Morning Meeting

Discussion in 'Special Education' started by MATgrad, Jul 27, 2011.

  1. MATgrad

    MATgrad Groupie

    Jun 13, 2007
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    Jul 27, 2011

    This year I will be able to do a morning meeting! What are some things you do? It looks like I'll be teaching a combo of PMH/lower TMH. I'm thinking of starting out with some kind of language focus activity but I'm really lost on this one. I've never done morning meeting with a group this low.
  3. xitalianacutiex

    xitalianacutiex Rookie

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Jul 27, 2011

    I do the typical days of the week, months, weather, etc. I also do a little thing on the theme we are working on. For example, I was doing clothes you wear in the winter and I had a basket of clothes, we would take things out, talk about them, have the kids "try" them on, etc. If you have low children you can use switches for the days and weather. And if they are able to write they can fill out a morning meeting sheet.

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