Ok here's our new thread and we can continue where we left off I guess from http://forums.atozteacherstuff.com/showthread.php?t=183696&page=8 Ok so DASA is required for all teachers now, you need it to get your professional cert when you update it. If you are still going to grad school or will start your school might offer it for free. The cheapest and best that I found was through CITE. They offered multiple dates and locations in BK or LI. The workshop is only $95. Miss Papa: I went to Queensborough and the Queens for my undergrad in Elementary Ed. I hated it. People didn't know how to answer questions or do things correctly. Forget the financial aid office in QCC OMG what a nightmare! It was a world of difference when I went to Touro. When I graduated my dept threw us free dinner and ceremony. It was nice. Then again the Tech dept is kinda small. And the financial aid office, no line EVER! :woot: I know of Ps that don't like to hire Touro Graduates. But that's probably because of the scandal with people paying for degrees and not actually going to school there from a few years ago. I swear I paid for my degree and attended class! :lol: So I got a few emails today, one from DHR NEWS about signing up for benefits but not until September 2nd. Then I was "auto submitted" for my salary step form. The thing is I can't access it because my email is still not enabled! And I'm dying to know if they'd will credit me any of the 7 years I've been teaching. I also went to Barclay's today. It's so easy to get carried away in there buying stuff. I can't believe they will only tax exempt my first $77 dollars, which I spent more than that:|. I'm pretty sure at Carol's and Lakeshore there's no limit on the tax exempt. Plus I'm purchasing for my co teacher as well. Ok that's all for my adventures today. I'm caught up!
Thanks for setting up this thread Bunnie I looked into the DASA thing and from what I get, it is only mandatory for seeking a new certification. Since I am not ready for the professional certification, I will get it done, but I'm not in a rush. I looked at my University site and they offer it free to alumni, so that's good. I will probably take it within the next few months, but really cannot spare the time for it right now. I got the DHR News email today too about setting up health benefits. I plan on looking at all of the info in the email throughout this week and weekend so that I can make a decision and get set up come Sept 2. Once you get the email thing fixed, confirming and submitting the salary step form is pretty simple. I hope they do credit you for your time! I am compiling and printing the necessary forms for the direct deposit and salary differential and will be mailing them out no later than the beginning of next week. I am still working on classroom decorations (crafting) and am still shopping. I have spent about $600 on supplies and stuff for the classroom so far. I know this will be my most expensive year, but my wallet is really taking a hit! I am saving all of my receipts to send in to my tax lady and hopefully get them through as deductions. I have not yet started lesson planning because I have no idea where to start lol. I have no curriculum materials yet, so I feel unprepared to sit down to plan. I will plan out the first 2 days though, I guess, which will basically be procedures, rules, getting to know each other, etc.
So thanks to my friend's boyfriend who has an old computer, I got it done! Went to the library before, they expected me to wait an HOUR just to use the computer!!!!! I couldn't wait that long being that I had a fitness class to go to with my friend so I ditched. I didn't get the email to send in my transcript but I might go to my school to order one tomorrow or Thursday. Barclays is such a ripoff. My friend told me of a place in Brooklyn that is better called Scribbles. It's not open on Saturday, though, because the owners are Jewish. But it's someplace to check out if you live in the area. I also think it's best to take the DASA and get it done and over with, even if I wasn't going for a license soon. I'm just going to put together some 1st and 2nd day of school activities for my students. Have them promote routines and respecting others.
Whoo hoo the New Teacher forum is alive. I heard about that new workshop needed to get your professional license. Btw don't you need mentorship too? Any of you guys, new teachers know if your going to get a mentor teacher or not? @ MISSPAPA I bet barclays is a ripoff, actually didnt know their was a teacher supply store until now lol. I may check out Scribbles, I know on court street there is another supply store, where they have some teacher items. Somewhere I also shop, if you guys don't mind taking a trip to manhattan is BANK Street Book store. LOVE this place but will spend a FORTUNE. But they have everything, books, teaching supplies, boarders, everything.
