HOORAY, YOU!!! My next one isn't until next year (I turn 40 in January but have already had a baseline). Thank you for thinking of us while celebrating your own health. You are the best.
Great news, Alice. I get mine on a regular basis, thanks to people like you who take the time to bug me.
What age should you get the baseline? I don't understand why they don't encourage mammos before age 40. I've been turned away.
Great news Alice!! I got mine in April. I get it done around my birthday so that I remember every year. You should get a baseline one done around 40.
I think they do if you have a family history (I may be wrong though)!!! When it is time Alice you'll be my "little voice"!!! LOL!!!
I also wish I could get one now. (I probably wouldn't be wishing that after I had one). I have to wait - I am only 31 and no family history. Of course, your family history only depends on your family actually getting them, and I know my mom does but I dont know about anyone else.
My doctor suggested my baseline at 35 so he could compare it with any changes once I hit 40 and beyond. I put it off a year, saying that I have no family history except for my grandfather's sister. He all but marched me to the radiologist upstairs at that point.
I'm not old enough yet, but I did get a breast exam at the gynocologist's last week. No family history here, either, except for one married-in aunt.
Woooo hooooo!!!!! Just had checkup--don't have to get them yearly yet. I've had them before because of the family history.
I was the one who started my "family history of breast cancer." Just my luck-- I couldn't be the one to win LOTTO, I had to be the one to get a mastectomy. But anyway, it's summer. There's lots of time. Those of you who are due, call tomorrow and make the appointment. It's 10 minutes of discomfort, compared with the unspeakable. Do it, OK? And join me in a toast to a summer without surgery-- this will be my first in 3 years!!!! Go now, get a glass of something good (I have a glass of wine next to the keyboard; the diet can wait for a day....) I would like to propose a toast: to a summer free of surgery, and of the fears that accompany it. And another toast to all those people who were well educated enough to develop tools like the mamogram and the sonogram I had today. They've saved countless lives. And to the sugeons who continue to save the lives of men and women everywhere. And to the parents and the teachers who helped teach them all they needed to save those lives. Cheers!
What an amazing feeling that must be Alice!!! (the mammogram coming back clean, not the mammogram itself) You deserve this! I'd buy you a glass of wine myself if we were in the same country!
Alice - that's great news. Thanks for your reminders of staying healthy. I'm 34 but had a baseline done at 30 and will have another one at 35. We don't have a lot of breast cancer in my family but have had some. I felt it was better to be on the safe side, even if I had to pay out of pocket, than to wait until I was 40. Was it uncomfortable for a few minutes - yep - especially since I knew the gal who was doing my mammogram, but I felt well worth it! Cheers to you, Alice!
I'm not yet thirty and I really hope by the time I need one they'll have developed no-touch, through-the-clothes technology. I hate all things related to the body—it all absolutely and completely terrifies me and if I think it about it too much I come very close to having a genuine panic attack. But I'm so glad for your good news and that you continually share these reminders. Stick around here for another ten years or so because I'll really need a big kick in the butt or two or three when the times comes.
I'm only 32, so no Mamm. yet. I am embarrassed and ashamed to admit this but I haven't been to the gyno except for once, about 10 years ago. Yes, I know I need to go. In my mind I tell myself I am sexually inactive and no female problems to speak of, but I know it is no excuse....I need to go.
Yea Alice! I had my first one done this year. (I'm under 40 but I had it because of family history) My Grandma, on my mom's side, was diagnosed with breast cancer and had 1 removed but went ahead and had the other removed just in case. Good thing because she found out later that there was cancer in that one too. After I had my first one done, my dr. office called me telling me I need to set up an appt. for an ultrasound for further diagnosis....uh..what?! I was VERY scared. Come to find out, it was only because they had nothing to compare my 1st one too. Why the heck don't dr. offices TELL you that when you have your first one so you don't get freaked out?! gah!!!! But, no news on that one so I'm clean. Yea!