I am worried because it has already hit July the date that most districts have their budget in. I was offered an early offer of employment and guaranteed full time benefits and salary. However, I have not gotten a job as of yet. I am worried. I've had five or so interviews rejected from all. All of my friends from my cohort have a job already, most within May. All of the interviews and I thought I would have a job by now. Also, I got an email a week or so ago telling me that I would be put in the districts system with an email and all. I will also need to do a background check, drug and TB test. These things are for when you have a real job right? My question being should I be worried or relax since I received an early offer of employment. Thanks!!
I'm confused... How did you get an offer but also don't have a job? Is this a big district that has agreed to hire you but just hasn't placed you in a school yet? If so, I would think the fact that they've hired you and are giving you email, plus want to you do all the background info stuff, probably means that you don't need to worry.
Will the district by chance have a new hire fair? When I first started, I was hired by the district, but did not have a placement until the new hire fair. At the fair, I interviewed with principals to secure a work site. Teacher who were not hired at the fair were place by the district.
It sounds like you need to make a phone call to HR to see what this means. Did you sign any paperwork when you received the offer of employment?
Sounds like they issued you a Letter of Intent to Hire. We provide those when we meet someone stellar (usually around April/May) who we don't want to lose to another district. This is the time of year when the district office is still trying to figure out which schools need a teacher. I'm sure they're still crunching and finalizing numbers. I'd contact HR to find out when you'll be notified about your teaching assignment. Make it a positive call, though! Let 'em know how excited you are to get started!
Thanks YoungTeacherGuy! I started the process of tests and I had a demo lesson today, there is one more person they are looking at, I will hear by Friday.
For other people who are still looking, remember that there is usually at least one more wave of hiring when those who are sitting on offers from this past month make the move.
I am in a similar situation. I graduated in May, and I'm still looking for my first job. I've had a number of interviews with no offers yet. However, I'm still interviewing. I have one tomorrow, and I'm in the interview process for an online school in my state. Tomorrow, I plan to start calling the schools I have applied to and ask if they still have the openings I've applied for. A local teacher friend tells me this is appropriate. My teacher friends have assured me that it is common for new teachers to be hired closer to school starting as the experienced teachers are hired first. I'm trying to hold on to that thought. School starts here in just over a month, and I'm still convinced (mostly) that I'll have a job by then. I'm sure you will as well! Keep applying, and hang in there!