I find those blue disposable masks to be significantly more comfortable and breathable than any cloth one I tried. I also learned that they actually do hold up to washing- I just hand wash mine in the sink every day when I get home. I bought a 20 pack at Target when school started in early August and I've still got probably at least 15 of them.
I have been using N-95's- highly uncomfortable for long periods of time. Then I got some from Walgreens that are blue, 3 layered, disposable, and inexpensive. The 1st time I wore 1 in public, it freaked me out. haha! Only because I felt like I was breathing freely exposing myself to every germ out there. They feel like you are breathing straight fresh air.
We are provided with the blue 3-layered medical masks and I'm finding that they are super-easy to wear all day. The only time I struggle a bit is if I'm rushing from one place to another and get a little winded. I have a hard time now in my cloth masks when I go shopping.
I'm the opposite. The blue surgical/disposable masks are itchy and scratchy to me, and even with bending the wire around my nose, it moves up until the mask is basically in my eyes. I have to do cloth masks. We aren't in person with kids yet, but teachers are teaching from the building and we have a lot of meetings where I end up having to wear the mask for hours. I purchased some cloth masks from a local clothing store that are very comfortable (or as comfortable as we're going to get) and I still feel like I can breathe in them. I think it really just depends on the person and your face shape.
I like those blue three-layered medical masks already mentioned, but I have a petite face. I worry that they are too big for me and don't get close enough to my skin in all places. I bought some cloth masks that conform better to my face, but they are not as easy to breathe in.
Have you tried the children's sized blue surgical masks? I have some middle school students they work well on.
if someone becomes ill and there is contact tracing, you will have some big problems. Also, is that really the example you want to set for students?
It's remote! Ok. no one is in danger. We were told to wear them while online but I'm not . Count one less sheep.
What reason did they give for that? Kids have enough trouble paying attention to the teacher on a screen let alone staring at them with a mask on. Good grief!
I use cloth masks and I have enough that I can use 1-2 a day and wash the pile of them once a week. I can do 1-2 layers but the 3 layers are just too much. I just can't.
Rockhubby rigged up a device to sterilize our N-95 masks because he's just handy and mad scientist like that.
It's really hard to wear a mask, but it's necessary because of our family, I usually wear N95 and sometimes disposable mask, these are much better than others, I also recommend you to use these, but if you want more options I recommend you to check on couponcodfiy, because I also get my mask from there, on there multiple varieties of the mask are available. you cany buy according to your need.
I don't think they can be comfortable at all, but there is no other option. I liked the Korean masks, they are really easier to breathe in, but it's also a little difficult to talk. If I have five classes a day, any mask would be an issue.
https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08L47BJH6/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 most comfortable for me, hands down. All the others get in my eyes and I hate them.
I can't find one that is comfortable at all. No matter which one I wear, I either get fogged up glasses, dry mouth, and I have had a sinus headache everyday from the pressure on my nose, even when it's very light. Plus, I'm teaching theatre, so I'm moving around a lot, and jumping and do all kinds of active stuff, and I feel so winded all day. I've also tried shield, and those are worse. I cannot do these masks for six hours a day much longer. I don't even want to go out anywhere on the weekends just because I can't bear the thought of putting a mask on. There is no way in h.e. double hockey sticks I'm going to double layer.
We are heading back to face-to-face mid-February; we've been remote since Christmas break. When we return, 3-layer masks are recommended, but the ones we have been provided with, that we must wear, are only 2-layer, so I'll likely double-up (unless we have 3-layer ones provided. We will also need to wear a shield or goggles at all times. With a double mask, a shield and my glasses, I'll be in a constant fog.
Yikes. My state came out with this idea that if teachers wear a KN95 mask AND a shield at the same time, they don't have to quarantine. Some other districts mandated it. Thankfully, mine only "strongly suggested" it. I tried the shield at the beginning of the year for testing, because I have to get close to students. It fogged up in about 5 seconds and I couldn't see well at all, not to mention feeling like I couldn't breathe very well either. The KN95 masks are also incredibly uncomfortable. I do still wear that for testing and I'm dying 30 minutes in. I can't imagine actually teaching in both all day. I've noticed that not a single employee at my school has followed this "recommendation." I asked one of our itinerant staff who works in multiple schools and she says it's the same in other buildings. I feel so sorry for the teachers in districts who are mandating this.
I made about 25 masks each for both DH and myself. I tried a few different styles. DH has in-person kids, but I have been on sick leave and haven’t needed them. I’ll have had my 2nd dose of vaccine before I return to work, but I’ll still mask.
I've been double masking all school year: KN95 with cloth mask over it. Plus face shield when closer than 6 feet to a student. We've been in person since August, and I've had multiple positive cases in my classroom and haven't gotten it yet, so I figure I won't try to fix what isn't broken.
I wear a shield in class and around school until I leave. Then I wear a mask to get out of the building. I even find the shield is becoming a pain in the butt. I can't stand to hear my voice in the shield, it echoes. I have my class set up so I am more than 6 ft away from my kids when I do my teaching, so I take it off. If I get up or they come to me I put it on.
I wear my N95 and now have a plexiglass shield between me and my students / coworkers. My second vaccine will be fully effective two weeks from yesterday, so after that, I'm masking more to protect others than myself.
N95s are pretty good. Though I hate wearing masks, but I admit they are really important during the pandemic.. I am also thinking about some good and working supplements and vitamins, for example. Do you think they work well and help you stay healthy? I have been taking some from Canada Drugs often, and I think they are really good and working, you might find them interesting to you too, good luck with it!
N95s, to me, are more comfortable than cloth masks. Not as easy to stash in your pocket, but otherwise they're my go-to.
My most comfortable one is the one my wife sewed for me. Luckily, my institution's mask mandate expired, so I don't wear one at all now.