I would like to find a 2nd job but honestly, don't know how I would do it. My husband leaves for work at 8:30pm. I usually don't get home from work until 3:30-4:00. Finding someone to watch Emily would be a concern... gotta have money for a babysitter for Friday nights when Norm goes in early and for Saturdays if he calls ball or any afternoon that he may have a jr. high or middle school game. I really don't know what I could do as a 2nd job. I live in a small town so options are limited.
Could you tutor? 4-6 would be prime tutoring hours, and you could make as much in one hour as 3-4 hours of working a retail job.
Can you provide respite or in home intervention programming for younger children with special needs. Not sure if those kinds of things are done in your area and what kind of training you would need. Weekend respite if you had a child come in to your home would be doable as long as you had somewhere for the child to stay and then both your daughter and this child would get the added benefit of doing things together.