Bunnie: Your situation is always my fear with co-teaching. Since I am Spec Ed certified, I always thought I would end up landing a co-teaching position, but am pleased that I am on my own. It must be hard to figure out how to get both of you to a comfortable place with the students and learn how to share duties. I saw an ICT team teaching today and one teacher did all of the talking while the other seemed to just passively sit there. Striking the balance is hard, but given time, I am sure you will work it out My UFT leader said she can give me a hard copy of the paperwork if it cant go through online. I figured I would get it from her so I don't have to print it. What was the medical? My secretary didn't mention it today and I forgot about it. I will ask tomorrow. I know what you mean about the auditorium. I thought I was going to pass out this morning. It was so hot and sticky. I was drenched by the time I got back upstairs. Even though my room has A/C, it doesn't cool me off because I am running around. Ughhh...looking forward to cooler temps.
My day was exhausting. I have a good bunch and it was fun! My only issue is…a third of my class doesn't speak English. I got kids in that portion who only speak Spanish, Urdu, Russian, and Arabic. Two kids who speak the same language was playing around and not following directions all day. My goal in wanting to keep everyone on green today changed when they ran around and knocked over a bunch of books. Gahhhh… But I'm researching on a universal design for being able to teach all my students and be able to manage the class effectively. Tomorrow we're practicing lining up. It has to be done. I don't care if it takes all day. I'm not having any runners! At least I know which line spots to give! What a day…I got a nasty blister on my foot. My administration was very supportive of me, though. They kept rooting me on and making me feel confident. Same with fellow teachers. I'll be alright They're little babies, I can still mold them Also, I finally took pictures of my classroom! I'm dead tired, though, so I'll post them some other time...
I'm sorry you had such a tiring day Being as you have kindergarten, I would have thought you would have had more quiet kids and some tears. It must be so frustrating to have so many students not speaking English. I have some partial speakers and that is going to be challenging. I would suggest to research, as you mentioned, and try reaching out to any ELL coordinators in your building. I am sure they can lead you to valuable resources. Good luck with that over the coming days My kids were very chatty today and I will be implementing my behavior chart tomorrow and will already be changing seats! So, I sorta know how you feel in that respect. As you said, you do have babies and hopefully you will be able to teach them about going to school and following procedures. After a little while, they will (hopefully) display the behavior that you want from them. Hoping you have an easier day tomorrow!
Yeah I think it'll be ok with co teaching. I call it blind dating. Because that's what it feels like. Lol :haha: All my kids speak English which is great. On a side note I've always had kids pronounce my last name wrong or think it's difficult. These kids have no issue with my last name being that I'm Spanish and almost all of them are, but my co teachers name, yeah they find it hard and asked if they could shorten it. I was so baffled usually kids ask me that!!! :woot: One was like, nah I'm good with your name, him on the other hand, we need to shorten that. LOL. And one of my kids has my last name, which isn't that common as far as Spanish last names goes. I'm exhausted. I passed out for like 2 hours again before. I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday! I'll be spending part of my weekend planning. Which stinks but once a groove sets in I plan to be Weekend Planning Free! I'm leaving at dismissal tomorrow for sure!
It's always important to find a common ground. I was with a co-teacher during my LTS assignment and we always found ways to be on the same page. Well the good news is I got to know my kids and I can tell which ones are good together, which ones need to be separated, which ones need to be in front of the line, etc. Aside from practicing lining up, we will go over the class rules we made together again (I'm gluing clipart of well-behaved students), and then having them sign (ESL students, I will have them take a look at the pictures and then have them sign). I'm also doing a classroom puzzle activity, IF they behave when practicing lining up. I also have a behavior chart…but I think I'm going to change mine to a homemade green smiley face/yellow straight face/red sad face since the behavior chart might not work for them. They need something more visual and bigger. I'll see tomorrow. I'm making a week agenda for my next week, so I know what to write for my lesson plans. Going to do that this weekend…once I get my science and social studies materials...
So today was a lot better. The ESL students and problem children learned the power of my behavior chart Also I made it lower for them to see. My computer and Smartboard were finally hooked up. I'll post my pictures tonight.
