Does anyone have ideas for marking desks on the floor? My students are constantly moving the desks forward and around...not on purpose, but it just ends up happening. I moved my desks into groups and the desk arrangement is perfect! Everyone is at an angle so very few kids are completely facing away from me. I used painter's tape to mark the area around the groups and it worked well this week, but it is peeling away when the kids walk on it and move the chairs, etc. Does anyone have any durable suggestions for marking desks on tile? It is nice being able to prevent the desks from migrating too close to the front of the room and being able to ask kids to just fix their desk. Thanks!
I use duct tape. The only thing that lasted longer was electrical tape that I put down before they waxed my floor.
Either duct tape or electrical tape. But here's an old stage hand trick for you. After you put the tape down, take some dry clear glue and spread a little bit on top of it. It won't come up until you're ready for it to.
I use liquid type shoe polish with a blotter/sponge end. Blot a dot, wait to dry. It wears off, apply again. I think easier than tape.
We’re not allowed to put tape on the floors because it presents too many issues for custodians. I line tables up with the tile edges of the flooring.
Yes, it is ridiculous. I was spending 10 minutes a day adjusting the desks after the janitors moved them and the kids moved them. Now, at least I know when they are out of place.
I do not do this. Although, I do have circle spots (I forgot the specific name) on my circle time rug with my student's name written on them. I have 1 desk, which is for all students (currently, only one) to work 1:1 with me or my aide. I have a table where all of my students sit. I do assign seats based on needs and change the arrangement every two-three weeks.
This is reason number 1 why next next year I am getting tables. I hate how the kids move the desks. Most years it hasn't bothered me nearly as much as it has bothered me this year. So when given the opportunity to order new tables I did. I hope don't live to regret it. LOL
Honestly more power to you guys who take the time to rearrange the desks and stuff everyday. I have 36 desks – even though all of them don't really get used – and I can't be bothered to configure them in any special way. I'd rather have the desks in six neat rows of six, than any other configuration. Then it leaves more room for the lab desks and activities. Which it works out because they don't really spend a prolonged amount of time at their desks to start with. I usually do alphabetical order until i learn names then I can't be bothered.
A teacher friend of mine used duct tape but when the corners started peeling off and the dirt started getting stuck to it, it looked terrible. I'd rather just fix them or have the kids fix them each day.
If it makes you feel any better, I teach a special class, although I really enjoy teaching special education. It has been a decade since I taught general education.
Tables move too. I have to constantly move my classroom back to where it started DURING THE DAY so kids don't get squished between tables. It's ridiculous.
Yeah I get that. I think it's important to have passion. One of my biggest worries going into next year and everything is being overwhelmed by the sheer number of students.
Absolutely. It is such a fun setting to teach in. The good news is........I do not have a class size that large. In fact, in a year or so, my class size most likely will decrease.
Update: A new student just enrolled late in the year and my class of 35 just became a class of 36. Lovely.