Quick question- I FINALLY received my HR welcome email and filled out the information on the applicant gateway. When I logged into the nyc teach application website, I noticed I have a file number. Can anyone tell me what the next step is? I already know I will be missing my first paycheck due to this huge delay but am wondering if there is anything I can do now, now that I have my file number.
sunshine24 When I was a sub, the first two paychecks were mailed home. Not sure how it is for teachers though...could be the same thing. I already have direct deposit, but I changed it to a different account. So I'm hoping it will just hit my old account until it goes to my new one.
Nyteach89 basically you need to fill things out in the payroll portal. Do your salary step, differential, sign up for direct deposit. Also do the Wageworks.
So I had a big post ready to be posted, but right there and then, my internet stopped working. So here's two day's worth. So yesterday, I find out from HR that they misspelled my last name AGAIN. I had to fax over a form to change my name. They told me it will take about a month to be able to log into payroll portal and send in my salary differential. I yelled at them for messing up. I don't care anymore. I'm calling Monday to make sure they got it or I'll be really mad. No one in that department does anything right. Yesterday was also another nightmare of a day. Problem child made me feel like I wanted to quit my job again (which I won't, worked too hard for this lol)…got sick…a few kids will wonder out of line or think another class is my class (always have to yank them back!)…had a bulletin board due today and half of my kids' work wasn't ready because they were playing around. Today was a lot better. I made my kids finish their work as soon as possible. Yup. I didn't care. They did it. And problem child was absent. It was way more peaceful without that child. A para I met who works next door offered me to help when it comes to that child; she speaks her language. And people have acknowledged that I'm without a para. Maybe something will happen, who knows. But yea, things do get better, especially if you work with good people And I also gave out my first batch of prizes, so kids who didn't receive know what to do to get them. Too bad problem child wasn't there... And lately I never left until 4:30. Too much to do and fix up. I did successfully do my bulletin board, though! Enjoy your weekend!
Bunnie: What is Wageworks? I have never heard of it...is it something that I need to do or sign up for? MissPapa: Sorry to hear that yesterday did not go too well for you, but happy to see that today was better I,too, gave out my first hw pass today and it went over real well. I think my kids may start trying to behave better to move up on the chart and have a chance at a hw pass. I guess we just needed to set an example with our behavior management. I have to change my board on Monday and my student work was not all done either I made them finish it today too and for other work that was not finished, I sent it home as HW. I don't care anymore either...I am tired of being behind or feeling that way at least. Glad you got a day of reprieve from your problem student ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Also, wanted to mention that if anyone cannot apply for UFT welfare fund (like me), call them and see what the issue is. Apparently now, payroll secretaries need to fax over a Payroll Notification Form to the UFT so that we can be placed on active. This is why I kept getting the ineligible message. I told my sec and she said she didn't know about this, but would fax it over today. They said to give 48 hrs for updating so I plan to call on Tues or Wed to see if it went through so that I can apply online. Just a heads up in case anyone else is having trouble...we only have until Oct 2 to work out any benefits.
I was told (twice by HR) that I'm good with my insurance, and that I should get my GHI card in two weeks, even though I couldn't log into ESS. I hope those two people are right (been calling HR left and right). I just gave in my welfare fund yesterday, apparently it's supposed to be mailed (I was given the form by our UFT representative). Wow, October 2nd? Well, my UFT representative and my payroll secretary hopefully know what they are doing. Yea today was a blessing. I'm seriously going to utilize that para (without overusing her of course lol but I've been needing help from an ESL teacher for another non-English speaking student and administration thinks I do the right things in that matter so hey!) Family Fun Night is on Tuesday for our school (our version of back to school night). I hope problem child's mother comes. Maybe that girl getting prompted to behave in school might do the trick. I really need something to work, she makes my classroom into a disaster!
Wageworks, is the pretax end moneies taken out of your check to purchase metrocards or any other mostly tri state area public transportation (LIRR, metro north) fares. Guys we survived our first FULL week!!! PAT YOURSELF ON THE BACK!!!! I had a pretty great first week, I have a great bunch of kids. Despite being exhausted all week. However thats not the case in the rest of the school though as I'm hearing about the terrible days my coworkers had this week whether it was their kids or co teachers/paras. I don't want to jinx it as we move into real lessons next week. One of my coworkers cried it out over frustration with her co teacher at the end of the day today and a few others where telling me how they were cursed out by a kid this week. Also some of my kids did get in trouble at recess, I'm not sure as to why just yet, but one of my kids very calmly asked me if he was in too much trouble because of what happened at recess if he could still participate in fun Friday. A few others were like I'm in trouble because of what happened and don't worry, don't be surprised that you'll get a phone call from xxx explaining what happened. I totally appreciated their honesty!!!! To me it showed the level of respect they have for me. I of course said well I can't punish you if it's not something I saw or happened while you were with me. My school is big on handling situations with the adult that is present. I did hold my students accountable for slow transitions and essentially wasting time. I think they are a bit afraid of me, but of course still respectful, because when I say something once, that's it. When it comes to my co teacher it's a different story. Then again it might be because I'm always shooting down consequences he wants to give the kids I feel aren't appropriate. I'm very dominate in the classroom because I want to establish good routines and expectations so I'm not dealing with small behaviors down the road. I've also been teaching for years so there's been a lot of been there done that mentality for me. I'm trying to be a good co teacher but it's hard to give up the reigns when you're used to working alone!! Lol I think next week I'll let him lead a bunch of the lessons, while I test the kids reading levels. I have ALOT to plan this weekend. Whew. I also really need to purchase a Mac Air to travel with so I need my DOE ID to get the discount!! My payroll sec said I'll come in probably another 2 weeks. Not sure I can wait that long! I might ask my friend to use hers and come with me tomorrow or Sunday.