Sunshine: that's great that you're university offers it for free for alumni. Neither of mine did. Both like $110. Sike! Not giving them anymore money, went with a cheaper option. Lol I'm hoping it's quick and easy. I'm debating the transcript thing. I wonder if I should get my undergrad transcript. But I don't want to pay the $10 for it. And I think I have to go in person to request them. And I don't want to but I won't be able to once school starts either. I'm at a impasse. Grad school transcripts are no biggie. Those are $10 too I believe. First year is expensive. I remembering spending a fortune at Staples. I bought things in bulk. I literally still have boxes of staples and paper clips from 7 years ago! But I'm good on general supplies for sure. I'm not even thinking about planning. I'm saving that for next week after orientation. MissPapa: so glad you were FINALLY able to find a computer to do it. Lol. Barclay's is a ripoff. $22.50 for the BB paper, at Lakeshore same size is $15.99 it says online. Grrrrr!!! But I did get the colors I wanted, Lakeshore seems to have slim pickings sometimes this time of the year because it gets crowded. They need more teacher stores. There was one by me but it closed down. Also loved Educational Warehouse in LI and that closed too. Not surprised though it was ALWAYS empty in both places. I don't want to plan my first days because I need to know if they expect us to jump right into curriculum. I hope not. I want to do creative fun things Thursday and Friday along with incorporating the class rules, expectations and procedures.
Jteach: I was wondering if there is a supply store in Manhattan. I googled for days and came up with nothing!!! I'll have to check that out for sure, once we get paid lol Edited to add: yeah you get a mentor. Not sure how it's going to happen though as I don't need one. My mentoring my first time at the doe was like group therapy twice a week after school paid through per session. I didn't find it helpful, but then again the school I was in wasn't great. :|
It's the bullying workshop. I didn't hear of it until I applied for my professional in April and I had to have it done ASAP.
jteach89: I have never heard of Bank Street Book Store, but will definitely check it out later in the school year. I think I have pretty much everything that I need to get started and I will be shopping throughout the year once the paychecks start coming in lol. As for the mentor, yes, all new teachers are required to have one year of mentorship. I did ask about it in my interview and my P informed me that I would be getting one; she just didn't know who at the time. I am hoping to be introduced and set-up with my mentor rather quickly, as I think this will be a great first year resource for me. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I will be looking to take the DASA workshop by the end of the year. I had not heard of it and would have taken it right away if absolutely necessary. But, since it's not needed to start teaching in 2 weeks, I will wait just a bit until I have some extra time on my hands. My plate is full these days, but I will definitely get it done soon. Thanks for posting about it though. I honestly had no clue that was something that needed to get done.
Yeah I wouldn't worry about DASA right now for sure but do it a year before you apply for your professional cert so you don't procrastinate and don't need to worry about it when the time comes. I'm actually not sure if you need it to teach now, I've heard that but I think since you guys got certs without it you should be in the clear. Anyone who got a cert after dec 2013 has to take it in order to get their initial as well as those upgrading to their professional. Btw, in exactly 2 weeks all teachers report back. Is it starting to feel real for you guys?
I feel that it's all going so fast! I don't even know where to start once I get my classroom! Even if I didn't have to take it for my early childhood certification, I would've liked to get it done and over with. These days you need to be on top of things since no one likes to inform us of important things we like to do. But by all means, do what feels right.
I know I have it in my head what I'd like to do in my classroom when I first get in there to set up but even with planning in my head it's limited. Ditto with never being informed of things. BTW since I don't currently have access to my doe email are you guys receiving emails on their from the DOE itself?
I, too, feel like time is flying. I cannot believe that I will be in my classroom in 4 days to set up. I have soooo much stuff to bring in and get ready. Yet, I feel like I have no idea what to do with everything when I get it there. I have waited for this job for 4 years and now I feel unprepared lol. I guess it's just nerves. I know what you mean about not being informed. I kinda feel like the whole onboarding process has been left up to us to figure out without much help from the DOE. Very frustrating... Bunnie: I have not really been getting many emails to my DOE account. I have received info there about salary step and then the confirmation emails once I submitted that and the salary differential forms. So, I don't think you are missing anything important. I hope the email issue gets resolved soon for you.
Oh good, so those emails you got to your DOE account are being bounced to my gmail account. Yeah, being informed, ha! I like how one of the emails I got yesterday was like, "In an effort to improve...we know there are many steps...quick and easy experience for you..." So I guess they are trying so kudos to them. :lol: So I'm pretty sure my orientation Monday and Tuesday is going to answer a lot of our "newbie" questions. So I plan to take good notes and share with you guys what I think applies to us all.
I hope your orientation is helpful. My school does not appear to be having one for new teachers nor did I hear anything about the DOE new teacher orientation. I kept checking my email for the invite, but never got one. Oh well, no big deal, but may have been nice. I am hoping to meet some new colleagues next week when I go in to set up and hoping to be introduced to my mentor teacher as soon as school starts. I am finishing up my shopping and my crafting this week and am starting to organize and pack up everything that I will be taking to school next week. OMG, there is so much to bring! I am hoping to set up the room Monday-Wednesday and would love to have Thursday and Friday to myself as the last days of summer since I am having company over Labor Day weekend. However, I may need the extra days in school. I will see how it goes next week. Thanks for passing along any info you get at your orientation. I hope you enjoy it!
