I live in california. Last school year I worked as a an elementary teacher on a provisional intern permit. This year I work on a short term staff permit teaching at a different district. I have completed my credential program aside from interning/student teaching. I have passed cset subtest 1, I have not passed 2 or 3. I am retaking 2 this Saturday, and still need to schedule to retake 3. If I dont pass them I cannot be employed next school year as there are no more emergency credentials and I cant get my internship permit unless I pass cset and receive scores by I beleive mid april. My question is if I become unemployed due to not being able to pass cset 2 and 3 can I receive unemployment? I'm trying to prepare for worst case scenario.
No you can't, because you are able still able to do work -- just not the work of your choice. You could get any number of jobs and that is what unemployment looks at. If you apply for unemployment, you have to agree to take any and all employment available to you that you are capable of doing. It doesn't have to be at the current level of employment that you are used to having. As someone who has taught, you are capable of many types of work. You can work at a fast food restaurant. You can work as a waiter or waitress. You can work as a data entry clerk. You can work as a receptionist or secretary. You can work as a sales person. You can work as an office worker. You can work as a paraprofessional at a school. You could work in the business department of a medical practice. You can be required to be under-employed. To get unemployment you have to agree to actively look for employment (and provide proof of your continuous employment search.) You can't just look for jobs in your preferred field. Unemployment just doesn't work that way.
According to California's unemployment website, it states that teachers can qualify beginning the first day after the last day of the school year if they do not have a signed contract for the upcoming year. Another topic states that to qualify you would have to be unemployed at no fault of your own Just unsure if not passing a test pertains to "no fault of your own" I know it b4comes slippery when determining unemployed teachers but I also know that substitute teachers are eligible for unemployment for summer months where contracted teachers are not.
You are not eligible because not passing a test pertains to being your fault. No one kept you from passing, sadly, it is just on you. A similar situation would be if you still needed a few more credits to qualify for a certain certification. Not having the needed credits would keep you from being able to do the job in question. Not having the needed credits would be your fault completely. Not the information you want to hear, but it is the way it is. If you check the VCLA thread, you will find a lot of discussion about how if the test isn't passed by the cut off point, the people lose their job, and there is no unemployment. It pretty much is exactly the same situation that you are in now. Sorry you didn't get the test passed, and I have no idea of where you go from here, but you won't be getting unemployment benefits.