
Discussion in 'Job Seekers' started by jw13, Mar 13, 2008.

  1. jw13

    jw13 Groupie

    Feb 13, 2008
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    Mar 13, 2008

    :DI am not sure where I could put this, but will try it here.

    I thought maybe we could have a thread that was just for talking about misc. job search stuff. Is it a good/bad day on the search? How are you feeling? Did any interview go well/not so well? etc.

    So I will start:

    I am starting to see more postings come up in my area. There are two districts I would LOVE to work for and two others that are 2nd or 3rd choice districts. I am starting to panic WAY before it is necessary. I worry that my 2nd or 3rd choice will interview and hire me, and then my DD's will call after the fact and I will miss an opportunity to be where I want. But, I don't want to limit myself to my DD's and miss a job opportunity. AAAGGGHHH!!! Watch, I won't even get an interview anywhere:D. Does anyone else think this way, or am I just a crazy nut:woot:
  3. smalltowngal

    smalltowngal Multitudinous

    Jan 2, 2007
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    Mar 13, 2008

    You are NOT a crazy nut!! If you are, then I am too! :p . There are a lot of postings coming up, but they are mostly for HS. There are two positions that I would love to have either one. They were posted back in February, but as of yet, no calls for interviews. I'm wondering when they'll start interviewing! I go from feeling very good about the whole thing and confident that I'll get a job to feeling very down and depressed because no one is calling yet. I get on here and see people gearing up for interviews and I'm wondering when they'll start calling! I know that its way too early to worry since its not even April yet, but I would love to know that I have a job sooner than later. The school I tutor in said to keep them in mind when and if they have a position available, but they don't have any openings that I'm certified for yet. UGH! I hate this whole process.
    I've had two bad experiences my first two years, so I'm doubting myself. I don't want to have to search again unless we move, but I don't see that happening, but my first two years, I've worked in two different districts.

    :sorry: for the novel.
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2008
  4. jw13

    jw13 Groupie

    Feb 13, 2008
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    Mar 13, 2008

    OK...good, well, not that it is good that you feel that way, but that I am not a NUT:eek:. There have a been a couple of postings in my area, and they are not interviewing yet, nor do they have a deadline listed. At my 2nd choice, they have a deadline. So, that's where I got this anxiety of "OMG #2 could be calling before DD." But, from what I understand, this area is fairly competitive, so who knows what may come of this. But this waiting and watching these postings for jobs just sit there is just killing me.

    P.S. I hear you about seeing the postings for interviews. Everytime my phone rings my heart races thinking it might be THE call, but no. To the Interview gods...will you please send interviews to JW13 & SMG!!!!
  5. jw13

    jw13 Groupie

    Feb 13, 2008
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    Mar 13, 2008

    How is everyone elses jobsearch going today? Any positive news?
  6. am elisheva

    am elisheva Rookie

    Mar 6, 2008
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    Mar 13, 2008

    just starting mine, i've got four choices of districts based on location and just submitted my application for my top choice since their job fair is two weeks away.

    feeling...? worried at best, i hate job hunting, esp this early in my career. (fyi: first year teacher)
  7. lemonhead

    lemonhead Aficionado

    Feb 14, 2007
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    Mar 13, 2008

    Oh my gosh that is so me! I feel like I need to start buying things, planning my room and then I am like "What in the world will I do if I don't get a job?" I seriously can not afford to just sub another year.

    I have had two more interviews this week that I did not post on here. :whistle: They were team interviews, not with the principal, at the same school (but a different school from my original interview). I felt they went great but who knows? I am trying not to get all hyped up and stressed about it......ummm today anyway.

    If the first week of April comes and goes and I don't have a job, you will see one Lemonhead in total panic mode! :crosseyed :help:
  8. smalltowngal

    smalltowngal Multitudinous

    Jan 2, 2007
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    Mar 13, 2008

    At least your getting interviews!!
  9. JaimeMarie

    JaimeMarie Moderator

    Jul 13, 2005
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    Mar 13, 2008

    My dream job was at a school my bf's mom works at. They didn't know when they would interview so I took a job at the school I am at. I like the school alot. So sometimes it works out ok.
  10. jw13

    jw13 Groupie

    Feb 13, 2008
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    Mar 13, 2008

    I get really excited. My DH, teacher friends, family all boost me up. They tell me all the things that are reasons why I will get hired lickety split. I KNOW I am a good teacher. I am seeing positions opening up in my DD. I start dreaming of what my classroom will look like in the fall, driving 5min. to work, having my boys go to school in this district.