Glad you had a better day MissPapa My day went pretty well today. I managed to collect more supplies, assign closet hooks and floor spots, and did an actual lesson and 1/2 of a math pre-assessment. It was kinda a productive second day lol. I, too, had to implement my behavior chart today and they were not happy so we will see how it goes...I still find them very chatty. My smartboard is still not set up, so my lessons are a little more boring without it, but oh well what can I do. I am waiting on someone to hook up the projector and computer for me. My faux pas today was I accidently forgot to let my kids know that we are going to the book fair on Monday Now, I don't know what to do. I meant to add it to the homework, but I didn't write it today (another teacher did) and since mine is the only class going Monday, it wasn't on the grade homework for tonight. We don't have a website set up yet and parents prob don't even know about the site. I do have a list of phone numbers. Do I call each kid? I would have to use my cell phone and they would now have my number...not a good thing! Plus a lot of the families do not speak English, so I don't even know if they will understand me if I call. Any ideas?
Hello everyone! I am glad you all had great days. Mine was ok. My class is huge- 28 kids and the majority are ELL (1st grade). I am in an ICT class, but the special ed teacher (my co teacher) is only with me 2 hours a day- (which I don't really understand. Can anyone help me out with this question- if the childs IEP calls for an ICT setting, how is it an ICT setting if the special ed teacher is only there for two hours? Sorry I am just really confused!) The exact number is escaping me, but I think we have 8-10 kids with IEPs. Despite this, the class as a whole is VERY low academically- some cannot read and the whole class, with the exception of one or two kids, cannot write a sentence (or anything for that matter). We did writing activities yesterday and today, and there was hardly anything written on any childs paper. I don't know what to do. I obviously cannot start the readygen Stellaluna unit if these children cannot even read or write. If the special ed teacher was with me the whole day I would feel so much better because we would be able to do a lot of small group lessons, but the fact that I will be alone for most of the school day worries me. I also fear that I am already looked at as the soft teacher. The special ed teacher is very authoritative and they listen to her, but when I do the same thing they ignore it. There is also one student who hates me and literally ignored me the whole day. He starts trouble and does what he wants and it is just so frustrating. (When we practiced the bathroom routines he screamed at a kid and refused to get up off the floor). I am seriously overwhelmed. =(
I'm sorry that you are not getting off on the right foot I can't really help with the ICT setting thing...I have never heard of that kind of a set-up. Like you, I am thinking that if a child's IEP mandates a Spec Ed teacher in the room, then something is not right with that schedule. Idk though...I guess you can try asking some other teachers at your school or maybe your UFT chapter leader? They may be able to answer some questions about your setting. I am sure it is difficult to sort out the dual roles in the classroom. I think I said before, that scenario was/is one if my fears with co-teaching. You have to remember that you both bring something to the table...even if you have two different personalities. Your teaching styles may not be meshing right now, but I am sure that everything will fall into place given some time. I guess you need to find your "voice" in the classroom and decide how you can complement each other. I hope you have a better week. Enjoy your weekend and try to get some much needed rest
nyteach89: That is so wrong. A special ed teacher is mandated to be with students with IEPs at all times. A friend of mine once got an ICT class with her only in the classroom, but she's special ed certified and was the "special ed" teacher. Sometimes things aren't done right and I'm sorry this is happening to you. And ReadyGen is crap…we were supposed to get that, but we got Core Knowledge instead. I'm not sure how it is being that it is new…hopefully it's better. In other news, I still don't have my science and social studies material in my room! A teacher told me she has copies of the lesson plans, but she forgot to bring them…and I can't find the teacher guides…it's so frustrating. I'm just going to make a social studies lesson on the people in the school. Hopefully I get them Monday... And boy am I terrible. I promised pictures and I ended up passing out early! I've been way too tired...
I feel like I am failing already and it is so discouraging. I don't know if I am just being hard on myself, but I feel like I won't be a good teacher. =( I am hoping this weekend will allow me to relax so I can step it up a notch next week. And thank you so much for your response. I feel like I wouldn't have anyone else to really talk to about this. I love this thread for it. Thats what I thought- all the ICT classes I have ever subbed for, and even did student teaching in, had both teachers at all times. Something is not right about this at all. I am the "general ed" teacher and am certified also in special ed- maybe they saw a way around it without hiring another teacher? (My special ed teacher also has to do setts for the rest of the lower grades when she is not with me).
I feel ya! This week has been stressful for me too. I was really doubting myself and my abilities. Now, I am trying to focus on the fact that I am not nor will I be a bad teacher. I know what I am doing and am good at it. I just need to acclimate to my new settings. Teaching full time (and working full time) is completely new to me. I am used to subbing with no real responsibilities. But now it is my turn to run a classroom and once I get settled in a routine, I think I will feel much more confident. I am sure that once you work out the kinks with your co-teacher that you too will feel more prepared and confident. I know the situation is not ideal for you with being solo for so much of the day, but just think how much time you will have to perfect your teaching skills. You will connect with your class and I am sure that things will run more smoothly once you do. This board had been really great! I love the advice that we all give and receive and it has been a great sounding board.
