Well, like I predicted, I've cried while driving home from school already. It's not behavior issues... I have great kids, and I've done so much research on class management over the past two years (in addition to day to day subbing). It's not really the material either... I mean, there's A LOT, but I'm not having a hard time teaching it. The problem is-- that every time I think I'm finally ahead, something sets me back three steps. I mean, I was hired a week before school, and my classroom was in shambles. I worked like crazy to set it up, and to be honest, it's STILL not the way I want it (though I have come to terms with this). The other thing is that I like to be organized, and I consistently feel disorganized! There are papers all over my desks... there are forms I need to chase parents down for... there are meetings, and orientations, and tons of other things to worry about every single day! I mean, I wake up at 6:00, get to school at 7:00 (2 hours before school starts), I work through my prep AND lunch, and I don't leave school usually until 5 or even 6:15 (2 to 3 hours after the kids leave). Then I come home, have dinner, and work some MORE until I crash at about 11. I wake up, and do it again. Now, please don't be mistaken. I am not complaining (at least, it's not my intention to complain). I knew that teaching would make me extremely busy... I suppose that I just didn't expect that I'd have so much paperwork to deal with. I mean, that's the thing that they do not tell you about in college. That instead of worrying about plans, materials, and discipline- you're first consumed by the needs of secretaries, and interventionists, and AAP teachers, and nurses, and ESL teachers, and curriculum directors, and art/gym/music/computer teachers, and the list goes on and on! They're breathing down you neck for every kind of form you can imagine! And every time I get one set of forms off my hands, another one comes along!!! I'm like- uh, what about the kids? Lol! I always surprise myself when I finish all my daily duties! It's making me crazy. I cannot wait until this month is OVER, and I don't have as much paperwork to deal with... Does anyone else feel this way?
Not trying to discourage you, but I pretty much feel that way every day (not the crying part) and it's my 8th year. Things do get easier, but the demands are always there and you are never D.O.N.E.
If you want to feel better about your day, go find a few of my threads in the elementary ed board. It should make you feel a little better! LOL. But, I really feel the same way. Just when I think I'm almost there, I am worse than I was before I started....
Oh wow, you seriously posted what I was just about to post - title and everything!! The only difference is that I had a day and a half notice for my job, and no room (had to set up a trailer in a day)... I go home at 8:00 most nights, and I feel like I am getting fat, nowhere near organized, and being a neglectful wife, friend and dog-mom. It sucks. What can we do to help ourselves???
I so understand how you feel. I have great kids. My lessons are really coming together. Like you said, it's all the extras that are a problem. I feel like I am in over my head. Every time I finish one set of paperwork, another stack is in my mailbox, or someone is asking if I knew I was supposed to have XX turned in by YY date. Meanwhile, I've never even heard of XX!! AHHH!
It sounds a lot like my first year, except I cried the first 2 months when teachers asked me how it was going... I lived and breathed school. Things got a little better my second year and improved greatly my third year. This year I am at a new school and we need special permission to stay after the principal leaves and that is usually around 4:30 pm. Since she is driving me home, I am leaving school the earliest I have ever! My ride gets me to school at 8 am. I used to get to school for 6:50 am for the latest. Once I get my car I will be arriving earlier though....
See, I take everything home. I leave around 3:30/4:00 (we dismiss at 2:20) and I drive home and work on it there. I just finished about 20 minutes ago. If you add up bathroom breaks, dinner, computer, etc... Maybe 45 minutes were not used working. So almost SIX hours!! Plus the hour at school!
Yes, I feel like I'm spinning plates. A friend gave me great advice. "Don't make your significant other miserable with your unhappiness." To quote "Office Space,"I might not be happy with my job, but I can be happy with my life with you." Something like that. I took that to heart and my relationship and mood has lifted. You'll never be finished. Chip away one stone at a time and don't let teaching define you as a person. We are much more than our occupations. Do what you can, but don't hurt yourself and make your life unenjoyable. There are always other professions and indentured servants are no longer used by the school system in this country. Maybe in North Korea. Take Care, Mr. Schizz of the Lowlands
I totally agree with you about all the paperwork. I feel the same way. I thought I was an organized person, but now I am drowing in papers and I haven't been filing them that well and so I constantly forget to do something. I write it down, but then I forget or lose the place I wrote it down at. I guess to do lists must be my best friend from now on. Sigh.... I know it gets better once I actually figure out what to do.
