need some promethean board instruction

Discussion in 'General Education' started by stepka, Aug 22, 2010.

  1. stepka

    stepka Comrade

    Jul 14, 2008
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    Aug 22, 2010

    We are just now getting promethean boards in our classrooms and a thought has occurred to me. We will be having subs in and there will be times when they'll be expected to use them. Is there a set of instructions that is distilled into a simple form that we can put into the sub folders that you all know of? I've looked all over the tutorial sites and it's all so complicated and I would need to understand it all better myself before I could write something so I'm hoping someone knows of something I could just pull up.

    Disclaimer: I'm not dissing subs here--I used to be one myself and I still remember the day I almost wrote on a smartboard with a whiteboard marker. Fortunately the kids stopped me. :eek:
  3. teachgrade5

    teachgrade5 Comrade

    Jul 12, 2010
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    Aug 23, 2010

    Our subs can't use our Promethean Boards. We have log ins on our computers and when a sub logs in to take attendance they don't have access to ActivInspire. I usually put a sign on the board stating that it is not a whiteboard. I also put it in my lesson plans.

    Personally, I do not want a sub using the Promethean equipment. I would hate for something to happen to it.
  4. stepka

    stepka Comrade

    Jul 14, 2008
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    Aug 23, 2010

    Yes, I know what you're saying, but I also know that when I was subbing I was expected to use them on several different occasions and it always flummoxed me that the admin didn't think it necessary to give us some training on how to use such an expensive piece of equipment. Or that the teacher expected someone like me to use it, knowing that he/she was completely responsible for it. I think it was easier for them to plan lesson plans for subs with it b/c they could just load up a PP or something and then I was supposed to push the button and go. Eventually I pulled up a free tutorial on how to use them but I have to wonder how many disasters or near misses happened b/c a sub pushed a wrong button.
  5. stepka

    stepka Comrade

    Jul 14, 2008
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    Aug 23, 2010

    OH yes, and I agree with you--you shouldn't really leave something on the smartboard or promethean for a sub. I think I was appropriately responsible but I've seen some who were real lulus. :eek:
  6. teachgrade5

    teachgrade5 Comrade

    Jul 12, 2010
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    Aug 23, 2010

    There are some very good subs out there, but I have had some not so great ones in the past. I always try to get the good subs when I have to be gone, but it isn't always easy as they are the ones in high demand. I did mean to offend in any way.

    If you have leave something for the sub to do on the Promethean, I would make it something very simple. I would keep to the pen and no voters. It would be hard to teach a sub as they aren't using the board every day. I have had mine for over a year and half and I am just now getting to where it is easier to use. I didn't get any training either. It was trial and error. I now do the training for other teachers in the corporation.
  7. Lynn K.

    Lynn K. Habitué

    Jul 6, 2007
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    Aug 23, 2010

    I never leave things that a sub would have to use the board for. I teach the kids early on how to find and open the morning work flipchart, so even that is not left for the sub to do.
  8. dovian

    dovian Comrade

    Aug 18, 2007
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    Aug 24, 2010

    My board runs through my laptop - I don't have a desktop in my room. The laptop is locked in my closet when I'm not there and I wouldn't want a sub using it anyway, as it has my grades in it (not that a sub would mess with those but the kids are tricky sometimes). Honestly I'd say don't worry about it and if your principal doesn't understand that this isn't something a daily sub should be doing maybe you can have a chat with him/her.

    Now, if you had a long-term sub that would be different, but nobody's education is being seriously harmed by not using it for one day.
  9. Caesar753

    Caesar753 Multitudinous

    Jun 10, 2007
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    Aug 24, 2010

    We're directed to leave sub plans that do not include the use of our Prometheans or any other techy stuff, aside from DVD players. I think it's a good policy because for starters it's not always likely that the sub will be able to log in, and they certainly can't access my personal folder on the drive, so it would be a chore to get them access to whatever software they need. Also, given that some subs are less than stellar (my experience only, not a general statement about subs), I wouldn't want them touching anything worth any money at all. My mounted Promethean/LCD combo is probably $7,000-10,000. That's pretty expensive to repair if the sub messes it up.

    If you insist on having a sub use your board, it might be in your best interest to either train a couple of students to be the board gurus and show the sub how it works, or have a deal with your next door neighbor for him/her to come over and briefly instruct the sub.

    I really think your best bet would be to leave Promethean-dependent plans if you want, but also leave a low-tech option.

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