My lunch is 30 mins, and it's "half" duty-free. I am required to eat in the cafeteria, but not sit with the kids, which I think is a fair compromise. Teachers need to monitor the lunch line, which takes about 15 minutes, leaving 15 minutes to eat - it's amazing what you can get used to!
I have lunch and prep together for 1 hour 15 minutes. (all teachers). It's all duty free and we're free to do whatever during this time, (can't leave, because there's nowhere to go) but technically the P can have emergency staff meeting, or one on one meetings during our prep. I assume the lunch part is 30 minutes.
At every school I taught at, lunch was duty free (stated in our contract). We do have to monitor our kids in the line until they get close to the door. Then the cafeteria duty lady will take over. Lunch is typically 45 minutes.
At my current school, teachers eat lunch in the same room as the students, but we have a teacher table. At my previous schools (which were in a different state) I had duty free lunches.
I have a 20 minute lunch or recess duty every day. All of the specialists do. The classroom teachers get 40 minutes duty-free. I am expected to schedule my own 30 minute lunch at some point in the day since I create my own schedule (no one has ever explained why specialists get 30 minutes and classroom teachers get 40). However, many days I just can't afford to take 30 minutes for lunch. On Mondays I have RtI meetings for 90 minutes, a sped team meeting for an hour, and generally 2 IEP meetings right after that, so my entire day after 11 is eaten up by meetings. I try to see at least all of my reading groups (7) in the morning so I can get them started on something for the week. I end up with 15 minutes for lunch and planning if I'm lucky- this Monday I know I won't even have that. Most Fridays I have to attend meetings elsewhere in the district, so again I cram all of my kids into the morning for progress monitoring and have to go to my meetings with no lunch or plan time. Tu- Thurs. I can usually at least squeeze in about 20-25 minutes.
My lunch is scheduled at 30 min. But I have to walk the class down to the lunch area and then be back by the time they are lining up. It is duty free except on the days I am schedule to supervise lunch detention.
I have a 30 minute duty free lunch immediately followed by a 40 minute recess, which is supervised by an aide, so duty free for me. I also have an hour pull-out (art, music, library, pe, computer lab) daily. I realize I am spoiled with as much planning I get!
Our students have an hour for lunch. We are guaranteed 40 consecutive minutes duty-free, so we could have supervision for the first or last 20 minutes of the lunch hour. Other teachers have their supervision duties at another time during the day, so have an hour for lunch.
I have a 47 minute duty free lunch, but we don't have "specials" so the kids are with me from the minute they get there until the minute they leave. Well, except for lunch and a 15 min morning recess.
What do the kids do when all teachers are having their lunch and prep? I get 30 minutes duty free by contract.
Lunch is duty free, but we can decide to supervise lunch or recess for an extra stipend. In another school in my building, lunch is still duty free, but teachers supervise lunch at another time (when their students are in a special or gym).
this is a detention facility, so the officers take them and supervise them for lunch, bathroom break, and then take them back to their dorms until it's time for class.
In my job capacity, those in my position can pretty much determine our own lunch break (& 1 or 2 other little breaks). It's usually 45 min or an hour for lunch plus it may not be at the same time everyday.
We get 25 minutes of duty free lunch a day, we have no bus duty, and we get a minimum of 80 minutes of planning 3 times a week. Sometimes we have more, but we never have less.
Yes. I have a forty-minute prep period per day while kids are at specials plus teachers arrive half an hour before kids for planning/meeting time.
I get a 45 minute lunch each day except every 7th day when I have recess duty which takes 15 minutes away from my lunch. I also have a 45 minute prep each day. Meetings I am asked to attend cannot be scheduled during my prep time. If they are I am given another 45 minutes during the day to make up for the missed prep.
It's supposed to be 30 minutes by state law. The principal insists we wait until they are through the line and seated, which means I don't get 30 minutes. Not a strong union state. But I printed the law out and am going to press the issue if he continues to harass and bully me. Might as well fight back. Yes, it's come to that. We're involving the director of human resources now, and I'm waiting for the next meeting with her to fire back with every petty thing I can think of.
Our lunch is 45 minutes on every day except Wednesday (30 minutes on Wednesday). But once or twice a week we have recess duty, so we get about 30 minutes on those days. So I would probably just count it as a 30 minute lunch.
We have 25 minutes, and it's not necessarily duty free. Once or twice a week we have to supervise lunch. It's not fun. We need our break.
I eat at my desk. If a student drops by with a question, I answer it. If a student wants help editing a paper, I help. If I wanted to go the the teachers' room, I could, but I never do.
Lunch is 35minutes. It is NOT duty free both the teacher and co-teacher are at lunch with the kids. During the day I get a 45 min break while they are in specials. 2 days of the week we have grade level planning during this time s well as professional learning community...
Our lunch is 25 minutes, which includes travel time. We have about 15 minutes to eat. Lunch is duty free, but we don't have a lounge. We eat in the cafeteria at a separate table. There's not enough time to eat otherwise.
It is not always wonderful, unless you physically leave the building. Otherwise, you do end up working or handling discipline. However it is nice to have it in our contract.
30 minutes duty free. Although there are 5 minutes between the end of lunch and beginning of class where I am supposed to be supervising the hallway.