Okay as promised…my classroom pictures! http://smg.photobucket.com/user/grkbeat85/library/Classroom pictures A few things were changed, but it mostly looks the same! The computer had to be moved by the tech guy so I couldn't have the ideal meeting area Also the empty space with the front bulletin board with the calendar and junk now has the behavior chart, more visible to the kids and on their level.
Nice classroom MissPapa nyteach89 So sorry you are having issues already. I had a very stressful first two days. The kids and parents are nice and my colleagues are as well. That's all I will say about it.
MissPapa: Great classroom! I am jealous of your SmartBoard lol. I ended up getting the really old, really small one...not pleased. Froreal: Sorry you are having a stressful time. I hope whatever is going on gets better for you soon
Thank you. It's not really a "SmartBoard", it's a "Promethian"…it's weird as anything. You need the pens to work on it and a remote to turn it on (what if it's misplaced?!) I'm hoping tomorrow isn't stressful, I start my curriculum lessons. And I'm STILL waiting for my science and social studies teachers guides!!!! Tomorrow's social studies lesson is all from me and not from the guide because I have nothing. Gahh...
Yea, I've heard of the Promethian boards, but never saw one. It looks really nice. I am sure once you get used to working it, you will love it! I managed to do a SS lesson on Friday, as well as begin a Math pre-assessment test. Most kids didn't finish the test and the SS lesson needs to be completed also. I have 2 lessons each done for math and Science and I have 4 total done for SS. The only thing I have nothing for so far is Literacy. But I have common planning tomorrow, so I hoping to get some things done or at least get some outlines done so that I can type up the lessons throughout the week. I really want to settle into a routine of being ahead one week on lessons and I want to do most of my planning on my preps and lunches. I really don't want to take much home. I am sure your lessons are fine even though you have not received your texts. That's not your fault and at least you took the time to plan something. You will be teaching and engaging the kids and that is what matters!
Hello, Just wanted to introduce myself. I've been lurking the past few weeks. I just started working in Brooklyn, I live on Long Island. I teach Special Ed, in a first and second grade bridge class. It's my first year at a public school, I've previously taught at private schools with very behaviorally challenged children. I've been overwhelmed the past few days but it appears my school is very supportive. To top it all off, I'm 20 weeks pregnant with my first, my principal knows, and I'm overwhelmed with how to juggle it all. So far, I've completed my salary step app and salary differential but need to send in transcripts. I was also able to log onto ESS and do my benefits on the 3rd. It was pretty simple, I had to submit my marriage license though, since I'm adding my husband. That was pretty annoying and will probably delay my app. I chose HIP Prime, what is everyone else choosing? The other options were pretty expensive. I still need to do my UFT benefits and get my id. I love this thread and I'm looking forward to chatting with you guys throughout the year. Can anyone share their classroom management/behavior system? I'm at a loss with this. My previous experience were with students with autism and ED and my prior behavior protocols would not apply. Moy
Hey everyone! So I am totally feeling the overwhelm feeling as well. Not so much as in I'm not sure what to do, more just things are still a bit chaotic in finding a groove. There's just not enough time in the day or each period to cover the curriculum I'm supposed to do. Social Studies and Science was already thrown out. And even with that there's just awkward scheduling that's going to cut into one of my classes ELA time. While I love that I'm departmentalized it's a little challenging trying to work our schedules at the moment. I don't even want to plan for the whole week because I feel like more changes will happen, which is stressing me out because I'm not one to plan day by day. Not to mention I have to share my plans with my co teacher, and actually write full lesson plans...? I don't want my P to come in and not see full lessons planned, however we are still not diving into the curriculum until next week and the week after. So overwhelmed I am for sure! Miss Papa your room looks great! I know what you mean about the ideal meeting area. I'm starting to hate the placement of my SmartBoard in the middle of the board, as well as the placement of my closets and storage cabinets. It's driving me crazy that the flow of my room doesn't feel fluid. I hate having 2 carpets which is required in my room. It eats up a lot of good space. I just needed to vent a little. I'm looking forward to going in and hopefully adjusting things to work better.
