Hello! When I found this forum I read it from beginning to end! I thought the collaboration of ideas and experiences was priceless! I actually went on and interview today and was asked this question: What do you know about the Gradual Release Program? Tell me about it. This threw me for a loop. I know I bombed the interview but what made things worse is that I don’t feel like I had their attention. My interviewers were the Principal, Vice Prin, and another teacher. No one really made eye contact with me except the other teacher. This made me feel like they already had someone in mind. Has anyone else ever felt that way?
Hi, Good ideal, pls try to keep posting. I like this topic very much and I will digged this one. Tks again.
Thank you If you want to get more materials that related to this topic, you can visit: typicalinterviewquestions.info/safety-supervisor-interview-questions/ Best regards.
Note cards from txteach2b I know this is an old post however I just found this forum and would really love the note cards. If possible could you please email me the note cards to me? Thanks!
Note cards Would love them! I can't PM you for some reason. Could you please send them to me!! Thanks!
How do you manage your time and space in your class? I was asked this question during the interview. But I think I did not answer that well.
Nervous! I have an interview tomorrow at a middle school for and ELL position. I really want the job, but I have all elementary experience. What advice can you give me to ace this interview? What sort of questions can I expect?
I could really use some help answering these application questions. Thanks How has your understanding of diversity shaped your teaching, counseling or administrative practice? How have you used student data to modify/change or inform your practice?
Post YOUR thoughts on these and we'll help polish them up...the hiring committee wants YOUR answer, not ours.
Note Cards & Sample Answers If anyone still has the sample answers and note cards I would really appreciate them. Please help!
Questions The most recent interview I went on was a bit different than anything I had ever gone through before. They used a "standardized interview process" For every answer I gave, I was scored by the principal(s) on a rubric. I was also recorded the whole time. They didn't offer any conversation, 20 questions, and they couldn't elaborate on the questions if I needed something clarified. I must have done okay because I was offered a job today!! Here are a few of the questions that I remember: How do you provide feedback? What would you do if you caught a student cheating? A student is crying in the middle of a lesson, what do you do? How do you want your students to view you? How do you motivate an unmotivated student? Students today are lazy and unmotivated and don't want to learn? Do you agree with this statement? Do you want parents to like what you're doing in the classroom? How do you promote a good attitude about learning? A student in your classroom is an average learner - but his parents feel that he is a gifted learner. What would you tell them? How do you plan a unit? How do you plan a lesson?
You are a marketing manager and our company needs a change in our promotional program, what strategies do you adopt? can you please answer