I am a first year teacher who teaches 2nd. I have a female student who I am concerned about. This is her first year at this school and her records from her other school have not arrived yet. She is late every single day and we have been in school for two weeks now. Today was the first day she was on time I think only b/c the attendance office sent a note home about this. Today at lunch she told me she ate a fish once with the "skin and scales". She said her foster family made her eat it. She then said "me and my brothers had to go to foster homes because my dad's brain is sick".They are back living with their parents now though. I met both parents at open house. They seemed concerned with her well being (but I know that means nothing) I asked her what she had for dinner last night and she said I dont eat dinner. She looks unkept at times. She came in one day with an ankle length down coat (its 90 degrees where I am) with the hood on. She was crying and said "my parents yell at me when I am sick". I am documenting all of this, but my question is should I inform our guidance counselor now or wait? The child is also very clingy and starved for attention.
Get someone invovled NOW! You do not want to wait until it is to late. Also in the state of Ohio, we have to call children services. I would check state law.
I would speak with administration about this asap! Let them advise you what steps you should take to help this poor child!!!
Yes, get someone involved. There may not be abuse actually going on. She could just be rather imaginative (and "fish with scales" can mean a lot of things). The people who live downstairs from me always bring their child to school quite late (and incidentally, their first-grader always seems to be awake after midnight), but don't seem to be abusive at all. I think they're a bit lax with timing, and I think the daughter sleeps some time during the day and wakes at night to follow her dad's work schedule -- she doesn't seem overly tired. Can you actually call her previous school? Would they tell you anything if you did?
I would speak to your principal, social workers, and school nurse. It's better to investigate the situation than regret it later.
Voice your concerns to Admin, Counselor and your school nurse and then find out what you need to do to document what you are observing.
Yes, contact your admin, and if they don't do something call Children and Youth. In PA we are also required to report things to CPS, however, I called once last year for a child and was never even called back...Seriously though, I would contact someone so that you at least know you did your part.
She's either being abused or needs psychological counseling. Tell the school counselor and admin. Then monitor the situation to make sure something is being done. I know kids who are in homes that are a big mess sometimes make up stories to get attention, but again, you know they sometimes don't. And if she's making it up, then she needs help.
In the state of Oklahoma, reporting it to school officials is not enough. Our DA has started prosecuting teachers and clergy that suspect or know of abuse and don't report it (three in the last year that I know of). If you are found guilty of suspecting and not reporting, you could loose your license. Document everything, and call child protective services. If they have been in the foster system, there is a social worker already involved. Just share your concerns. Be prepare, some parents attack (verbally) the teacher if they are reported. While Social Services can't tell them who called, when the only contact the child has with the outside world is the teacher...then two plus two is THE TEACHER. Don't deny turning them over to DHS, but don't confirm it either. I always remind them that most social workers contact the school, and I will be happy to share how you are yelling and screaming at me. That normally stops the problem. Don't state things like "I know that she is being abused or I feel that ----happened." Only give the social worker the facts. If pressured to state an opinion, tell them that is their job. Don't feel that anything is to small to report. If you can't get it out of your head, it is important. I have dealt with DHS so many times. One child was a wonderful little girl that started withdrawing. I didn't feel in my heart that her mother (father abandoned her at birth) was abusive. But something kept telling me that she was in danger. Turns out when DHS went to investigate she was next door at the neighbor's. The neighbor was babysitting her. The mother was working nights, going to school during the day. The mother would pick them (brother and sister) up from school, do the homework, eat dinner, and then give them a bath. She delivered them to the babysitter every night in their pJ's. The little girl had nightmares. The babysitter was duct taping her mouth and beating her on the stomach for waking up her little brother. She was scared to tell, because she was afraid mom would loose her job. When it all came out, the mother almost had a nervous breakdown. This was an older woman that had been a part of her kids' lives for years. the mother and family trusted her and the mother couldn't hardly deal with it. The poor kids had to have counseling afterwards. Trust your gut.
Like one of the previous posters said, Ohio is a mandated reporter state. Anyone who comes in contact with children (teachers, nurses, physicians, clergy) are all mandated reporters when it comes to even the suspicion of child abuse. If I as a teacher suspected someone was abusing or neglecting a child and didn't report it, I could be charged as well. Definitely get the appropriate resources involved. This child is screaming for help.
Go talk to your principal right away. Most states it is against the law for teachers not to report abuse they suspect. Your principal will help you.
California is also a state that mandates reporting suspected abuse. If you believe it to be happening go to your admin. Tell them your worries and ask that they assist you in the reporting of it.
Louisiana is also a mandated reporting state. If you even have the slightest suspicion that something is "off," you are required to report it. If anything happens to one of your students, and you had any inkling and did not report it, you could be criminally liable. Often, DHS officials conduct their own investigation, and do not necessarily contact the original reporter. That's one way they try to maintain the anonymity of reporters.
The fish skin & scales stmt isn't so bad, but mostly everything else looks fishy (excuse the pun). Consult your principal & counselor regarding your conerns & what to do.
AZ is also mandated reporting. And talking to the P or school psych is not enough. YOU must be the one to file the report. If not, you can lose your certificate and be prosecuted, also. I would rather be safe than sorry. If you file with CPS and they investigate and find nothing, then no harm done. But if they do, you will be so grateful and relieved that this girl is getting help. I just filed a CPS report 2 weeks ago for suspected neglect. It was a scary step to take, but I am very glad that I did!
Florida is also a mandatory reporter state. I agree with the poster that advised you to talk to your P and/or school counselor and ask them to assist you in making the call. There could be abuse, or, the kid could be screaming for counseling. It sounds like she's had to deal with a LOT of stuff. CPS can refer her parents to low cost/free counseling if it turns out there isn't abuse, but she is troubled because of the events of her short (thus far) life.
you are a mandated reporter. the very least you need to do is write down what you have as your evidence and give it to your guidance counselor and principal. they will take it from there. however you are mandated by law to report anything suspicious.
In Louisiana, it is not enough to just report it to the counselor/principal. We are required to report it to the Department of Social Services, which has an 800 number and tries to maintain complete anonymity for the reporter.
In Oklahoma reporting to counselor or principal is not acceptable. It has to be to DHS. Anything less is putting your certificate on the line.
Our principal has asked us to talk to her if we make a report, but we are responsible for the reporting.
Lind- What happened? If you haven't done so, you need to call cps and report the facts. They may just tell you they can't do anything but at least you reported it. You also should talk to the school counselor. Lemon
My original post was on Friday after school and I sent an email to the counselor and principal but its the weekend and we have no school on Monday. I will talk to them face to face on Tuesday. I will keep you all informed. Thanks for all the advice.
I hope that you get some help for this child very soon. like someone mentioned if she has been under foster care in the past, it shouldn't be hard to get in contact with someone.