Mo 0506: Welcome! This is a great thread, I'm glad you decided to join in. Wow, your plate is full for this year (Congrats on your pregnancy, btw)! I am struggling to juggle and digest all of the info I have received this past week...I cannot imagine adding a pending maternity leave to that. But, I am sure that you will start to establish a routine and you will be fine by the time you are ready to leave. As for the health benefits, I have still been unable to apply. But, I will be choosing the GHI/Blue Cross Blue Shield. I, too, have submitted the salary step and differential forms along with my transcripts. I also did the direct deposit. I am just waiting on the benefits and the UFT welfare fund enrollment. I hope that I am getting it all done right. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bunnie: I know what you mean about the flow of the day. My days are flying by and the periods seem so short that I cannot imagine completing lessons in the allotted time frames. I started 2 things on Friday that could not get finished and know I have to complete them tomorrow before moving onto my next lessons. I, too, do not want to have to do day-to-day lesson planning. I like to be ahead so this confusion is not working well for me either. My grade team has to teach the same lessons each week, so we all need to be on the same page with the lessons and the time. Right now, I don't know if we are. I did some planning this weekend to cut down on my workload for the week ahead, but really want to get my planning done on my preps to eliminate bringing too much work home. Good luck this week everyone!
The joys of getting the heat of being full-time teachers! It's what we wanted, though, right?! Yea as long as I do ELA and Math, then that's the important part. Although in my school, they make our schedules up for us. Probably because the school wants us to teach 3 periods of ELA. For SS I'm just talking about what is a school community. I heard that's our first unit anyway. But then the next day I have science…how do I plan with THAT? Maybe just do a hygiene lesson just incase. Back myself up. I also have a friend whose principal (at the time, she has a new one now) expected her to have a week's worth of lesson plans in advance and have them submitted. Can we say CRAZY?! I can't even do that. I have a week agenda but that can change…I'm writing full lesson plans just to cover myself, but I'm not being too detailed since we have the teachers' guides! Bunnie: Thanks!!!
Hahaha it is what we wanted! Trust me, I have been telling myself that all week lol. And that it will get easier and better. Yet right after I posted this response, I checked my email and got a ton of stuff emailed to me. I feel like I will never get ahead on the work to be done. There is not enough time in the day and I am bringing stuff home. Imagine if I wasn't... Every time I think I have somewhat caught up, there is something else to be done. And quite honestly, with some of the things that they say need to be done, I have no idea what they are talking about! I feel so lost and I feel like I will not be good at this job. I hope this feeling goes away soon because I love teaching, but didn't think starting out would be this difficult My school also planned our schedules and since they are so tight, we have to stick to them. So far, my periods feel very rushed and I cannot imagine actually getting anything done during them. But, I guess I will learn to balance it out. I also guess it's not a bad thing that the days seem to go by pretty quickly I think you would be fine with a hygiene lesson...something basic for kindergarten and at least it would be something useful to fill the time. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Question: How are you all going to choose to be observed (the 6 informal or the 1 formal/3 informal)? I tend to get really nervous and fumble when being observed, so I am kinda thinking of doing the 6 informal so that I wont know exactly when it will happen, but I really don't know which way is better.
I'll probably do 6 informal. They haven't asked me yet. I need time to adjust anyway Look on the bright side: Beats being a sub! We'll all eventually catch up, as I said before, beginnings are always the hardest. Ok pray I get the rest of my curriculum materials tomorrow!!!!! Goodnight!
Has anyone been able to sign up for their health benefits on ESS and/or the UFT Welfare Fund? I still cannot and am still getting the ineligible message.
We certainly wanted this. Lol I did health benefits through my payroll sec. I haven't touched the UFT app. It's on my to do list later this week. I'm exhausted. I'm going to bed before 9pm. And I still have to tweak tomorrow's lessons.