Is this something I need to be emailed about? Or can I google this and start this now that I have my file number? Oh, and how do I get a doe email?
MissPapa: At least you have gotten some sort of confirmation from HR about the benefits. I am going to try to call on Monday or Tuesday to get an update since the sec faxed my enrollment form on Thursday. I think I am going to get a paper copy of the UFT welfare fund enrollment form on Monday too so that I can just mail it in. I want to get all of this done this week. But yes you are right about staying on top of HR...different answers everytime you call and nothing seems to be getting dome properly Bunnie: OK, thanks. I drive to work so that wont apply to me. nyteach If you have not gotten your DOE email yet, call HR and they will probably connect you with the tech dept. I believe that you cannot sign up for any of those things without the DOE email.
It's part of the payroll portal, when you sign in and have your doe email there's a link to it explaining how to sign up You should get an email with your doe email. I'd call the IT line and see if they can set you up.
Bunnie, you have probably mentioned this before...how much time does the co-teacher spend in your room?
Question: I know that money is taken out from our first paycheck to go into our retirement funds. Does anyone know how we sign up for the TDA (Deferred Annuity) fund? Also, can we change the amount (increase it) that they take out for the retirement fund (I think it's less than 5%)? Thanks!
He's actually with them more than I am, all day minus preps and lunch. They switch classes. He hasn't lead too many lessons yet. I think it's just a learning curve on how to manage a classroom effectively since it's his first year. Things like transitions, setting expectations. He's a slight yeller (I don't yell) and I've noticed even when he wants to implement consequences (which I agree should be given) it's wishy washy and he second guesses it and gives too many chances and says "oh we are being too nice by letting you get away with xyz" Um no. That's not a "we" decision. I don't let kids get away with things. The kids know that. Mind you all these things that require consequences are from things that happen when they aren't with me in the other class. For example, my kids took way to long to transition from next door. Partly because they were acting up in the other class. I don't play with that. I clearly state to them how that lost time is being made up. I don't deal with what incidents made them late (since I'm not there to see the incidents) but that it's not ok to be late. He knows why they are late says 1234 students did xyz but feels he doesn't want to hold those students accountable just yet. I'm super firm. Mind you these kids CRAVE structure, that I've noticed. Kids will eat you alive and will try to get over on you if they know they can. I've told him this. I know I sucked at managing a classroom my first and second years. So I'm not expecting him know how to perfectly manage a class. He's eager to learn from me and pick up on my cues which is good. I dunno. It's going to take time to work out the kinks. I just hope the kids see him as a strong confident lead too instead of just me. Because there are going to be times I'm not there for PD or if I'm ever out.
So APPARANTLY they received my salary differential and all of my required transcripts. Strange! Maybe it went through at the library. I'm going to have to double-check, but hopefully that gets taken care of! I might just give my mentor a call today in order to get some good insight in planning my next week.
Bunnie: It sounds like a difficult situation for you both right now. I can totally relate to your co-teacher being inexperienced especially with classroom management. He needs to try things out and see how they work. However, I would love to have the benefit of seeing a more seasoned educator, like you, in action. He may start to see what is working for you and then try implementing the same strategies himself. I guess you both may need to discuss this so you can be on the same page? MissPapa: Where did you find out that they received your salary differential stuff? I check my DOE email everyday and have gotten no notification yet.
haha lol well ok then. I guess I will try calling HR on Monday...I have no prep on Mondays, but will give it a shot at lunch. I would like to know a status on the salary step and differential, and direct deposit.
So I looked at my first paycheck stub. It is pitiful. They took almost 600 bucks out of it. I had submitted my paperwork to my payroll sec, but it still looks like I am being deducted too much. Not sure if my paperwork has gone through or was even submitted! Grrrrr.... How is everyone's check looking so far?
Wow...$600! I hope you get that settled quickly. I have no idea about my paycheck. I didn't receive anything yet. How did you get paid and where did you get your paystub?
