Hi all, This is the first year I have adhd students. I was just curious to why they thump their legs so fast?! Does it relieve stress...or ....???? Thanks.
I think its impulsive, and they will stop if brought to their attention, and then continue again. It could perhaps be a rhythm of something going on in their bodies. I remember how soothing it was for my own children to be patted our bounced or swinging in a swing. I would love to hear more on this. It reminds me of when you ask a student WHY are they biting their fingers, and they respond with a 'I am not'- they dont realize they are going it!
One other thought is that it relates to their brains being understimulated. The inability to focus is due to lack of stimulation to the part of the brain that attends. The kids naturally seek stimulation in response. One way is repetitive motion.
I bounce my leg all day long. I think it's because I get bored. I just realized that I was doing it as I was typing!! Kelly
my oldest son has adhd and sometimes the moving of the legs helps him focuss. he does it when he has alot to study for or their is a change at school.