Hi, I want to find out if anyone has ever gotten black balled for retaking the CSET subtest 2 multiple times. I don't mean to say that I feel like I'm being discriminated against, but I'm pretty sure I did not pass this subtest again. On the previous 2 occasions I had took the test, I missed the minimum 220 mark by 14 points. This was without studying for them. This time I took some time off work to prepare for it, but I took too much time on the 52 multiple choice questions, which I believe I passed. However, I lost track of time and (for lack of a better word) I half assed the 4 constructed responses. I gave myself little time to respond to them, and I didn't even spell check my answers. I have my BA in Liberal studies, and I have passed the CBEST and CSET 1 & 3. Does anyone think that even if I retake the test (my 4th time) and pass it, could l possibly be discriminated against? Will they think I'm not fit to teach just by seeing my profile or name on the test, and fail me automatically? I need to pass this test in order to be accepted to my local university's teacher credentialing program. IDK. It has been a while since I took any math or science. I am a 1st year teacher with a family of 5 and honestly I had very little time to study for this test.
Hugs, Samjr - but let me gently suggest that your fears are misplaced. Your credential program is probably one that will start you student teaching eight weeks in, and state law requires that a student teacher have passed the subject matter tests - but both the state and the credential program are supremely unconcerned with the number of attempts that the student teacher required.
You're welcome. Pay it forward. One passes the whole subtest, by the way: a more than adequate score in science compensates for a less than adequate score in math, and a more than adequate score in multiple choice, which is weighted to 70% of available scaled points compensates for a less than adequate score in constructed response (and vice versa).
"Samjr,----------If you passed Subtest 1 and 3, then you don't have to take those over. Subtest 2, if I'm not mistaken is, math & science, which I also failed the first time; passed the second. And this is what I did to pass: I took the online video tutor class at TeacherTestPrep.com. I think it costs about $45 for six-month access to the lessons. But the greatest thing about it is, IT GOES OVER EVER PROBLEM TYPE that is found on the math subtest. So, when you're taking the test, you will see problems that you have already practiced working-out, and you know what to do. To my surprise, some of the questions were almost IDENTICAL to what I had studied at TeacherTestPrep.com. The teacher who teaches the session has taken many of the CSET exams and KNOWS "exactly" whats on them. He's GREAT! I LOVE HIM for helping me pass that test. It was worth TWICE as much as I paid. Give it a try.
Which test prep did you sign up for, because I signed up for one and just took the subtest 1 and 2 for the 3rd time and the questions I had in the last 2 tests have not been anywhere in my studying and the test prep I paid for.
JB------------It's called TeachersTestPrep.com They have an online video prep course for each CSET Sub-test. You can go over each problem type as many times as necessary until you understand how to work it out. I took the one for math and science, and it was well-worth the money!
Yes, its called teachers test prep. You can pay around $45.00 for a 2 week window or $145.00 for a 6 month window. I signed up for the 6 month since I'm scheduled to take the test again in a few weeks, and I do not want to have to retake it.
Yes, I signed up for those and failed, by 2 points on test 1 and 4 points test 2...very frustrated. I really felt like I did well on my constructed responses and I only got a checkmark on one on the math
Hi just wondering if you have passed the cset subtest 2? I'm struggling to pass it with just 10 points away the last time. I wanted to know if you used anything different to study.