I'm at my wits end with some of my students. On almost any assignment, test, or project I give at least 2 students forget to put their names on the paper. I've been subtracting 1 point from the assignment, hoping that would get the point across. However, it hasn't. So I told all my students that from now on if they turn in something without their name on it I'm going to throw it away and they will have to re-do the assignment at home and bring it back the very next day.
When we handed something in... we were given a time limit to claim the work don't remember how long & then it went in the circular file (the trash can)...the people with the missing assignments got 0!!! I did that even when I taught first we'd pass back papers or whatever & I'd say here's a couple without names. They'd have about 5 mins to come look if not they all knew the papers went in the circular file...they'd even say it with me!!!
Yeah, I told them that if they don't turn in the re-do assignment the next day they will get a 0. You think by the time they hit 4th grade they would get it... Oy.
Since it hasn't hit in middle school - even though I ask the same old tired question - "What is the first thing we do?' I would not hold out much hope for 4th. LOL
hmmm... I've done this when I taught KINDERGARTEN and I still do this in fifth, if there is no name, then into the trash it goes. That teaches them the first time!
Yes. It is too much for them to put their names on papers. I was in a fourth grade today, and after I told them to put the heading on the paper, I walked around and half didn't do it. I told them I would not accept their work. It seems like handwriting is just too much to ask.
I have my second graders write their name 50 times, each time they forget, this has helped them a lot.
Students (some) truly believe that if they don't CLAIM it with a name on it, it won't count against them if they get everything wrong. I know it's not logical but....maybe show them mathematically how grades are averaged?? no name is a zero and a zero gets calculated into your average which hurts you MORE than getting a few problems/questions wrong. Have them do some example averaging with a set of grades. Have them keep track of and average their own grades. They can do that in fourth grade if we show them how ...model...guided practice.
My philosophy is GARBAGE IN- GARBAGE OUT If you can't follow directions and you give me garbage, guess where it will end up. Case Closed. I'm mean.
I would love to try this, but I know I have a few parents who would hassle me and I haven't decided if this is a big enough battle to fall on my sword.
Yes. I have some who forget to put their names. Whenever I give an assignment the first thing I always say is "Put your name and date." I pause while I wait for them to do it. Then I'll say "By now you should have your name and date at the top." After going over the directions, I will say "When you are finished your work, make sure your name and date is at the top and put it in the class work basket." Even after telling them all those times to put their name and date, some of them still forget. I'm usually able to catch it sometimes by walking around and I will remind them AGAIN to put their name and date. I've done the "take points off" thing but it doesn't seem to matter. I'm going to make them spend time off their recess "practicing" to write their name since it seems so difficult. 5 minutes for first quarter, 10 for second, etc.
Yesterday I told them my new policy of, "If you don't write your name, it goes in the trash and you re-do it." And of course I have a little boy raise his hand and say, "What if you don't put your name on the re-do assignment." I was so flabbergasted! I said, "It will be an automatic zero! I'm not doing this song and dance with you." Sometimes they just kill me...
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. That kid was being a smart alec when he asked that. Man, oh man... I've had a problem this year as well... and there's only a very short time I give the students to claim their work before banishing the paper from existence.
Kids can be such smart a$$es some times. I can be very sarcastic and I know my kids well (I've taught them since first grade) so I probably would have responded with something like "Well, I'm sorry that you are in the fourth grade but still seem unable to write your own name. I think the pre-k classes are working on writing names this week. Maybe at recess I'll send you down there and you can practice name writing with them." Suddenly they'll remember to put their names then! I know some teachers might think that's mean and embarassing them, but like I said, I know my kids. We'd have a laugh over it and move on.
Putting the name on the paper takes to much time - after a long assignment why would they want credit for it!!! :lol:
The funny thing is, he wasn't trying to be smart. He was being serious. Go figure. They had problems walking in a line (no talking, walking behind one another...). So I said we would go down to first grade and learn how to walk in a line with the first graders. They've been walking much better in the hallway. Whenever they start to get out of control I just remind them about visiting the first graders, and it gets them back into shape.