    Then, I sit and wait, no phone calls yet, hear about it being a "competitive district." That dream in bubble over my head "POP".

    I am hoping that as this thread goes on, our frustrations will turn to our dream reality.
  11. JaimeMarie

    JaimeMarie Moderator

    Jul 13, 2005
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    Mar 13, 2008

    Hey ya'll don't feel bad. I haven't even been able to apply any where yet! There isn't any postings.
  12. jw13

    jw13 Groupie

    Feb 13, 2008
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    Mar 13, 2008

    When are your school districts anticipating posting for next year?
  13. Kangaroo22

    Kangaroo22 Virtuoso

    Jan 13, 2008
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    Mar 13, 2008

    I've just basically started sending out applications this week and it's nerve wrecking. All I do is think about how any little thing can put your application in the reject pile. Hopefully, I'll start getting interviews, but most places around here don't do too much interviewing until at least next month. So I know I have to just play the waiting game and send out more and more applications progressively farther and farther away from where I live now.
  14. sadundercover

    sadundercover Companion

    Oct 4, 2007
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    Mar 13, 2008

    Well, there are no teaching jobs here at all, so I am looking into other fields and having NO luck.

    Politics rule and it is really ridiculous.

    You have to remind yourself that if you are doing all you can, that is all you can do. Otherwise you start to feel like you are to blame.

    I have had my resume and cover proofed and proofed again (3 admins commented on how good it was and on my interviewing), I have great references, honors, a snazzy brochure, yet nothing. I apply up to 45 minutes away. So, I can't see what else I can do. Maybe take a billboard out or go on tv.....:blush:

    Hang in there.....everyone!
  15. jw13

    jw13 Groupie

    Feb 13, 2008
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    Mar 13, 2008

    I was thinking of a sandwich board in front of the school or converting religion to go to church with board members. Would that come across a little desperate or stalkerish?:D
  16. Teachling

    Teachling Groupie

    Mar 4, 2008
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    Mar 13, 2008

    I apologize for my dumbness but other than due diligence what does "dd" stand for? Also, SMG & some others that I think are from the Texas area, I'm wondering what's your certification in? I'm seeing lots of posting in various districts in the DFW at least. I'm a bit frustrated because while I qualify to have a probationary certification, I am definitely not ready to apply. I envision being asked about "how would intro X topic when you have a few students that are struggling" kind of question & just given them a blank stare. I'm developing an anxiety attack, I guess. I kicked myself for not having done volunteer stuff last year when I started the process & decided to put it on hold for a year.

    Sorry for the drama.
  17. Teachling

    Teachling Groupie

    Mar 4, 2008
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    Mar 13, 2008

    You know that there was actually someone who did that not too long ago. They actually paid for a billboard & advertise as a job seeker. I don't remember the details but he was interviewed & said that he got lots of offers. I know it's kind of extreme. Frankly I don't think I would have the nerve but sometimes you wonder. Like I often hear with great risk can come great rewards or desperate times require desperate measures. Well, I think you know what I mean. ;)
  18. Peachyness

    Peachyness Virtuoso

    Jul 14, 2006
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    Mar 13, 2008

    I've been feeling the exact same way. In the beginning, I was devasted after what happened with my job. Then, I felt optimistic that things will work out. Then I found out that two districts in my county, that I know of, have pink slipped a ton of their teachers (BTW why couldn't I have just been pink slipped grrrrr). So, now I'm feeling like I have a TON of competition with other similiar experienced teachers. Bleh....
  19. JaimeMarie

    JaimeMarie Moderator

    Jul 13, 2005
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    Mar 13, 2008

    One principal emailed me back today and said in May after budgets are determined.
  20. jw13

    jw13 Groupie

    Feb 13, 2008
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    Mar 13, 2008

    Well I hope that gives you a little hope. :)
  21. jw13

    jw13 Groupie

    Feb 13, 2008
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    Mar 13, 2008

    That says something great about you having had several interviews. I just hope they offer you a job too.
  22. smalltowngal

    smalltowngal Multitudinous

    Jan 2, 2007
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    Mar 13, 2008

    Teachling, I have an EC-4 Generalist certification and added on 4-8 English/Reading/Social Studies and EC-4 ESL. I added the 4-8 to make myself more marketable. Even though I live near Ft Worth, the district is still too far away.

