I'm starting to wonder.... next year I want to be at my school for various reasons, but after that, I don't know. I'm getting bored and antsy. I like to move around, live different places and start new things. Here are my thoughts: I am only a few credits and a student teaching quarter from having a 5-12 language arts certification. I'd love to be a HS or MS English teacher.... I would really, really love that. I could go back to school to get a degree in something else (educational philosophy is interesting, but maybe leadership to be a principal) I could travel and teach overseas or do the children's programs on a cruise ship (I heard they pay well!) I could also be a teacher/tutor for children who are actors or on some sort of tour. My friend toured w/ a b-way show last year that had children in it and they had a teacher that went along with them all across the country I could move from private to public school and take on that adventure- ha ha... but I'd be curious if some of the curriculum and things I have worked on w/ my class of 13-15 students would be as successful with 22-27 students and would like to give it a shot. Is this burn out??? I've been thinking of it a lot lately.
I have been getting antzy lately also. I would have to be absolutely POSTIVE that I had something else before I would even consider quitting, but I just don't want to teach sixth grade for the rest of my life! I keep thinking grad school, or teaching while taking classes, I would really like to explore administration, but I'm just not sure. I don't know what I would do if I put that extra burden of financing school on my family and then couldn't find a job That is interesting about the cruise ship thing! I think that would rock, if I didn't have family here. Maybe there's something to be said about schools that have mandatory grade switching every few years...that would shake things up a bit!
I don't know if that is burn out exactly. Burn out is when you are always on edge and frustrated because of (admin problems/discipline problems/never feels like you are getting anywhere/and general stress that never seems to go away). Basically you are just ready to throw in the towel and get as far away as possible. I was so there before break. This will be an interesting semester.
I agree with runs w/scissors. I'm there, too. I went in today to get things ready and instead of being excited I almost cried about having to go back tomorrow. I've never felt this way before. This is definitely burn out. Yours sounds more like you are in a rut.
Wow, I must be confusing my threads. I could have sworn Jem said you and she were starting a new school together next fall. http://forums.atozteacherstuff.com/showthread.php?t=76705&page=4 (post 38). Is there another Miss Froggy?
Burn out is when you start hating the kids, hating the people you work with, not wanting (not doing) to do your job, hanging out in the halls way after the bell rings and talking forever to the custodian. You might be just restless and there's nothing wrong with that. Former classroom teachers make awesome administrators. You're single, young, go for some adventure while you can. After you get married and settled in, it's hard to satisfy that "itch" for adventure. Moving from private to public school would be an adventure for sure.
Wow, RainStorm. You're really stuck on that. Are you trying to make a point? People have ideas, people work on ideas, people are not held to their ideas. Yes, we've been working on it. But it's in the beginning stages, and Miss Froggy is free to do whatever she wants. If it happens, it happens. Could we let it go, please? I think your ideas are great, Miss Froggy. If I had the flexibility to move, I would consider a lot of those ideas. Especially the stage/cruise ship ideas.
Yep, I totally agree with runsw/scissors. Burnt out is exactly how she described. Been there! Yet, I keep pushing forward, knowing that teaching really is my passion, and I just have to keep reinventing myself with new ideas.
I wouldn't call this burn-out. This sounds like just wanting to get out and do something different in education before you get stuck in a rut.
I would love love LOVE that! My dream job would be to teach the children of my favorite band. Between the 3 members they have 7 kids, and they homeschool all of them. I would love for them to hire me! :lol:
I did this last year before taking a full-time teaching position. I didn't tour, but I worked on commercials and independent films. Believe it or not, there's this whole hierarchy of studio teachers in the film/tv world. It's a cool job, but it takes years and years to move up the ranks enough to have steady work or feel like you're with the same kids for long enough to actually be teaching. Most of the time you work with day-players and are more of a tutor than teacher. Most of your day on set is spent dealing with and enforcing child labor and safety laws rather than education. If you want more info on it though - PM me and I'd love to share! I might go back to it eventually; I just needed a more steady job at this point in my life.
Well, it's good to know there are people who have done these other things. I don't imagine I'll be making a change this year or the next, or maybe even the one after that, but I do like the idea of thinking ahead. As for Jem's school- that stuff is pie in the sky but it would be cool if she was able to make it happen. She has a lot of vision.