Hi everyone. I posted awhile back on this forum asking for advice one way or another about going to school to get my Master's in Elementary Education. I've wanted to be a teacher all my life, a dream job. I was only in grad school for 2 months when I had to drop out. First of all, it was part my fault for going into a Master's program with no prior experience in teaching. My Bachelor's is in Business. But the big reason I had to drop out was because I was failing out. I was failing out because almost all of our assignments had to do with working directly with kids. The huge problem for me was that I literally know NO kids. NONE. ZERO. I live in an apartment with other adults, and at 23 years old I'm still the baby of the family (at least living in the same state). I asked my professors every class time to possibly help place me somewhere, but they said I had to do it on my own. I spoke with my advisor and he questioned me like I was a weirdo because I don't know any kids. They encouraged me to drop out instead of having a failure on my academic record. I just wanted to get this off my chest. This happened last October and I still sometimes feel horrible that I can't be a teacher, just because I don't know any kids to work with. But it was also a mistake of mine to jump into a program when I didn't know the technicalities about it. I assumed I could go into school and learn how to work with children and then be placed somewhere, or at least be helped to be placed somewhere.
I'm sorry your experience has not been as fulfilling as you had hoped. I'm hoping you will reconsider before giving up your dream entirely. Perhaps you could volunteer at a local school, church, daycare, summer program, Boys and Girls Club, YMCA, business daycare center, summer camp, etc. You may not know any children personally, but I think your advisors may have been trying to encourage you to go out there and find a place with children. They may not have been very helpful, but, if this is your dream, you need to do what it takes to get you down that path to success. Good luck and keep us posted!
You're very young and still have lots of time. If teaching is truly your dream, you can still do it. Ideas for working with kids: - Volunteering at a school (ask if they need any volunteers) - Volunteering at a public library's children's section - summer is a good time for this because they sometimes have events - Volunteering in a church's children's ministry (if you attend church) - this is how I got started working with kids back when I was a teenager. - After school programs (YMCA, Boys and Girls Club, school districts, other nonprofits in the area) - I did this all through college. - Summer day camps (YMCA and Boys and Girls Club again, also city parks and rec departments) - I did this for a few summers. - Other Parks and Rec programs - Daycare/after school care/preschool (Kindercare, etc) There is a ton of stuff going on in the summer with kids, and organizations like the ones mentioned above are always hiring extra summer staff. That's a good place to begin. What kinds of things were the other students in your program doing that gave them access to kids to work with? It's time for determination. You need to make the decision, and if this is what you really want, do what it takes to get there. Don't look back. Good luck to you.
You can also look into alternative routes to licensing if that's something that's available in the school districts near you. Most places just want you to have a bachelor's degree, and then you can take some classes through the school district to get licensed. I'd check with your local district and see if there's an option like that, if it's something you'd be interested in.
I work in an elementary school and we have college kids coming in and out frequently. You just have to call the school and ask if you could volunteer or observe (depending on what your assignment is). We also require a background clearance which I think most schools do. When I worked at a daycare, we also had people in there all the time completing their coursework. Just have to call and ask.
I was somewhat in your boat. I have my undergrad in Behavioral Science & was still subbing when I entered into my grad program AND successfully graduated w/ my MA in Special Ed. I had no kids in my family to do homework assignments on, but somehow I was able to get by. Pretty much everyone in my classes were all teachers. I still did it! I agree w/ shoreline02 above. Can't you go to your local schools and ask if you can observe or do whatever assignment you have to do for your grad classes? I had to do that when I couldn't do my assignments w/ my subbing job.
My degree is in Psychology. I took some "teaching" courses in junior college, worked at a Boys and Girls Club, Coached, volunteered in classrooms-- there are many ways to work with kids. Subbing is a PERFECT way to work and get experience (though it s very different than having your own class, you'll get experience working with kids). My Fiance is looking into teaching and this is what I am encouraging him to do since he has no experience with kids, either. Also, maybe a credential program instead of a masters? Look into Cal State Teach or a local district intern program with a cohort.
why not join an EPI program to get your teaching license? I'm in one now, if you want to chat about it feel free to email me chavatzellet@yahoo.com
Riv, you should probably avoid posting your private email address to this forum. It isn't against the rules but it might have a negative effect on your inbox. Let me know if you need help with this.