Have a pretty heartwarming story to tell you guys. My husband also works for our school district. He is not a teacher. His official job title is custodian but he doesn't clean the buildings. He is actually in charge of our sports fields. He maintains the football, baseball, softball fields and grounds. Takes care of our golf range and tennis courts. Basically if it's sports related he maintains it. Plus he does the pest control for the district. Today he went into the dressing rooms looking for our Head football coach. He didn't find him, but what he did find made his day, year, and other than the birth of our children I have never see him cry like he did today. He walked in and several of our football boys stopped what they were doing, came over and shook his hand told him how much they appreciated all the hard work he has put in and then told him they are dedicating the rest of the season to him. There was no prodding from a coach at least non at that moment because there wasn't one in the room. My husband is a humble hard working man who doesn't take compliments easy but this meant the world to him. I think he will take this afternoon's moment to his grave. (Not that it's going to happen anytime soon) So see even if your are the custodian, the lunch lady, the aide, the teacher or principal it takes all of us to educate our kids, because sometimes we are educating them in life not just academics.
Obviously your husband takes a lot of pride in his job and those young men realize that. This story warms my heart on both accounts!
How wonderful for your husband that his hard work was realized by the kids who benefit from it. And, what great kids.
Another awesome story! Love it! I wish people who have the "kids nowadays" attitude could read more of these kinds of stories. Kids are awesome!
Not only a great story but absolutely true. Our school depends on everyone to make it what it is. AND when everyone feels invested in the process it usually becomes better. The years our school made an A grade we divided the bonus money up evenly from the principal to the lunchroom ladies. I can tell you that some days the most important people there are paras or the secretary and even sometimes the PE teacher
I've been a middle school paraprofessional for 5 years now and ALL of the 8th graders ask me to come to the high school each year! I have a letter from a student that was written during my first year working wth middle schoolers and it still makes me happy that I made an impact in his life! I will NEVER throw it away!