Perfect Day

Discussion in 'General Education' started by MzMooreTeaches, Sep 10, 2013.

  1. MzMooreTeaches

    MzMooreTeaches Cohort

    Jun 26, 2010
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    Sep 10, 2013

    I want to take a moment to brag. For 3 years prior to my current school I dreaded work, had constant headaches, was sick all the time and developed a nervous eye twitch. Today for the first time I realized how completely thankful I am to have transferred to a new school. My assistant was out for half the day and my class of 19 kindergartners went pretty smoothly. We're a PBIS School and my class was silent going up the hallway for lunch, got a compliment from the principal, a student messed up the bathroom and was honest and told me he did it an explained what happened, 2 of my behavior issues went down to 1 today and I was able to give her a reward... I'm still working on my other one.

    My students were on task when I received 3 dropin visits from admin, one student counseled another student when she cried because she didn't think her work was good enough, she hugged her and said her work was beautiful... I could go on an on an on.

    It feels so good to be happy an satisfied with work! My job expectations has increased greatly, but I don't mind rising to the expectations and doing my best to make it happen. I truly feel happy to wake up an go to work everyday.

    Are there any other success stories? Were you in a horrible working environment prior to transferring to a new school?
  3. MrsC

    MrsC Multitudinous

    Aug 8, 2005
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    Sep 10, 2013

    So glad you've found a comfortable place to be and that things are going well. my previous school wasn't horrid, but I sense this will be better. The admin is working really hard to establish a positive climate and to ensure that ALL students follow the expectations. Everyone is being consistent, and that goes such a long way.

    While my class isn't perfect, they are really good and have received lots of compliments!
  4. giraffe326

    giraffe326 Virtuoso

    Jan 2, 2006
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    Sep 10, 2013

    I went from the wonderful environment to a terrible one.

    Happy for you and I hope I can find bliss next year!
  5. MzMooreTeaches

    MzMooreTeaches Cohort

    Jun 26, 2010
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    Sep 11, 2013

    Giraffe I hope you find bliss as well. It makes working hard so much more worthwhile!

    MrsC yes its not perfect, but there's ample technology available. The curriculum team works hard to clarify things for us and provide us with information in a timely manner... I greatly appreciate being treated like a professional who has a life outside of work.
  6. ecteach

    ecteach Groupie

    May 25, 2012
    Likes Received:

    Sep 11, 2013

  7. Pisces_Fish

    Pisces_Fish Fanatic

    Sep 16, 2006
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    Sep 12, 2013

    I had a rough year last year, but I can't say I was miserable. I just got beat up. But the difference this year is astounding. Most of my team left and the new teachers that came in are amazing. We joke together, plan together, eat lunch together, and collaborate. NONE of this happened last year. I leave work exhausted as always, but happy. I also have tools already in place to help me manage some of the behaviors that drove me batty last year. My school is Title 1 and we have a lot of the behaviors commonly associated with this environment. So far so great!!
  8. Aliceacc

    Aliceacc Multitudinous

    Apr 12, 2006
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    Sep 12, 2013

    The funny thing is that your day WASN'T perfect.

    What seems to have changed is your ability to roll with the punches when things do go wrong-- it looks as though you've really grown as a teacher!
  9. Pisces_Fish

    Pisces_Fish Fanatic

    Sep 16, 2006
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    Sep 12, 2013

    Good point, Alice! Sometimes forcing ourselves to see the bright side helps us change our outlook completely.
  10. Jem

    Jem Aficionado

    May 7, 2008
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    Sep 12, 2013

    I had a pretty perfect day on Tuesday. I, too, have had a rough history. My evaluation was Tuesday morning. To say I have post stress syndrome is an understatement. I was sick to my stomach for a few days before, just getting myself worked up. The lesson went well (of course I can think of a thousand things that could have been better) and the kids were on point. When I quickly checked in with my principal she said 'I felt like I was watching a high school language arts class'. That sent me over the moon. Then an aide later that day said my small group pull-out was the best she'd had in years-the kids were respectful, engaged, patient and she had all her supplies/teacher guide provided by me. I was just so proud of my kiddos. We've worked really hard on our classroom culture, and most days I'm just worn down and not sure if we're where we need to be. Those two comments were enough to boost me right back up. ;)

    Giraffe-you will find your place. It's taken me 8 long years.
  11. scholarteacher

    scholarteacher Connoisseur

    Nov 29, 2008
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    Sep 12, 2013

    Good to hear your news! I'm hoping for a day like that, but with my group, it may be a while coming........LOL!
  12. MzMooreTeaches

    MzMooreTeaches Cohort

    Jun 26, 2010
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    Sep 12, 2013

    Alice very good point. It wasn't perfect, but compared to the behaviors I have experienced in the past along with the work environment made it untolerable. I certainly do have a much more positive outlook on work and my students this year. I'm still not much of a morning person, but to know for the most part I can walk around the room without 7 students calling my name or tattling is great.

    I notice I give short straight answers and not monologues anymore. Being in a PBIS School really helps me to see positive first in myself, students and my outlook on teaching in general.

    Scholarteacher, I hope that you get a nice day soon... it def makes work/teaching that much more tolerable. I see you are in NC teaching... you have an abundance of materials you would be interested in sharing, lol?
  13. krysmorgsu

    krysmorgsu Cohort

    Mar 21, 2008
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    Sep 12, 2013

    So glad to hear that your in a better situation! I didn't switch schools, but last year our new superintendent made life at my school miserable. In fact, our principal left because of her. We have a new principal, and the superintendent seems to have changed over the summer - for the better. Don't ask my why. Whatever the reason, things are so much better this year. Our old principal was pretty decent - his hands were tied on a lot of things - but this year the mindset is we are taking back the school. No more kids roaming the halls, no more electronics (admin will take them and students are getting detentions on the spot!), no tolerance for anything. No cursing from students, and I no longer have to see boys' boxers hanging out 3 inches! It's amazing - such a different feel, even the students admit they feel like they are in a better position to learn. THIS is what teaching is supposed to be! :2up::2up:
  14. Ms. I

    Ms. I Maven

    May 13, 2004
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    Sep 12, 2013

    Good for you!

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