide for me and my son. I'm very depressed at this moment. Ugh
You picked up 31 points and got within just five points of passing? That's something to be proud of: you're not as bad at this test taking thing as you've come to believe. If memory serves, 5018 consists of selected-response questions - no constructed responses. That being the case, your task with each question is to find the best answer, or failing that the answer that is least rotten. "Least rotten" is defined with respect to the information in the question stem (which is the scenario or explanation or whatever that precedes the answer choices). The least rotten multiple choice answer is the one that clashes with the question stem the least as regards the domain (= subject matter) AND the grade AND the students' need AND the specific task or outcome AND whatever else is specified in the question stem. For instance, if the question stem invokes phonemic awareness or phonics, the students probably won't be (normal) fourth graders and the task shouldn't be a word web or a worksheet on sequencing events in a story.
Thank you for the motivation! I'll plan to take it again soon. Louisiana test requirements change slightly in September. They no longer accept 5018 and will now require the separate test of all the subjects.
You are fine. As long as you take 5018 prior to September. The specific date is listed on the department of ed's website. I'm going to schedule to take it again before that date.
GUYS, quick & kind of urgent question. How important is it to memorize formulas for the math portion?
What's up with that is that it is next to impossible to write even two questions that are exactly equivalent in difficulty, let alone two tests' worth of exactly equivalent questions. Scaling the scores weights some test forms and test questions a bit more highly than others, with the goal of producing numbers that can properly be compared with each other. According to Praxis you and your friend performed equally well on your respective test versions - whence the 169 for each of you - but you were faced with questions that were more challenging in Praxis's judgment than the questions that your friend had.
I took the praxis 5018 today. As soon as i submitted my test they gave me my raw score and unofficial scaled scores. They are as followed Unofficial scaled *162 Read/lang arts- 27/49 Math-25/41 Social studies-5/25 Science-13/25 That gave me a total of 70 raw points out of 140. I am confused because that would have given me exactly 50%. Could my score possibly be 163? Thats what I need to pass
70 points is your raw score, yes. You seem to have gotten 50% of available raw points, yes. But Praxis scales its scores on a scale that begins at 100 and usually tops out at 200; the reason for this is that versions or editions of the test differ in difficulty, and the score conversion algorithm takes these differences into account. Your unofficial scaled score is likely to be your official score, I'm afraid. The good news is that you came very close to passing.
I took 5018 today (5-17-17), breakdown was ELA 29 Math 26 SS 10 Sci 15 I saw either 74 OR 174 on the screen, I'm assuming it was 174 considering my total from the 4 sections was 80 & that my unofficial score was 174. I at least hope so.
I am also struggling with my results. I just took the Praxis for counselors and received a raw score of 146 out of 120 questions. I need 156 to pass...what does this mean? Nashiberry
On 5018, which is strictly multiple choice, the raw score is the number of answers you get right. (A raw score CAN exceed the number of questions, but only if a significant number of questions include several drag-and-drop responses; I'm fairly certain 5018 doesn't.) It follows that the highest possible raw score can't be over 120 and that 146 is probably your unofficial scaled score. Hugs, Nashiberry.
Praxis 5018 ADVICE ELA- Study teaching methods and strategies, ESPECIALLY if your degree wasn't in education SS- study as many topics as you can, you can get a free study guide outline of major topics you need to know from teacherstestprep, understand the topics clearly enough to explain to someone else, names are more important than dates. I used Crash Course Youtube videos, practice tests from teacherstestprep, praxisprep, and the PDF download from the praxis website MATH- I searched Praxis 5018 on Youtube and worked all the problems in the videos. Work many problems lots of time, until you don't need any assistance. I found that on the actual test, formulas weren't that important. It was mostly simple arithmetic. Also, the answer choices almost ALWAYS contain the wrong answer they EXPECT you to get. Work the problem more than once, check all answer choices for accuracy Science- It was a lot of process of elimination and common knowledge, I didn't find it particularly difficult. For this I used Crash course videos from Youtube as well. OVERALL- Read all questions thoroughly, read them more than once. Sometimes the question alone it meant to trip you up. Do process of elimination for the entire test. It's a little time consuming but worth it. Take your time reading the ELA passages regardless of what the clock says. I was nervous about the time because it took me a lot longer on the 1st 2 sections than expected, I had about 30 minutes left for both Sci & SS, but in the end I had just enough time (about 5 minutes to spare). Lastly, all resources I used were FREE. Another FREE resource I used was 4tests. It allows you to take a BUNCH of FREE practice tests in MULTIPLE subjects with explanations for all questions. It helps you gauge your weaknesses. Non of my scores from the 4 sections were SPECTACULAR, however I did pass with a 174 ELA- 29 MATH- 26 SS-10 SCI- 15 =80
Update: I took the test again for y8he 2nd time and i passed with a 163! Reading 32/41 Math 23/36 SS 9/21 Sci 13/21 I know there are 140 questions on the test but when i got my last official score report it was out of 119 questions!? Hopefully when i receive my scores this time my score stays a 163!
You took 140 questions, yes, but 21 of them are what Praxis has called "non-scoring" or "pre-test" questions: they're being field-tested for inclusion in future versions of the test and so they're not counted. The scaled score takes that into account.
If what you intend is that a raw score of 80 is high enough to pass any version of 5018, I suppose that might be the case, though I don't have evidence to say that with confidence. The raw score required to attain a given scaled score varies from version to version of the subtest. A scaled score of 162, not quite passing, resulted from a raw score of 70 - but a scaled score of 163, presumably just at passing, resulted from a raw score of 73. That's a big jump in raw points for just one scaled point.
Hi! I am new to the forum and i read through some of the raw scores but i am still a little bit skeptical. Today i took Praxis 5018 and i was convinced that I did horrible (i still think i didn´t do so well) but then when i was done, the screen showed me: ELA 26 Math 28 Social Studies 12 Science 15 I also saw a total 168 too at the very top of the screen. Then i checked Louisiana´s passing score and it says 163. Is that 168 my score??? I know i have a raw score of 81 but i just don´t want to celebrate and then find out that 168 is going to change to a lower number hahah Any thoughts?
Welcome to A to Z, Walker. 5018 doesn't include components that require human intervention to score, I believe - so what you saw, including the 168, should be what you get. Keep us posted, please.