Hang in thereHoosier82! The Pearson Indiana teacher cert exams are stupid flawed. The Indiana DOE even admitted so but refuse to do anything about it. Some of these have pass rates as low as 15% (and this includes those who have repeated it over and over again). Although I am not familiar with the specific exam you mention, My experience is that each of the individual subject area subtests that I have taken and passed are in depth pedagogical questions even though we also must take and pass the 100 Pedagogy exam. I think the whole thing is designed to make money for Pearson. Does anyone know if the State of Indiana gets a commission from Pearson?? Makes me wonder. And don’t listen to FutureMathProf. Although it is conceivable that Pearson could sue someone if they share content or questions, I think that is highly unlikely. (BTW, futuremathprof can be a ninny who often makes condescending posts about his/her brilliance and superiority). March on!! Hang in
I don’t claim or have claimed to ever be brilliant. Show me the quotation where I said or hinted at that. I don’t claim to be superior either. Again, show me evidence of that. I think you forget the purpose of a public forum. It is not only to have lively conversations with other posters about whatever, but to also have informal debates with people who share competing or similar ideas. It IS true that I make or have made the claim that private schools are better than public schools in certain instances, but I have conceded, too, that they are worse in certain instances, also. For example, I don’t support charter schools or diploma mills. At. All. With that said, I NEVER said that I was brilliant or better than anyone. And nice job with the ad hominem attacks. That is certainly an excellent way to win an argument.
Well I looked at 240tutoring only thing is that they only have the generalist study guides and I'm looking for study material for the early pedagogy, there is no study guide for on the Pearson site! If anyone has any tips please do tell! Thank you in advance!
Obtaining relevant study material is the biggest challenge. Those Mometrix books are useless. Most find that the Pedagogy is the most straightforward, but the subtests are very hard. The subtests are more pedagogy questions with virtually zero content area questions. My advice: take them early and often! Good luck.
I have at last passed all the crazy Pearson subtests and am now licensed in Indiana. However, I am so disgusted with Indiana DOE for having 3 years to fix the crisis and doing nothing that I am taking my Indiana credentials and going east to Ohio, as Ohio has reciprocity with Indiana. I have lived my whole life in Indiana, but I have accepted a 4th grade teacher position with inclusion. Can’t wait to get started and say “good-bye Indiana” and teach in a state where I am appreciated, valued, and paid over the poverty level (just barely). Maybe I will return to Indiana in a few years when the teacher shortage crisis reaches its peak and they have few new teachers in the pipeline and are forced to pay a premium for a 3 year experienced teacher. Good Luck everyone! Signed, Angry and Bitter former Hoosier.
That’s not right. You’ve worked hard and should be paid a fair rate. I’m so sick of red states underpaying teachers, which is why I keep saying that teachers from those places should move to a blue state. However, that is not feasible and untenable. I hope that teachers in Ohio get raises like in other states where teachers have been striking...
Ave starting teacher salary in Indiana and Ohio are the same ($35k), which is 10% below the national average. With a Masters and several years some experience, I can get to the average of around $50k. I have sorority sisters who are making $1200/week in a summer internship between their junior and senior years!
This upcoming year will be my third and final year on an emergency license... I am going to take the middle school social studies test again in a couple of weeks.....I have taken in 4 times already and my highest score is a 209 and I need a 220 so frustrating. It saddens me these tests are defining us as teacher. In Indiana we always say don't let the test define the student, yet we are letting tests define our teachers! Any study material for middle school SS would be appreciated. I have already tried tutor website it did not get me over the 220 hump to pass. I am 600 dollars into this test with study material etc. and nothing to show for it.
I know this is terribly distressing. Middle School SS is one of the lowest pass rates. My advice is to take it and keep taking it every 30 days due to the 30 day waiting period on retakes. The only other suggestion i can think of is to pay to take another state’s SS exam like Ohio or Missouri on Pennsylvania. This won’t count but it could give you practice. Maybe also check for study material from those states because I am convinced there is absolutely nothing in Indiana that will prepare you for these exams. These are still too new to Indiana and no one has created anything of use since the Praxis II. Don’t give up!
I wonder if the historical perspectives one that I first took is easier than the middle school exam? Can you use that for the middle school license? I took that one and passed fine. But, I am on my fourth middle school math try. I just flunked again. I'm waiting on my results. I just can't get all of the math done in time! I do so well at the beginning and then it all goes to crap by the end. So frustrating. So, if the historical perspectives one is one that you can sub in, contact me and I can give you some tips. I understand the giving up, I'm just about there!
I don’t know anything about the middle school exams, but all of these exams are way harder than they need to be - thanks to Dr Tony BENNETT - the former State Superintendent of Public Instruction for the State of Indiana. Since then, the helpless bureaucrat parasites in IDOE have been paralyzed to make a decision to fix the problem while we sit and watch the brain drain from Indiana. Make no mistake, INDIANA SUCKS. Indiana is in the bottom third of teacher pay scales and they’ve declared war on teachers. My advice: do as I did, study hard and repeat the exam every 30 days. Pass it and get out of Indiana as fast as you can drive or run.
Do you have any help or ideas where to get help passing the elementary math exam I’ve taken it seven times and spent lots of money but still not passing. My best score was 215
Hello! So here I am going on my 4th. try with Math! These past months have revolved around nothing but Math. Literally, my life has been working on Math problems at work, at home, and in between parenting a five year old. Following a failed exam I’ve walked out 3 times now feeling completely stupid and worthless. I’m going to be honest, 240 tutoring and Mometrix study guides have been recommended to me sooo many times!!! They are NOT the answer!!! They are confusing, contain too much (or too little) of info, & expensive! Flash cards do not teach you Math! I’ve been using IXL Math. It’s helped me out a little bit. & when I say a little bit, like 178 exam score bit.. which is horrible. My frustration does not stop there! After speaking with a rep down in Indianapolis I was emailed “core content exam help.” Basically I was given word for word content from the NESINC website. Supposedly there are webinars to help you pass this test, but when I checked this out on the NESINC website the last one was given back in 2016 lol lol I’ve complained to sooo many people with zero to show for it. I keep getting told that I can apply for an emergency license. No, it’s not that easy. I work for an excellent school corporation and they won’t under and circumstances grant me an emergency license. There is literally zero help out there for those who struggle on these tests. As mentioned earlier, I’ve taken this test 4 times now and while it is titled elementary education, the math I encountered has extended so far as to advanced high school math. I just question why these tests are made this way? Seriously, why are they soo ridiculous? These tests have made me feel stupid, worthless, and have created much anxiety for me. 4 times now, I’ve gotten into my car following this horrible exam and have cried my eyes out feeling soo dumb! Who has any future educators best interest here?? I’m going to say it...I’m a great teacher. I was raved about during my student teaching assignment, fulfilled a 1 semester maternity leave successfully, and graduated my program with a 4.0! I have zero to show for my education and experience. Once again, who has my best interest at hand? 1 test is defining me as an educator and I’m sick and tired of it! We shouldn’t have to move across the freaking USA just to teach, we shouldn’t have to fork out thousands of dollars to pass an exam that is obviously nothing more than a money maker for Pearson! There has to be something or someone out there to help!!! As I approach yet another school year as anything but an educator, I am solely relying on the hope that someone out there will have an answer for me.
Please do NOT share actual specific test questions here. I'd hate to see anyone's passing scores revoked.
Is there any advice you can give for the MSM test? I took the practice and ran outa time. Ended up guessing on a few and got about 70% correct. Am scheduled to take the exam Friday but don’t know if I should push it back.