    Jessica, I know I've seen a ton of postings for next year (only 2 for my certification). I'm hoping to hear something by next month.

    jw, how would they know? Unless you approached them at church with your resume and cover letter. :p I know there's a couple of teachers that go to my church, but its just so big that I can't exactly track them down.
  23. Mrs.Bran

    Mrs.Bran Comrade

    Mar 22, 2007
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    Mar 13, 2008

    It is way too early to panic. I just went back to teaching this year after staying home with my kids for 9 years. I started my job search at this time last year and drove myself crazy! I ended up getting hired on Aug. 11, 4 days before school started. It is true, lots of people get hired at the last minute. At my school they hired 3 of us on the same day. They didn't know their true numbers until then.
    My best advice is to find out where the openings are, and deliver your packet. I had no connections at the school where I now work, but meeting the secretaries and being nice got me in the door. The principal was not there that day, but I got called the next day for an interview.:2cents:
  24. Kangaroo22

    Kangaroo22 Virtuoso

    Jan 13, 2008
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    Mar 14, 2008

    I think after April 1st there will be a lot more postings, because that's when all of the teachers around here have to decide to renew for next year by and after that is when some districts start their interviews, but most don't do that even until the end of the school year (which isn't until the end of June around here) or during the summer, so I just have to remain patient and remember that there is a lot of time left.
  25. lemonhead

    lemonhead Aficionado

    Feb 14, 2007
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    Mar 14, 2008

    The Good: Well I know that by me contracts came out this week for teachers to sign for next year. So that makes me happy, at least things are moving. Also, in district transfer requests are due today.

    The Bad: I just checked the website for my most favored district and there are no jobs listed...even with more schools opening up. I am not worried yet because of what I just sited in "the good".
  26. smalltowngal

    smalltowngal Multitudinous

    Jan 2, 2007
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    Mar 14, 2008

    I know that districts around here sent their contracts out at the beginning of the month and they're due by the end of the month so by April there should be a lot more postings. I'm just not a very patient waiter.
  27. sadundercover

    sadundercover Companion

    Oct 4, 2007
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    Mar 14, 2008

    Go for it!:) I think it is creative.....

    I think maybe I will call all the other people I know who are not working and see if we can get a group discount on a billboard. We could be smiling at the cars on the expressway.:haha:

    I got one teaching interview last year from a cold resume, so I guess they can work.
  28. Teachling

    Teachling Groupie

    Mar 4, 2008
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    Mar 14, 2008

    It would be an interesting experiment. The thing is that you would have to include a hotline dedicated to all the calls you will be getting.

    Would go a long way towards demonstrating creativity & assertiveness for sure.
  29. Teachling

    Teachling Groupie

    Mar 4, 2008
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    Mar 14, 2008

  30. smalltowngal

    smalltowngal Multitudinous

    Jan 2, 2007
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    Mar 14, 2008

    Keller is a bit far for me to drive...but I just found out that a district not too far from me is opening up a new elementary school so I went ahead and applied! I've applied before with no luck, but hopefully this time around will be my lucky time!
  31. Teachling

    Teachling Groupie

    Mar 4, 2008
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    Mar 14, 2008

    Sounds like you got all your bases cover. With all your efforts & certifications you have, you will likely get snatch up real soon. I was filling out some form today for a background check & notice that it mention that there's a shortage of EC 4-8. I'm not sure if it was just for the district or in general since it was not a job application form.
  32. smalltowngal

    smalltowngal Multitudinous

    Jan 2, 2007
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    Mar 14, 2008

    I'm sure the shortage is in math and science. I hope to have a job for next year and I hope to hear something real soon! See? Today is a good day for me, at least right now. I'm confident in in a few hours that might change.
  33. Learner4Life

    Learner4Life Cohort

    Sep 19, 2007
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    Mar 14, 2008

    I think I have a lot better of an attitude about applying this year. Last year at this time I was working full time in retail and I absolutely HATED everything about it. My self confidence dropped SO LOW and I got really depressed because I wasn't working in my field!
    This year, however, I know that I can come back to the job I'm in, even though I'm a para, and be totally happy. As a matter of fact, if this job paid better, I would stay MUCH longer.