Yup same here. Negative $600 it's pretty standard. Gotta love taxes!!! swansong: I know I'll be a good mentor. It's just that I have mid level confidence in myself and don't like attention or to be put on a pedestal. I've always been a smart person but I don't give myself enough credit. I feel like a newbie to some extent too but in a different capacity I guess.
I didn't get any checks yet. I thought our pay period hasn't been reached yet? And let's just say that my mentor is giving me better confidence and better ideas. Hopefully her advice will make my week smoother. I need to start assessing my students. Anyone started yet?
I thought the pay period was over today too...idk. I cannot access ESS again! So, now I have to call HR again today somehow because I have no prep today. I also want an update on all of my applications and to see if they received my health insurance paperwork. I was also having trouble accessing payroll portal yesterday, so will try the school computers today. I am really getting tired of these tech problems...it seems like everytime I need to get something done using a DOE site, nothing works! I hope everyone has a good week
Well, I did get a paycheck today after all...yayyy! I, too, had about $600 taken out. The amount seemed a little low to me, so I had to call HR twice this afternoon but finally got status updates on my salary step app and my salary differential app. They have both been assigned to a processor, but neither has gone through Once they go through, I will receive my higher pay and a retroactive check back to Sept 2 for any missing money, so that's good. Tomorrow, I am hoping to call and find out about my health benefits status. Mondays are long for me...no prep and the latest day of the week. I am exhausted and tomorrow is parent night, so another long day/night! I am hoping to get some stuff done tomorrow before the parents come in. I have to do a bulletin board change tomorrow morning...I was too fried to stay any later today to do it. I meet with my mentor tomorrow so no prep again but I do like the feedback that I get from her. Hoping that you all had a good start to the week! I'm focusing on the fact that next week is only 3 days lol
I got my check at school and my health benefit card in the mail today. I choose the HIP Prime HMO. I sat down with my co teacher today, and he took my advice on some key pointers to teach and deal with the kids better. I'm really convinced my kids are mostly afraid of me when I'm not happy. I have "the look" down pact. Most of my redirection and dealing with behaviors is with nonverbal cues. I never yell. Just firm I guess with my expectations. I started running records today. It's going to take FOREVER, to assess all these kids. Good thing I have 3 weeks to do it. However that means I'm not teaching reading to my class (my co will) until all are done, there's not enough time in the day!!! Tomorrow will be a long day for sure for curriculum night.
600 isn't right. I have dependents and what not. They have me at the single rate. I should have walked my stuff down to Court St.
Anyone know the phone hours for hr connect? I need to see if they can set me up an email. How did you all get your emails set up
They send the email to your personal email address...whatever they have on file from your application. They give you a link to a website that takes about 24 hours to update and show you your email/user id.
I received my paycheck yesterday and actually didn't get ENOUGH taxes taken out! Only $200! They have me listed as having 9 dependents, what the hell. ~~~ Teaching is still... Hard. I'm running selling everywhere throughout the day that when I get home, I just try not to do anything. Not even think. I'm having a moment today, where I feel like I'm doing my kids a huge disservice with my lack of real experience. It's just scary. Good luck to everyone with the rest of the week.
Bunnie: I am jealous that you got your insurance cards lol. I still don't know if they received my app...I think my payroll sec faxed it last Thursday. I tried calling today for an update, but the wait was 1 hr, which I did not have. Anyways, for the UFT benefits...after days of trying and several phone calls (to UFT and DOE) and speaking to my payroll sec, I was told today that they are accepting only paper apps! Crazy---when were they going to tell us. You have to call the eligibility unit and have them mail you the specific forms and then mail them back in...they will be processed within 72 hours, no weekends, holidays. They were mailing mine out today, so hopefully I will get it by Thursday and have it back in the mail on Friday. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The parent night went really well. My grade is fantastic, we had a powerpoint and all rotated. It was nice meeting some of the parents and the night went quicker than I thought it would. Now, I am exhausted and have brought home no work tonight. Tomorrow is another day! Hope you all had an easy time!
How is everyone? After several calls to HR, I found out that my health insurance did go through yesterday and I should be getting my cards sometime next week. I also received my paper application for the UFT welfare fund today in the mail, which I filled out and am mailing back out tomorrow. Hopefully, that gets taken care of quickly. So sort of a productive week for me I guess. The week has been going ok. My kids are soooo talkative...I don't know what else to do to get them to be quiet. They talk all day. I can get them to quiet down and then they start back up within 5 min. I know that they are kids and cant possibly stay quiet all day, and I don't expect them too. But they just don't stop for a minute. I use positive reinforcement, a chart, negative consequences, and now I am yelling. I hope this ends soon because it is wearing me out. Other than that, it is going pretty well...looking forward to a 4 day weekend next week! A question: does anyone know how to sign up for the TDA?
Also, I feel like this was discussed already, but what health plans did everyone choose? I did the health plan online and chose ghi, but a lot of people I spoke to said they chose ghi blue cross blue shield, but that was not an option.