Yeah, I'm kinda done with shopping at the moment. Well, school supply shopping. I need to go buy me some new fall clothes though. I want to HOPEFULLY have Friday to myself but I totally doubt that'll be the case. And I'm pretty sure I'll have to run and purchase some more supplies once I start setting up my room. I called the IT dept again about my email issue. I'm waiting for them to call me back. But I got a more helpful person this time so hopefully when they call back it'll be resolved.
Ok I was given access and finally able to sign on!!! YAY!!!! BUT.... when I tried to do direct deposit it said I have to wait until September. Is that right? Ugh!
Yayyy glad you got your email thing worked out, Bunnie I found the IT dept to be the most helpful so far lol For the Direct Deposit, yes you have to wait until Sept 2 to do it online. However, you can print out a form and mail it in ahead of time, like now. But, nothing will be processed until after Sept 2, salary wise. This is the general consensus of the information that I have received. I am going to mail my direct deposit forms and my salary differential forms in to Court Street probably next week? The lady I spoke to from HR yesterday said to mail them in closer to Sept 2, so I am aiming to get them done over the weekend and in the mail by next week.
Oh good! I'm not crazy thinking WTH? I know picking benefits can't be done until sept 2nd. I didn't know the direct deposit had to be done on the 2nd as well. Because then why does the welcome email say to get it done online ASAP? Makes no sense!!!! Has anyone tried to access NYCAPS which is the ESS (Employee Self Service System)? I might hit up the IT dept again for that. I need to change my address and that's the portal to use to do it. I'm just tired of being on the phone today. Lol
Nope it's definitely not just you lol. The emails seem to contradict the information given over the phone. Even the info from HR has not always proved to be accurate. Despite being told to get a move on doing the things needed for payroll and whatnot, not much can actually be done during July-August. I did try accessing ESS and was told that this cannot be done until Sept 2, as well lol. Not to mention that my computer and browser are not compatible with that website either (as per the log in page). Basically, I think we are at a standstill until Sept 2. The school year does not officially begin until then. You are right it makes no sense and it is quite frustrating. Today is the first day in a long time that I have not had to call HR Connect at all lol. I just want to make sure that everything is done properly and on time so there are no surprises when it comes to paychecks, health benefits, etc,
Ugh, so annoying! HR Connect is going to be flooded with calls on sept 2nd!!! Every new teacher is going to have questions and stuff. They didn't think this through at all. Oh well. I guess I can relax on the paperwork stuff for now I guess, order my transcripts and have everything ready to go on the 2nd. I foresee me heading down to Court Street on the 2nd to hand in everything after I'm dismissed from work. That's if my transcripts come in on time.
Exactly! If things could get done during the summer, things would flow much more easily in my opinion. I really wanted to hand deliver my paperwork as well, but I think the lines are going to be horrendous for the first few weeks. Plus I was told that the direct deposit and the salary differential forms are taken care of in 2 different offices. So that would be 2 separate lines to wait for! I think I am going to just try mailing them in. I will make copies of everything that I am mailing and will call frequently to check on any updates with all of the salary applications. I also want to look into the different health benefit choices this weekend so that I can make a decision and apply for those come Sept 2 as well. I bet the DOE websites will crash on Sept 2 from all the personnel trying to access them lol.
Yeah, it's definitely going to be a process. Sigh. I do not want to wait on 2 lines! Maybe mailing it in will be less stressful. As far as benefits GHI Blue Cross Blue Shield is the free one. All my teacher friends have it. No one I know has the other options because you have to paid for them.
I didn't get that email to send in my transcript. I went to Brooklyn College today to send in my transcript to the NYC DOE anyway.
Ok, I got my cert before that. That's why I have never heard of it. I will take it when I am about to get my professional. Speaking of professional cert, I had a question for the NYS Office of Teaching Initiatives. I can never get through when I call and they don't respond to emails. I need to know if my masters from another area will fulfill the MA requirement for my b-2/ECE professional cert.
I can't wait until Monday. I will get into my classroom and set up. I have a crapton of work to do. I receive DOE stuff in my DOE email. You do have to wait till September. You can do the salary diff and step now, but not direct deposit. The only reason I have direct deposit already is because I had it from when I was a DOE sub. Exactly. So far the only thing I have been able to do is the salary diff and step applications. You can access ESS to change some info, but not the health benefits just yet.
Do you know if your county has a local BOCES office? I've always called them with certification questions, they are much less busy than the NYS number and just as knowledgeable.
