I found out about a month ago that I'm pregnant. I'm now at 11 weeks and have heard the heartbeat. I'm not really having nausea but man am I getting hungry. The thing is though honestly I'm just having a hard time being happy about it. I don't know why. I have all these negative emotions about it. My family is beyond ecstatic. My mom calls just about everyday to see how I'm feeling. Did anybody else go through this?
It might just be hormone fluctuations. My first pregnancy was hard for me to accept at first, but there was a crazy circumstance around it. (Short version: emergency surgery, thought I was going to come out of it *not* pregnant, though not by choice) Were you trying to get pregnant? Do you feel as though you are in a place in your life where you will be able to juggle having a baby? Is it too big of a shock? Talk it through with someone -- best friend, husband/boyfriend, us... it may help.
It was an accidental pregnancy. I was on the pill. I was also told some years ago that due to PCOS it could hinder my fertility. It in some ways doesn't feel real I guess. I've had a lot of changes this year already. We just moved to a new house (after going through a foreclosure) and I'm starting a new grade-level.
Congrats!!!!!!!!!!! I agree it could be your hormones, as well as all of the changes you mentioned. When I was pg with my son, I was happy but very cautious because I had previously had a miscarriage at 8 weeks...so I didn't allow myself to truly feel excited until the second trimester. Good luck, and please feel free to vent/share with us!!
MAT. It could be the shock of actually being pregnant when you didn't think you could get pregnant or weren't trying. It took me awhile to get used to being pregnant and being happy about it. I was one of these women that thought I'd want to have 2-3 kids. Well, after having one, I'm glad that I only have the one.
Sending lots and lots of well wishes your way. As was said, feel free to vent and share! We will support you and listen as best we can!