I'll be choosing the 1 formal/informal I think, only because of the fact that I heard you can at least meet up with your P beforehand and get feedback on the lesson. Although now that I think about it, I was randomly walked in on today by my AP and felt fine when she lingered around for a minute or 2. ~~~ Today was my first real day of teaching and it was good! I got an extra kid, making my roster now 11, but 2 kids have yet to show up so it's been 8-9. I have 8th graders who have multiple disabilities and who are on a variety of levels, no higher than 5th. My biggest issue as of yet has been figuring out how to handle math... My kids don't know too much more than multiplication/division, how am I supposed to jump into teaching them about algebra, linear equations, etc? So frustrating... I hate that they kept being pushed forward through the grades
Yea, I think I am leaning towards the 6 informal since they are very short. While I will probably be very nervous while actually being observed, I also know myself. If I know when it is coming, I will be a complete wreck by the time that they come in and I can see myself getting flustered and flubbing over what I need/want to say. I still haven't 100% decided. When kids don't come to you prepared and on grade level, it really increases your workload. I cant really see how you can jump to those topics without covering all pre-requisite ones They will be even more lost than they might be now. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As for me, I am still feeling completely lost. I feel as though my days are flying by and I am not getting anything done. I am really going to try and teach tomorrow. I want to get the 1st math lesson done and jumpstart the first literacy unit. Hopefully, I will get to it. I would hate for admin to walk by and come in and I am still all over the place. My schedule is very confusing though and hard to stick to. I have been talking to some other new teachers at my school and they say that they are just as lost and confused as I am and that they, too, are not getting much done, lesson-wise. It does kinda make me feel better to know that I am not the only one struggling. I really hope and pray that by October, I wont feel this way every day and that I will be in the groove. I also have been informally speaking with my mentor. She seems really great and seems like she will have a lot of useful info for me. Now, we just need to set up some formal times to meet and then she will be observing me and I will be observing her teach. My grade team is also phenomenal. I feel like I am always bothering them with questions, but they are so helpful and patient. If I make it through this year, it will be due, in large part, to them! How did everyone's day go? Did you get any teaching done?
Re: Observations. I might do the 6 informal, but I'm not sure yet. Remember, it can always be more than 6 or more than 3...so keep that in mind. Re: Planning. Basically I have had little to no time to plan. The days we had that re-purposed time has been used for meeting. We have several members of our team, so we haven't been able to sit down and plan. I also feel like I have not been able to teach much of anything. It's very overwhelming, but I know I will get the hang of things soon. I have a small group, but I do have a kid with behavior problems already. At least it's not more than one as I had last year.
Oh, I didn't know that the observations could be more than what it set upon. I will think about that too when making a decision, I guess. I think most teachers in my school do the 6 informal, but I am trying to figure out what will be best for me. I have had minimal time to plan but still not enough. I take work home but I end up doing less than what I bring home. I am trying to stay ahead off schedule, but really need time to plan. I did get some teaching done over the last 2 days so I am pleased with that. However, I cannot seem to complete a whole lesson in my allotted time. Is anyone else having this problem? So far, my kids are just really chatty. I hope you find a way to work something out with your behavior issue student
Did anyone else get an email confirmation about health benefits? I was finally able to log in to NYCAPS, magically my address is correct on there. But it said something about verifying my health benefits in the email and there was nothing on NYCAPS to verify, unless they meant to look and see if that's the plan you chose. I've completed all planned lessons even with shortened time. Then again I know how to cut things out if the lesson is supposed to be 40 mins and I only end up with 30. Not that I like it, but time has been an issue in my afternoon classes. I "caught" up on a few things today. No real time for lesson planning. I lost 20 mins of my prep period because my prep didn't exist on the master schedule. That was annoying. Came home with a to do list and completed all work within 2 hours. Still exhausted but I went to bed at 7:30 last night and woke up at 5am. The sleep did me good. I felt much more awake today as opposed to Monday. I also noticed I'm very dehydrated and drink a lot of water throughout the day. Starting to think I need to drink more!!! Tomorrow we are half way through the week!!!
I can't do the ESS either! Got my confirmation, but it won't let me verify! And I need my insurance!!!! I'm talking to my payroll secretary tomorrow. I'm doing 1 formal and 3 informal, only because I want less random pop-ins lol. And I'm starting to catch up on my lesson plans. Had to modify a lot of things, though, and I mean ALOT…teaching the lesson from the teacher's guide is making some of my students give me blank stares. In other news, I want to scream. My major problem child keeps drawing on her desk. She's one of the students that doesn't speak English, and she doesn't even respond to "no" or no in her native language. I took a picture and have been documenting it each time. It's ridiculous. Most of my kids are getting better, but there are a few that are driving me up the wall and just don't show signs get better with following the rules…and I'm trying to get ahold of her mother but I don't know if I should even keep trying to get ahold of her, talk to my principal, or lose hope in this child...