    There's only been one job opening in the districts I've been looking at so far. I'm sure though, once budgets are made and enrolment is figured out, the postings will start FLYIN!
  34. Briana008

    Briana008 Companion

    Jun 28, 2007
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    Mar 14, 2008

    Ok, jw, here's my "good day" news. I got a job offer this afternoon! Yay! However, it is NOT in my first choice school--I won't even interview there until Monday.

    I told the P that I had another interview with a school closer to home. He was understanding and told me that I could give him my decision after the interview. He can't make his recommendation to the board any earlier than the following Tuesday anyway.

    So now I'm going to see how this interview goes on Monday, but I'm wondering if I should mention the fact that I have already received an offer? Would that make them act a little more quickly, or would it hurt my chances? Argh--I just wish they would have interviewed me at the beginning of the week like they were originally going to! (This is the school that cancelled because I don't have my certificate yet, for those of you following the other thread.)

    Any thoughts?

  35. smalltowngal

    smalltowngal Multitudinous

    Jan 2, 2007
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    Mar 14, 2008

    Wow, Briana, how exciting! I'm not sure what I would tell them in the interview come Monday. Maybe at the end of the interview when they ask if you have any questions, make the last question something about when they expect to make a decision as you already have an offer, but will wait to here from them before accepting.
  36. jw13

    jw13 Groupie

    Feb 13, 2008
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    Mar 14, 2008

    Brianna...CONGRATULATIONS! Though it seems the job market is tough, it is not impossible. I agree with STG. At the end of the interview explain your job offer and ask when they expect to make a decision. This will move them along...either they will want you or not.:)
  37. Kangaroo22

    Kangaroo22 Virtuoso

    Jan 13, 2008
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    Mar 14, 2008

    Congratulations on the job offer! I agree with STG and jw13 that you should tell them about the other job offer at the end of the interview and they should let you know quicker whether or not you will get the job.
  38. lemonhead

    lemonhead Aficionado

    Feb 14, 2007
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    Mar 14, 2008


    Your interview on Monday is at the school where you earned back the interview and the one where you could possibly teach the oceanography course correct?

    Either way you need to tell them. I feel like you are a great catch and that you are on a rolll! You took charge and got your lost interview back and you nailed the interview you had today. You need to give it all you have and do what you can to get your dream job.

    At the end of the interview let them know you have an offer on the table and tell them where so they know you are truthful and then tell them that the oceanography job at their school is where your heart is.

    I am so impressed! This is awesome news!

  39. Briana008

    Briana008 Companion

    Jun 28, 2007
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    Mar 14, 2008

    Lemon, yes the upcoming interview is with the school where I could teach oceanography. I actually saw the principal tonight when I went to the school's variety show (my brother was in one of the bands--they actually placed second :up:). He remembered me and said that they hadn't made any decisions about the job yet. He was pleased when I told him I will be coming in on Monday for an interview with the AP and science dept. head.

    Thanks everyone for your input, it helps a lot! :hugs:

  40. funeoz

    funeoz Comrade

    Aug 4, 2006
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    Mar 14, 2008

    I would be completely honest with them. Tell them that they are your number one choice, but that you have another great opportunity waiting for you. Ask them when the earliest they will know is and politely ask them if they can let you know at that earliest moment or tell them you have to let the other principal know that afternoon and if there is a chance they might choose you, then you would like to turn them down. Tell them you understand they can't possibly make a decision that day (even though...of course, they can), but that you might be able to hold off the other principal for another day.

    When I was at the school I wanted to work for and I was anticipating an offer within the next day or so, I just asked if they would mind if I called them to find out their status if I were offered another position. They eagerly said, "Yes, please do" and then called me less than an hour later to offer me the job. I think they might have held off a little longer had I not said that.
  41. funeoz

    funeoz Comrade

    Aug 4, 2006
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    Mar 14, 2008

    Did anyone answer this yet?

    I was wondering the same thing for the longest time. Then it dawned on me...or I think it did...I'm pretty sure it stands for dream district.

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