Count me in too!!! My desk is a mess, and the teacher in my room before...left so much stuff...I still haven't have time to go through it all. Someday...someday....and tonight I had to be there for open house. Do you know how many parents my teammate and I had out of almost 60 children???? FIVE!!!! That's it. I spent all this time preparing for five parents????? OMG!!!!!!!
I am in that heap with everyone else. I have a two week old at home so no sleep. I have the worst principal in the world who never listens to anyone but my stupid team lead who has been using the same lesson plans for the last three years (with the same mistakes and craptacular content). So every week, I have to go back and RE-DO everything that she has sent me to meet the needs of my current students but still do what she wants or else I get fired. I am a 7th and 8th grade coach so I can't start any of that stuff until after 5:3pm (when football practice ends) and get up at 5:30am to be at morning practice at 6am. I have to float to every class and none of the teachers give me the space I need to do a competent job. I teach history and have no maps, or anything..and my cart is a mess. I only have 25 books for all of my kids (100) because I was the last person to be able to get books due to me coaching and they ran out (not getting any more because I am not a TAKS subject). 50 of those kids are inclusion kids who need a book to be successful and I have no aide to help me out (I have one class with 18 special education students, 5 ESL students and two of the smartest kids in the entire school). Last but not least, we can barely pay our bills because at the beginning of last year they said that they would hire my wife. 13 openings later and a "Sorry, but I do not like to hire husband/wife teams" she is staying at home with our 2 week old while I work at Wal Mart on the weekends. Everyday, I just keep telling myself that I will end this school year as teacher and coach of the year and all of this stuff is just an obstacle in my life that I must overcome to be where I want to be one day.
just had to jump on board & offer my sympathies and prayers... i was in tears to my BF almost every night (we're long distance) and then just smiles to all the staff on campus (can't let them know it gets to ya) , but still drowning too... hope things get better for us all!
JustineCase, I just noticed you are in Hawaii- ALOHA! When things get bad, just think you are in Hawaii- I bet you will feel much better.
Take it easy. You are very fortunate to have great kids and such a handle on behavior management. However, this will do you no good if you get yourself sick or eliminate your social life.You must try to set aside some time to enjoy yourself. Maybe you are overdoing the planning. My first couple of years I tended to write too much in my lesson plans. I found I wasn't writing them for myself,but for my supervisor. Are you too hard on yourself,none of us are perfect.Speak to the experienced teachers on your grade on how they handle the paperwork. Maybe they will be willing to share ideas to make your planning easier. It does get easier as the year goes on. The beginning is always the worst part of the school year for me,but unless you find some time to enjoy yourself with other activities you will never get to allow yourself to enjoy being a teacher.
Gosh, I feel EXACTLY like you do...and I don't even have a full time position (though I'm qualified). I'm a long-term sub(from the very start of the year)..and I'm totally burned out & it's only been 2 weeks. I've never even spoken to the ORIGINAL teacher. I guess the extra long hours on sub pay definitely doesn't help. *sigh*... I'm just glad I really still love teaching & working w/ the kids. I guess that's my motivation for working as hard as I do. I can't fail them...
I remember feeling the exact same way. So, the question is, does it get better? And how? Yes ofcourse it gets better! You start expecting these last minute things to turn in, dead lines to keep, meetings to attend, until it is engrained in your teacher mind. I keep a planner, a calendar on my desk, post it's on my computer, and notes on my bulletin, so I can keep track of it all. Sooner or later, you come up with a system that works miracles for you. You said you are a very organized person... and I'm sure all the different things that are on your plate feel over whelming. But instead of looking at everything thing you have to do at once, prioritize your to do list in level of importance, and take it one day at a time. Sooner or later, you will realize: "Oh, i can put off that parent note till tomorrow, this doesn't have to be handed in until monday, that is due today before school is over so I should do it immediately" etc, etc. It gets easier... take a deep breathe, and don't put so much pressure on yourself. Good luck!!