I also have GHI BC/BS because it was the free option, but I wish I had done a little more research into it and had known that annual physicals aren't covered. I'm still able to get them..GHI themselves suggested that I make an appointment for something like headache or fatigue, and if it turns into a physical it has to be coded as the original reason I went in. It's hard to get my doctor to do that though since they get more money for a physical that they lose out on. Dentail, optical and prescriptions will come from the UFT welfare fund. I've had no issues with the prescription plan, but the dental and optical options are limited. We can only get eye exams every two years.
That's good to know, I'm used to having HIP from my last job and seriously everything was covered, just had a $25 copay for each DR. however I paid $440 a month for it it was the only option at my job. I'm not too concerned with optical as my eyes are good for now. How's the Dental? I need to get a cleaning as well as I want to explore my options fixing a small gap I have in my teeth. Last year when I went (and still had insurance) my dentist offered to do something about it but said I didn't need it, it was up to me. I just don't want to be stuck with a major bill.
MissPapa: Did you submit the salary differential form online yet? As soon as I completed that, I got an email, in my DOE email account, stating that the application had been received and to print the email and attach it to my transcripts when I mail them in. I'm sure you can mail everything in without the email too. Froreal: I didn't know we could access ESS at all yet, thanks! Although my computer does not support the site (ughhhh!). I guess I will have to try the computer that I used for the Payroll Portal or see where else I can access it. Bunnie and Lmichele: I used to have the GHI/Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield when I was covered under my father's insurance. We always loved it. Now, I would really like to choose that one again: GHI for all medical purposes and Empire for hospitalization coverage (I think is how it worked). Do you know which option that is on the list that got emailed to us? I could not seem to find it or make sense of the charts on that website I have never had to pick insurance before, so I want to make sure that I get it right. I plan on using the UFT welfare fund for optical and dental. But maybe using the GHI optional rider for prescription coverage? I don't know how the UFT prescription coverage is. Is the only way to sign up for insurance through ESS? Who do we contact with any questions regarding coverage (DOE HR or UFT)?
Just got off the phone with HR Connect. 1. Literally nothing can be accessed or changed before 9/2 except logging into payroll portal. 2. You must send both undergrad and grad transcipts for salary differential. That's what 30mins on hold got me answers too. I REALLY needed to change my address so my per session checks (it's how I was paid for the non DOE summer school I taught in) don't go to my previous address, which family still lives at but is a pain to go to for me.
I filled it out and sent it. I still didn't get it. I'll check again, I can look at my sent application through firefox, I'm just not able to submit anything… And damnit, bachelors as well? I need to physically go to Manhattan for that…and they should have a copy on file, they needed it for subbing!
It is on file...... Previously Submitted Transcripts If you submitted one or more of the necessary transcripts while applying for a previous salary differential, you can obtain copies of these transcripts in person from the Office of Teacher Records, 65 Court Street, Room 823 to be used in this application instead of requesting duplicate transcripts from the school. After obtaining these stamped copies from Room 823, please attach them to your completed application and submit to Room 102.
Yea it has to be! I wasn't sure if they had my Brooklyn College transcript so I sent it anyway. But yea, I was working in an office before working into the evening (with two horrible bosses) and the only way I was able to go to the school (School of Visual Arts, so private school in Manhattan…) in person on a weekday. I told them I can't take off of work, and they're all like "oh then there's nothing we can do! " I had to fax a request in writing from my old job to let my fiancé pick it up (he works nights). So it'd be GREAT if it's on file!
Nice. It's such a pain for these darn transcripts! CUNY and Touro outsourced their online transcript ordering. So I have to MAIL in some signed letter to a company in Illinois so get my CUNY one considering I already paid for it. Then Touros online service isn't recognizing me so I have to physically go there today to order it. What a pain I tell you. Here I was thinking I could relax today. WRONG!:|
Yea I thought that both undergrad and grad transcripts were needed. Now, I requested both from my University and they mailed it to me. Question: The envelope it came in is sealed with the stamp and says only valid if in sealed envelope. The problem is: they only sent 1 envelope. I am assuming that both the undergrad and grad are in there since I requested both on the same day. However, cannot be sure without opening. I think the email from the DOE said it doesn't have to be in a sealed envelope though. So, I can go ahead and open it, right?
Ok thanks! I thought so, but wanted to make sure that someone else saw that hahaha...no going back after breaking the envelope seal lol. Thanks
Uh oh you rebel!!!! I caught a dizzy spell while getting ready to head out. Soooo transcripts will have to wait until Monday. I don't have the energy to head into Manhattan today. I mean we do have 6 months to send it in. I gotta keep the stress to a minimum here. Lol