After not being able to even log into ESS on Monday (don't know why), I called HR yesterday and they reset my password and told me that there is nothing preventing me from being able to register for benefits. I logged back in and still had the ineligible message saying that I could not enroll. So, today, I asked my payroll secretary for a hard copy of the application. She gave it to me and I think that I will just do it that way. I know we have 30 days from Sept 2 but I feel like ESS is having issues and I don't want them to say that I did file an application on time or something. So if you cant use ESS either, ask your payroll sec for an application. Today was a bit better for me. While I still find the behavior to be an issue (they are VERY chatty), I was able to get a lot done during my prep and lunch. I got 2 science lessons and 3 math lessons for this week and next week and just did 2 writing lessons at home. Now if I can only be this productive everyday, then I will feel much better
I spoke to my payroll secretary today. There was nothing for me to verify (like in my vision of click here to verify) other than to look and see if the right plan is linked to me. I did a hard copy that I received in the mail. Things are coming along? I guess. I have a crap load to plan this weekend and I feel like I'm going to be antisocial over the next few weeks. My students are fine for the most part. I'm really digging in to them the importance of transitioning faster and quieter. They are doing a really great job ignoring other loud classes. Some are chatty but I am completely on top of it. My co teacher and I are working sorta better, less stepping on toes but there are still those moments. Let's talk salary differential for a moment. Did anyone walk there papers in or was planning to? I have my transcripts finally and my plan was to go down to Court St and hand deliver it.
Hmmm...I never got any hardcopy paperwork in the mail, but I am just going to fill it out. The payroll sec said to give it to her when I'm done...I am assuming that she will fax it? And that I should receive some sort of confirmation over the next week? IDK Salary differential: I mailed mine in to Court Street the last week of August. I sent it certified mail so I received a receipt that it was delivered. I decided against hand delivering because the lines were and still are (from what I hear) out of control. I haven't heard anything back yet, but figured I would call next week for an status update. I guess you can do it whichever way you feel comfortable.
Salary Diff: I mailed mine in priority mail because I wanted to avoid the lines. I did this mid August. Today was better. I went in early and left (relatively) early. I was able to finally plan some good stuff with my team during our prep. We will meet again during prep tomorrow. I felt good walking out of there. Made slight headway with the child with challenging behavior as well. He responds to positive behavior reinforcement, providing him with responsibility, and pointing out the good things other children do (so he wants to imitate to gain my approval). I believe he may have attention issues.
Had my first fire drill today. That went…not so well lol I can't wait till it's a month later when the kids are finally used to the school and its rules. I'm done babysitting…and yes, I do a lot of positive reinforcement but that doesn't make things better for the negative kids. I'll be okay. I'm just annoyed.
I had my first fire drill yesterday too. My kids did pretty well, but I could see that the Kindergarteners were lost and some were crying. So, I can only imagine how you felt They will get the hang of it eventually. I do positive reinforcement also, but like you, it's not stopping the real problem kids from displaying negative behaviors. I am not sure what to try next...it's so frustrating.
Made huge gains with the challenging student! It's great to have his mom on board in reinforcing discipline at home as well. Our fire drill is coming up. I will brief my kids that the bells that they hear will mean we need to take a walk outside to practice safety. I will instruct them to walk outside quickly and quietly in the manner they have been taught so far. Wish me luck! lol
Froreal: I'm glad you had some good progress Good luck on your first fire drill. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I had a better day today. I really used my behavior chart (I use a clip chart where students start on green "ready to learn" and then can move down for negative behavior, but can also move up for really positive behavior). Well, since I was mostly moving down, I decided to try the opposite direction today. One student who has been consistently bad really gave it his all today and he made it to the top of the chart and received a ticket to be entered into the weekly draw for a homework pass. I was very pleased with most of the behavior this afternoon...the morning started off rocky so we had to have a harsh discussion on behavior and expectations. I don't know if this will continue, but I am really hoping for the best. I also managed to get ahead on some planning, so I finally did not have to bring much work home today. All I brought was some paper organizing and stapling to do...yayy!! Maybe I am starting to get the hang of it.... hahaha On the onboarding front, I filled out my hardcopy health insurance paperwork and submitted it this morning. I believe the payroll sec was sending it over and am hoping to get some sort of confirmation soon. I also plan to call HR tomorrow or early next week for status updates on my salary step and differential application as I have heard nothing back on either one. Also, need to get my UFT welfare fund hardcopy paperwork tomorrow. Question: Even though I submitted my paperwork for direct deposit, they say it takes at least 2 pay periods to go into effect. So, for the first paycheck, when are we getting paid and do we get the first check from the payroll sec?